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NeutralGunner Pops
Image of Gunner Pops
Title <The Bloodsail Boomers>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bloodsail Boomers, Bloodsail Buccaneers
Location Wild Shore, Cape of Stranglethorn[39.6, 84.8]VZ-Cape of StranglethornBlip
Status Alive
Pirates' Day
The subject of this article or section is part of Pirates' Day, a seasonal event that lasts one day. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year.

Gunner Pops is a gnomish member of the "Bloodsail Boomers" who appears at the Bloodsail Buccaneers' beach party on the Cape of Stranglethorn's Wild Shore during Pirates' Day. He will occasionally burst into song alongside the other Bloodsail Boomers - Cook Lastwind, First Mate Nereus, and Quartermaster Rowley.


I haven't trained at any of the famous academies, but I've sacked all of 'em!


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  • Cook Lastwind says: So it's cheer up, my lads. Let your hearts never sink!
Cook Lastwind says: While the bonny ship, Crimson Whilr, goes a-fishing for the drink.
Cook Lastwind says: Here's a health to the Red Whale...
Gunner Pops says: Likewise, the Pippy Swan!
Cook Lastwind says: Here's a health to the Battler of Westfall...
First Mate Nereus says: And the Ruby, ship of fame!
Cook Lastwind says: We wear the shirts o' the white...
Quartermaster Rowley says: And the pants o' the red!
Cook Lastwind yells: When we return to Stranglethorn, we'll have sweethearts 'til dead!

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