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AllianceHaywire Harvesters
Start Taelia
End Taelia
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +150 Storm's Wake
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] House Stormsong
Next A [30-60] Lost, Not Forgotten, A [30-60] Means to an End, A [30-60] The Rising Tide, A [30-60] Forced Labor


Obtain a Drenched Mainspring.


See the golems down there? Farmers use their sharp claws to reap the harvest, but these are cutting timber...

Why would they need them here when they have so many laborers on hand?

I think the militia is using them to intimidate their own people!

See if you can get ahold of an intact mainspring from one. I've helped repair a few back in Boralus. I should be able to figure out who is messing with their innards.


You will receive:


Any luck? The mainsprings are usually brittle and easily damaged.


Perfect! Here, let me take a closer look.


Pick up A [30-60] Unnecessary Duress and A [30-60] Proclamation Investigation before heading out.

Just east of the questgivers is a rare mob, Foreman Scripps.

The quest item has a terrible drop rate. Good luck!

On return:

Pike has gotten Addington off the hook.
Brother Pike says: You were too good for this world, brother. I will make sure you receive a proper burial.


  1. A [30-60] A Risky Ploy
  2. A [30-60] House Stormsong
  3. A [30-60] Unnecessary Duress & A [30-60] Proclamation Investigation & A [30-60] Haywire Harvesters
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [30-60] Rest in the Depths
  6. A [30-60] Rearmament & A [30-60] Fabricated Fabrications & A [30-60] The Missing Link
  7. A [30-60] Storm's Judgment

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