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For the creature who attacks the villages, see Shade of the Horseman.
MobHeadless Horseman
Image of Headless Horseman
Gender Male
Race Human (Undead)
Level 72 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Scarlet Monastery, Tirisfal Glades
Status Killable
Hallow's End
The subject of this article or section is part of Hallow's End, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
"Prepare yourselves, the bells have tolled! Shelter your weak, your young and your old! Each of you shall pay the final sum. Cry for mercy, the reckoning has come!"

During Hallow's End, the Headless Horseman is a summoned elite boss spawned in the Pumpkin Shrine in the middle of the Forlorn Cloister in The Graveyard, an instanced wing of the Scarlet Monastery. Additionally, his shade attacks Horde and Alliance villages at various times throughout the event.

The Horseman was once a Knight of the Silver Hand, but is now cursed. He is of the belief that he is alive, while those who face him are dead. When defeated, he is revealed as Sir Thomas Thomson.

To spawn him, click on the Pumpkin Shrine. While the Horseman can be summoned, killed, and looted as usual in a raid, the instance limit is 5 people.

With the new Dungeon Finder, you can now queue up and be teleported to the fight when a full group is assembled. Everyone gets a loot-filled pumpkin upon completion of the battle.

The Headless Horseman is voiced by Carlos Larkin.


Headless Horseman

The Headless Horseman.

  • Ability warrior cleave [Cleave]: Standard cleave, hits for ~4k damage to plate.
  • Ability whirlwind [Whirlwind]: After losing its head, the body will AoE whirlwind for ~2k/sec.
  • Summon Flaming Heads: Several flaming jack-o-lanterns appear and move toward the party, exploding for ~100k damage when they hit a player.
  • Conflagration: An AoE DoT, can only be removed with a PvP Trinket or other similar abilities(Ice Block, Divine Shield, etc.). Ticks for a percentage of your maximum health every second and confuses the target. Lasts ~5 seconds. Feigning Death right before the conflag hits will cancel the fear effect, although the emotes and animations will still proc. You can attack/move as normal. Not sure if this also cleanses the DoT too. Also triggers Conflagrated Weapon.
  • Conflagrated Weapon: Gives the Horseman a chance to do extra fire damage on melee attacks. Allows the use of Fiery Cleave. Lasts 11 seconds.
  • Fiery Cleave: Deals 100k damage to targets in front of the Horseman.
  • Head of the Horseman: Active after the Horseman suffers 99% damage each phase. 63000 Health.
  • Pulsing Pumpkin: Tossed on the ground during phase three. Casts sprout after ~15 seconds. ~10k Health. If a pumpkin lands on a player, they get a disease named Squash Soul which is -18 Spirit for 20 minutes.
  • Pumpkin Fiend: Sprouted from the Pulsing Pumpkins. Deals ~650 base damage and has ~10k Health.


The Headless Horseman encounter is a three phase fight.

Phase one[]

The Horseman makes his entrance and engages whoever lit the candle. The tank should taunt immediately if they did not start the event. Watch out for Ability warrior cleave [Cleave] and DPS him down.

At 1% the horseman will go immune, toss his head, walk around disoriented, and occasionally use a Ability whirlwind [Whirlwind] attack. The Head of the Horseman will become an active target while the body heals to 100%. All DPS should have a target macro for Head of the Horseman. After the party damages the head to about 60%, or the body heals to 100%, the head will rejoin the body and the next phase begins.

Phase two[]


The Pumpkin Shrine.

When the Horseman rejoins with his head, he targets the player with the highest threat. This is the same as phase one except he will randomly cast Conflagration on a random party member (not the tank). You can use a PvP Trinket to remove the Conflagration. Healers and ranged DPS should be alert to the location of both tank and Conflagration target; steer clear of these.

Phase two ends if the head reaches about 30% health, or when the body heals to 100%.

Phase three[]

The Horseman does not use Conflagration in Phase Three. Eventually he will toss four Pulsing Pumpkins, which sprout Pumpkin Fiends after several seconds, and they will completely heal. The fastest course of action seems to be having the tank stand in the middle of the pumpkins with focus abilities at the ready. The rest of the party continues DPS on the Horseman until his head is tossed. If the party has low DPS, a second or even third wave of Pulsing Pumpkins can be spawned before the head is tossed.

Tanking the Horseman on the steps to the underground area will cause all the spawns to land very close to the boss. This should make it very easy for the tank to pick them all up.

Once the Head of the Horseman dies, the Headless Horseman has been defeated, and the remaining pumpkins will die. If you don't kill the Head of the Horseman before the Horseman heals to 100%, Phase Three will repeat, meaning you have to nuke the Horseman again to get him to toss his head.


