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Hall of Explorers

The Hall of Explorers.

The Hall of Explorers, also called the Assembly of Explorers,[1] is a major district in the dwarven capital of Ironforge and the headquarters of the famed Explorers' League. Every archaeological expedition organized by the Alliance is coordinated from here, while it also houses one of the most complete museums of artifacts in the world. The Hall of Explorers is always ready to entertain, educate, and especially inform the agents of the SI:7.[2]

At first glance, the Hall of Explorers seems like a museum with all the interesting artifacts collected by the League. But few people are familiar with the excellent, and unofficial, relationship between SI:7 and the Explorers' League. Which leads the High Explorer Muninn Magellas to hide precious missives in a cache under the carpet at the entrance of the Hall for the agents of SI:7.[3]

The Library is the centerpiece of the Hall of Explorers, and contains the museum as well as a vast collection of tomes and knowledge. The district itself is accessed from the Forlorn Cavern, Great Forge, and Tinker Town from the west, southwest, and south respectively.

Sapphronetta Flivvers worked here as a consultant member.[4]

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Explorers' Guildhall is located here.

In Hearthstone[]

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

In the League of Explorers adventure of Hearthstone, the Hall of Explorers serves as the fourth and final wing of the adventure. Arch-Thief Rafaam has used the Staff of Origination to animate several of the exhibits in the Hall. It houses the following powerful artifacts:


External links[]
