- Hands of Defiance: A Chronicle of Woe
- Binds when picked up
- "Recounting the tale of a clan of wicked giants damned to the Maw, and the punishments they endured for defying the Jailer."
- <Right Click to Read>

Hands of Defiance
Hands of Defiance: A Chronicle of Woe is found next to the Hand of Nilganihmaht at [25.5, 36.8] in the Hollow of the Insolent of The Rift. See the Rift article for more information on gaining access to the Rift. It can also be looted in Forlorn Respite.
The book reads:
With my shriveled hand do I, Varithoman the Penitent, recount the tale of four damned souls who, like me, were condemned to the darkest reaches of the Maw.
Yet while I learned humility through my suffering, these four carried on with their wicked ways. And answered for it.
May you, dear reader, trod a wiser path.
Kin from an ancient world were they. A place of power and might called Kerxan, where a race of giants dwelled.
Through guile and treachery, the four seized power. Commanded a vast army.
Two sisters and two brothers. Apart from each other, they trusted no one. Took no counsel. Showed no remorse.
Bahmethra was eldest. She was the cruelest, savoring the suffering of those she ruled.
Hrestimorak was the most conniving. He delighted in gaining trust only to betray it.
Salaranga was cunning. Mistress of mighty beasts that she trained to feed upon the blood of rivals.
Nilganihmaht was youngest, and by far the most arrogant and vain. He believed himself invincible. Untouchable.
Over the thousand years of their reign, they murdered countless rivals and gorged themselves upon the plunder. But their selfishness caused their own forces to weaken.
When the burning ones came, the armies of Kerxan were too depleted to defy them.
And even the four, for all their cunning, fell to the demon blades.
When the four arrived in the Maw, the Jailer beheld their litany of crimes and was pleased.
He bound their souls in massive armors, elevated them to become his chosen tormentors.
And how did they repay the honors bestowed by the Banished One? With treachery.
The four set out to usurp the Jailer's reign. They used guile and might to build an army of their own.
But the Jailer's Eye had witnessed their duplicity. Thus the master of the Maw was ready when they struck.
One by one, the giants fell.
The Banished One didn't merely destroy these defiant souls. No.
First he claimed a hand from each. A token, he said, to remind others of the folly of defying him.
And he bade me, his faithful chronicler, to make a record of their crimes.
Do you see? Do you understand?
To defy the Banished One is folly.
Bahmethra. Hrestimorak. Salaranga. And Nilganihmaht, he of the many rings.
Your hands will serve him for all time, even as your broken souls ride the currents of Gorgoa.
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Added.
External links[]
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