Grazzle the Great is a goblin master Pet Tamer located in Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh, just east of the entrance to Onyxia's Lair. He is surrounded by his three [Onyxian Whelpling] battle pets: Firetooth, Flameclaw, and Blaze.
Defeating him is required to complete the [Taming Kalimdor] and [Taming Azeroth] achievements.
Can ya believe Onyxia just left these sitting around in her egg pit? I'm going to make a fortune!
- Alright, that's enough. Switch!
- I hope a dragon eats you!
- I've been wiped out!
- That's what happens when you go into the whelp pits!
- You think I'm scared of you? I faced Onyxia!
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