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AllianceGunpowder Plot
Start Charles Davenport
End Marie Davenport
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards Inv glove cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Grips]
or Inv glove leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Handwraps]
or Inv glove mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Handguards]
or Inv glove plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Gloves]
or Inv pants cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Pantaloons]
or Inv pants leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Britches]
or Inv pant mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Pants]
or Inv pant plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Pants]
23g 40s
Next A [30-60] Milking Goats


Collect 100 Gunpowder from Volatile Rats.


Granny has everyone out running errands trying to put our hamlet back in order.

I don't know what to do. The rats have gotten into our stores, they're eating everything in sight.

I tried prodding one of them to get it to move along, it started foaming at the mouth, then it exploded!

Think I know where all the gunpowder went...

If you recover any, can you please take it back to Marie?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv glove cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Grips] Inv glove leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Handwraps]
Inv glove mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Handguards] Inv glove plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Gloves]
Inv pants cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Pantaloons] Inv pants leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Britches]
Inv pant mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Pants] Inv pant plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Pants]

You will also receive:


Were you able to find any powder, dear?


Thank you so much. I wish Charles was half as studious as you.


Optional breadcrumb in Roaring Highland: A [30-60] Undelivered Package

  1. A [30-60] Be A Dear & A [30-60] Gunpowder Plot
  2. A [30-60] Milking Goats
  3. A [30-60] Cookies and Cream
  4. A [30-60] Cookie Delivery
  5. A [30-60] Wheat A Minute & A [30-60] Mighty Grokkfist

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