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Inv gauntlets 03

The Hand of Iruxos is a powerful artifact capable of opening demonic portals, as well as closing any portals it previously opened. The Burning Blade cultists of Mannoroc Coven used it to summon a tide of demons into the world.

The Hand of Iruxos was stolen from the Burning Blade and used by an adventurer to close their portals, though the circumstances differ between Classic and retail. In Classic, Taiga Wisemane asked an adventurer to enter Thunder Axe Fortress and retrieve the Inv box 01 [Demon Box] containing the Hand of Iruxos. To do this, they needed to destroy a red crystal found inside the fortress, defeat the Demon Spirit that emerged, and take the Demon Box from it.[1] In retail, the hand was stolen from one of the Burning Blade leaders by either Thargad or Felgur Twocuts, depending on the player's faction.

Objective of[]

WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


  1. ^ H [38] Hand of Iruxos

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