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AllianceHans Weston
Image of Hans Weston
Title <Armorer & Weaponsmith>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh
Status Unknown

Hans Weston is a human armor and shield vendor located on Theramore Isle of Dustwallow Marsh.

It's unknown if he survived the Attack on Theramore Isle.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv wand 07 [Battle Staff]
2g 93s 56c
Inv sword 05 [Broadsword]
2g 46s 29c
Inv weapon halberd 06 [Bullova]
2g 82s 86c
Inv throwingaxe 01 [Crescent Axe]
2g 25s 48c
Inv weapon shortblade 15 1x [Daring Dirk]
3g 20s 29c
Inv sword 26 [Flamberge]
3g 8s 96c
Inv shield 06 [Kite Shield]
61s 82c
Inv weapon shortblade 15 [Main Gauche]
1g 93s 36c
Inv axe 17 1x [Midnight Axe]
4g 3s 41c
Inv belt 04 [Polished Scale Belt]
34s 12c
Inv boots 01 [Polished Scale Boots]
50s 99c
Inv bracer 03 [Polished Scale Bracers]
34s 38c
Inv gauntlets 04 [Polished Scale Gloves]
34s 51c
Inv pants 03 [Polished Scale Leggings]
68s 90c
Inv chest chain 09 [Polished Scale Vest]
69s 15c
Inv shield 10 [Reinforced Targe]
48s 20c
Inv mace 11 [Truncheon]
1g 91s 92c
Inv hammer 03 [War Hammer]
2g 64s 90c


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He might be related to Caretaker Weston and/or Selina Weston.

See also[]

External links[]
