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Image of Hanu
Gender Female
Race Tuskarr (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Iskaara Tuskarr
Location Iskaara, Azure Span
Status Alive
Relative(s) Norukk (husband), Neelo and Nau (children), Popoak (cousin)
Hanu injured

Hanu being healed by Brena's totem.

Hanu is a tuskarr located in the Azure Span. She initially appears in the Big Tree Hills, where the caravan she was traveling with was attacked by Shadowpaw gnolls. Later, she can be found in Iskaara, where she sells Renown-unlocked weapon cosmetics.

She has a protective nature and considers it her responsibility to look out for her husband Norukk's safety, since he doesn't always do so himself. However, she's not too proud to ask for help when needed.[1] She writes poetry, but is shy about her writing.[2]


Inv misc questionmark [Tuskarr Fisherman's Dagger]
3 Tuft of Primal Wool2 Aquatic Maw600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv polearm 2h dragondungeon c 03 [Tuskarr Fisherman's Harpoon]
2 Aquatic Maw1 Primal Bear Spine600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc questionmark [Tuskarr Leviathan's Hook]
2 Aquatic Maw1 Primal Bear Spine600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc questionmark [Tuskarr Mystic's Stave]
3 Runed Writhebark3 Tuft of Primal Wool600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv crossbow 2h dragondungeon c 01 [Tuskarr Sharktooth Bolthrower]
2 Aquatic Maw1 Primal Bear Spine600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv axe 1h dragondungeon c 01 [Tuskarr Timber Splitter]
3 Tuft of Primal Wool2 Aquatic Maw600 Dragon Isles Supplies


Objective of[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.



On the road to Iskaara


Outside Kargpaw's Den

<Hanu is panting heavily, having exerted herself. She is clearly injured again.>

After rescuing Norukk

These gnolls... make me uneasy.

At the trading outpost

<Hanu's gaze is fixed on Brena, while wearing a worried expression.>

In Iskaara

How may I help you?

Buy I want to browse your goods.


Main article: Catch the Caravan#Notes
Main article: Howling in the Big Tree Hills#Notes
Main article: Gnoll Way Out#Notes
Main article: Spreading Decay#Notes
Main article: Urgent Action Required#Notes
Main article: Can We Keep It?#Notes
Main article: For Imbu!#Notes


  • Greetings
    • Hmm.
    • What do you need?
    • Yes?
    • You here to help?
  • Farewell
    • I got this.
    • See you soon.
    • So long.
    • Watch yourself.
  • Irritated
    • You got a problem?

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ N [65-68] Gnoll Way Out
  2. ^ N [60-70] Of Azure Scales

External links[]
