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Main article: High Prophet Barim
MobHarbinger of Darkness
Image of Harbinger of Darkness
Race Dark phoenix (Elemental)
Level 32-37 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Lost City of the Tol'vir

The Harbinger of Darkness is summoned during the High Prophet Barim boss fight. After High Prophet Barim casts Repentance, he becomes immune to damage and players find themselves in a realm of darkness. Players must defeat the Harbinger of Darkness to end stage two, return to their normal bodies, and continue the fight against Barim.


  • Ability rogue envelopingshadows Wail of Darkness — The Harbinger periodically inflicts 2925 to 3075 Shadow damage to every player.
  • Spell shadow deathsembrace Soul Sever — The Harbinger of Darkness severs the soul of a random player, creating a Soul Fragment. The Soul Fragment then moves towards the Harbinger of Darkness. If the Soul Fragment reaches the Harbinger it will cast Merged Souls.

Soul Fragment[]

  • Spell shadow deathsembrace Merged Souls — If a Soul Fragment reaches the Harbinger of Darkness, the Soul Fragment will heal the Harbinger for 41625 to 48375 and increase the size and damage dealt by the Harbinger by 20%. After casting this spell, the Soul Fragment disappears.

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