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Not to be confused with Grom'gar or Krom'gar.
Orgrim Doomhammer (Orunai Coast)
Orgrim Doomhammer
Main leader None
  Formerly IconSmall OrcGray Female Azuka Bladefury †
IconSmall Doomhammer Orgrim Doomhammer †
Secondary leaders None
  Formerly IconSmall OrcGray Male Overlord Blackhammer †
IconSmall Mag'har Female Admiral Gar'an †
IconSmall Mag'har Male Operator Thogar †
IconSmall Mag'har Female Skylord Tovra †
IconSmall Mag'har Male Commander Vorka †
IconSmall OrcGray Male Commander Gar †
IconSmall OrcGray Male Koramar †
Race(s) OrcOrcMag'har orcMag'har orc Orc
Base of operations Blackrock Foundry, Iron Docks, Grimrail Depot, Iron Siegeworks, Shattrath City, Bladefury's Command, The Path of Glory
Theater of operations Gorgrond, Frostfire Ridge, Talador, Tanaan Jungle, Shadowmoon Valley
Affiliation Iron Horde
Status Dissolved

The Grom'kar are hardened orcs of the various clans of the Iron Horde and some of the best warriors they have to offer. They were led by Orgrim Doomhammer until his death, after which they fell under Azuka Bladefury's authority at Bladefury's Command.

The Grom'kar forces can be found throughout most of Draenor, most notably Gorgrond and Talador as well as in Tanaan Jungle.

They appear to make up the main army of the Iron Horde.

Known members[]

Name Role Status Location
IconSmall Doomhammer Orgrim Doomhammer Former leader of the Grom'kar Deceased Orunai Coast, later Tuurem and Shattrath City, Talador
IconSmall OrcGray Female Azuka Bladefury Last leader of the Grom'kar Deceased Bladefury's Command, Talador
IconSmall Mag'har Female Admiral Gar'an Admiral of the Iron Fleet Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Female Enforcer Sorka Lieutenant of Gar'an Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Female Marak the Blooded Lieutenant of Gar'an Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Male Koramar Captain of Blackhand's Might Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Zoggosh First Mate of Blackhand's Might Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Operator Thogar Overseer of the Grimrail Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Female Flamebender Ka'graz Burning Blade shaman Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Aknor Steelbringer Ka'graz's assistant Alive Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Male Hans'gar Brawler Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Franzok Brawler Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Foreman Feldspar Overseer of the Blast Furnace Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Male Overlord Blackhammer Commander of the Iron Siegeworks Killable Iron Siegeworks, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Male Nitrogg Thundertower Assault Leader Killable Grimrail Depot, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Male Siegemaster Olugar Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Male Siegemaster Rokra Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Pitwarden Gwarnok Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Female Champion Druna Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Male Commander Gar Commander of the Iron Approach Killable Iron Approach, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcGray Female Captain Brak Lieutenant of Commander Gar Killable Grom'kar Gulch, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Fleshrender Nok'gar Warsong warleader Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Female Skylord Tovra Commander of the Grimrail's aerial defenses Killable Grimrail Depot, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Blademaster Bralok Killable Archenon Siegeyard, Talador
IconSmall OrcGray Male Makogg Emberblade Grimrail Enforcer Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Female Ahri'ok Dugru Grimrial Enforcer Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Female Yazheera the Incinerator Killable Archenon Siegeyard, Talador
IconSmall Mag'har Male Uk'urogg Deckhand of Marak the Blooded Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Uktar Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Battle Medic Rogg Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Mag'har Male Gorak Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall Ogron Earthshaker Holar Killable Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge
IconSmall Ogron Kaga the Ironbender Killable Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge
IconSmall Mag'har Female Taskmaster Kullah Lieutenant of Overlord Blackhammer Killable Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge
IconSmall Mag'har Female Ak'ox the Slaughterer Lieutenant of Overlord Blackhammer Killable Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge
IconSmall OrcGray Male Decimator Gak Lieutenant of Overlord Blackhammer Killable Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge
IconSmall Mag'har Male Jaluk the Pacifist Lieutenant of Overlord Blackhammer Killable Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge
IconSmall Mag'har Male Commander Vorka Commander in Shadowmoon Valley Killable Shaz'gul, Shadowmoon Valley, later Defense of Karabor
IconSmall OrcGray Male Arnokk the Burner Lieutenant of Commander Vorka Killable Shaz'gul, Shadowmoon Valley, later Defense of Karabor
IconSmall Mag'har Male Captain Killrath Killable Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley
IconSmall Mag'har Female Ra'ka Bloodspear Killable Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley
IconSmall OrcGray Male Engineer Draxen Killable Draxen's Workshop, Talador
IconSmall OrcGray Female Ra'tok the Hammer Killable Orunai Coast, Talador
IconSmall OrcGray Female Lieutenant Dilka Lieutenant of Orgrim Doomhammer Killable Orunai Coast, Talador
IconSmall OrcGray Male Machinist B'randt Iron Fleet Machinist Killable Shattrath City, Talador
IconSmall Mag'har Male Captain Ironbeard Iron Fleet Captain Killable Ironfist Harbor, Nagrand


