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HordeGrimtotem Spying
Start Cliffwatcher Longhorn
End Cliffwatcher Longhorn
Level 28 (Requires 24)
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 230-2300
Reputation Thunder Bluff +250
Rewards Inv shoulder 05 [Desert Shoulders]
or Inv boots 03 [Tundra Boots]
or Inv bracer 02 [Grimtoll Wristguards]
Previous H [25] Pacify The Centaur

In Grimtotem Spying, you are sent to locate three secret notes at the Grimtotem village, Darkcloud Pinnacle.


Locate and retrieve the three Secret Notes in Darkcloud Pinnacle.


<Name>, you have served us well in the past, so I now entrust to you an important mission. The Grimtotem Clan is up to something secretive. Three agents of unknown origin were seen visiting the Grimtotem over the recent weeks. We discovered that separate chests in Darkcloud Pinnacle hold these guarded messages.

<Name>, if you succeed in this dangerous mission, I will reward you in kind.


You will be allowed to choose one of the following:
Inv shoulder 05 [Desert Shoulders] Inv boots 03 [Tundra Boots]
Inv bracer 02 [Grimtoll Wristguards]

You will also receive:


Have you discovered what the Grimtotem are up to?


Great Spirit Totem! This is dire news indeed. I must begin to plan for whatever may come.

<Name>, as promised, here is your reward for your brave service.


Darkcloud Pinnacle entrance

View of the entrance to Darkcloud Pinnacle, as seen from the road and facing east

The notes are located in chests found on Darkcloud Pinnacle in Thousand Needles. To get to Darkcloud Pinnacle, head south down the road from The Great Lift to where it splits. Turn left and walk a few paces, looking to your left. You should see a large blue totem and a path leading up. Follow the path up to reach Darkcloud Pinnacle. The coordinates for the beginning of the path are 31:36.

Once you have reached the top, you must find the three chests. Two are on separate rocks which can only be reached by bridges from the main village rock. The other one is in the main village, in the biggest building. Coordinates are:

Inv scroll 07 [Secret Note #1]: [31.7, 32.6]VZ-Thousand NeedlesBlip
Inv scroll 07 [Secret Note #2]: [33.8, 39.9]VZ-Thousand NeedlesBlip
Inv scroll 07 [Secret Note #3]: [39.3, 41.5]VZ-Thousand NeedlesBlip

Other quests you may want to do along with this one, since they also take place in Darkcloud Pinnacle:


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