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BossGuard Mol'dar
Image of Guard Mol'dar
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 38 - 62 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gordunni clan
Location Dire Maul North
Status Killable

Guard Mol'dar is an ogre mini-boss found in Dire Maul North.

If you gain the Inv crown 02 [King of the Gordok] buff from completing the Tribute Run, he will become friendly and offer the buff Mol'dar's Moxie: "Overall Stamina increased by 15%." for 2 hours. This now depends on the level of the player, since in Patch 2.1 the following change was made: "Fengus' Ferocity, Mol'dar's Moxie, Inv misc head dragon 01 [Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer], Slip'kik's Savvy and Ability creature poison 05 [Spirit of Zandalar] these buffs will no longer work on targets over level 63."

Dungeon Journal[]

Mol'dar is a zealously loyal guard from the Gordok ogres. He is convinced King Gordok gifted him with a pair of enchanted gauntlets that have enabled him to become his people's arm wrestling champion for six years running. In truth, King Gordok threw the powerful armor away; Mol'dar simply found it first.



  • Ability warrior shieldbash Shield Bash — Guard Mol'dar inflicts Physical damage to a player and interrupts any spell being cast for 3 sec.
  • Ability warrior charge Shield Charge — Guard Mol'dar charges a player, knocking them back and inflicting Physical damage to them.
  • Ability rogue ambush Strike — Guard Mol'dar inflicts Physical damage to a player.
  • Intruder Alert! Important Tank Alert — Guard Mol'dar casts Frenzy and calls for help at 50% health remaining.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy Frenzy — Guard Mol'dar attacks 60% faster for 2 min.


Inv shoulder 26 [Bulky Iron Spaulders] Inv shoulder 15 [Denwatcher's Shoulders]
Inv axe 11 [Hedgecutter] Inv misc cape 02 [Heliotrope Cloak]
Inv bracer 13 [Sublime Wristguards] Inv bracer 19 [Gallant's Wristguards]
Inv jewelry ring 06 [Gordok Nose Ring] Inv misc key 11 [Gordok Shackle Key]
Inv belt 16 [Hyena Hide Belt] Inv gauntlets 13 [Jagged Bone Fist]
Inv bracer 03 [Modest Armguards] Inv sword 04 [Ogre Pocket Knife]
Inv chest cloth 24 [Robe of Combustion] Inv weapon rifle 07 [Unsophisticated Hand Cannon]
Inv misc key 04 [Gordok Inner Door Key]

Patch changes[]

See also[]

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