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NeutralGuess Whose Back
Start Inv shield 18 [Krosh's Back] [65.4, 25.7]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
End Yan [60.6, 33.7]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 129000
Rewards 10g 20s


Bring Inv shield 18 [Krosh's Back] to Yan in New Cifera.


<This dragon turtle's massive shell is rock hard and covered in sharp edges. One of the locals could almost certainly make use of it.


You will receive: 10g 20s


My MY now look at THIS! What a beautiful shell!

You were wise to bring this to me, my friend. It will make a fantastic serving platter.

Please, take this for your troubles.


  • 129000 XP


Up at the top level of the Pools of Purity for N [15-35] Bottletoads and N [15-35] Snap Judgment, keep an eye out for Krosh at the northeast corner of the plateau. He is a level 86 dragon turtle with 368,000 health. Kill him, loot Inv shield 18 [Krosh's Back], then go back to questing before returning to New Cifera to turn in.


Li Li says: Look how big and ugly he is!
Li Li says: It's a good thing my Uncle Chen told me not to get into any fights, otherwise you'd be dead meat, turtle!
Li Li yells: Are you listening to me, turtle?

While out and about in the Gilded Fan, up in the northwest corner is a named crocolisk, Manglemaw. Kill it to spawn his mother, Manglemaw's Mother. She drops an Inv misc monsterscales 05 [Enormous Crocolisk Tail], which starts N [15-35] A Crocolisk Tale.


  1. N [15-35] Clever Ashyo
  2. N [15-35] Ashyo's Vision
  3. N [15-35] The Golden Dream

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