  • Having a Paladin or Death Knight tank makes this Phase much easier due to Spell holy innerfire [Consecration] or Spell shadow deathanddecay [Death and Decay]. The rest of the party hugs the tank, inside the spell's range, allowing the tank to pick up the Fiends, thereafter the DPS can burn these down.
  • The key to the Headless Horseman is to find and DPS down the head as fast as possible when it is off the Horseman. The head does no damage so all DPS should feel free to unload on it. The macro "/target Head of" helps with this, as it allows you to pick up the head almost as soon as it detaches. To make certain that the macro does not inadvertently target the Headless Horseman, you can use "/targetexact Head of the Horseman".


Headless Horseman Pumpkins

The Headless Horseman carving pumpkins.

Headless Horseman Figure

The Headless Horseman action figure.

On Start
(Player) says: Horseman rise...
(Player) says: Your time is nigh...
(Player) says: You felt death once...
(Player) says: Now, know demise!
Headless Horseman says: It is over, your search is done. Let fate choose now, the righteous one. [emits a horrifying guffaw]
Lost Head
Head of the Horseman says: Get over here, you idiot!
Here's my body, fit and pure! Now, your blackened souls I'll cure!
Harken, cur! Tis you I spurn! Now feel... the burn!
Harken, cur! Tis you I spurn! Now feel... the burn!
Sprouting Pumpkins
Soldiers arise, stand and fight! Bring victory at last to this fallen knight!
Player Death
Your body lies beaten, battered and broken! Let my curse be your own, fate has spoken!
Horseman Death
This end have I reached before. What new adventure lies in store?
A ghostly orb of light leaves the undead form and flies over in front of the ruined tomb behind the Pumpkin Shrine, revealing it to be the ghost of Sir Thomas.

Additional notes[]

When the Horseman was introduced in 2007, making multiple attempts required resetting the instance each time and creating multiple instance IDs, running up against the 5 instances per hour rule. In 2008, the event was changed so that resetting the instance was no longer required.


As of 2017, all gear drops - including those in the Loot-Filled Pumpkin - scale to your character level when you acquire them.

The Headless Horseman can also drop any item normally found in a Inv misc bag 11 [Treat Bag].

Loot-Filled Pumpkin drops[]

  • The Inv misc bag 28 halloween [Loot-Filled Pumpkin] is a reward given only for the first completion (per day, per character) of the "Headless Horseman" Dungeon Finder instance run. Like the Inv misc bag 15 [Satchel of Helpful Goods], this container is placed in the character's inventory (or mail, if inventory is full).
  • The Loot-Filled Pumpkin always has 4-6x Achievement halloween candy 01 [Tricky Treat] with a possible chance to get a Inv mask 01 [Flimsy Mask] and/or one or more of the following:
Inv belt 12 [The Horseman's Reins] Inv sword 07 [The Horseman's Sinister Slicer]
Inv helmet 21 [The Horseman's Horrific Hood] Achievement halloween witch 01 [Flying Broom]
Achievement halloween witch 01 [Magic Broom] Inv misc bag 28 halloween [Hallowed Helm]
Inv misc food 59 [Sinister Squashling]

2016-2017 drops[]

2015 drops[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

The following items only dropped from the level 100 version of the Headless Horseman (2015), and are listed here for historical purposes only.

2012-2014 drops[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

The following items only dropped from the level 90 version of the Headless Horseman (2012-2014), and are listed here for historical purposes only.

2011 / 2024 drops[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

The following items dropped in 2011 (historical) from the level 85 version of the Headless Horseman and are currently dropping in 2024 in Cataclysm Classic. In 2024 the Loot-Filled Pumpkin contains The Horseman's Sinister Saber and The Horseman's Horrific Helmet. They are not looted from the Horseman.

2009-2010 drops[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

The following items only dropped from the level 80 version of the Headless Horseman (2009–10), and are listed here for historical purposes only.

2007-2008 drops[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

The following items only dropped from the level 70 version of the Headless Horseman (2007-8), and are listed here for historical purposes only.


  • The description of his LFG event is as such: Defeat the mad Headless Horseman before he burns down every last settlement in Azeroth.
  • Each year he can drop a variant of the sword he is actually seen using.
  • The Headless Horseman is a common character in European fairy tales and folklore.
Headless Horseman Towers of Doom

The Headless Horseman as he appears in the Towers of Doom battleground in Heroes of the Storm.

  • The Horseman's steed appears as a mount in Heroes of the Storm.[1] The Horseman appears as a boss mercenary in the Towers of Doom map.



Patch changes[]

  • Legion Patch 7.2.5 (2017-06-13): The Headless Horseman now scales to the player's level, starting at 23.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Level increased to 112.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.2 (2015-09-01): Level increased to 102.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Summon Flaming Heads, Conflagrated Weapon and Fiery Cleave added to abilities. The encounter now occurs in the updated Scarlet Graveyard.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Level increased to 92.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): Level increased to 85.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.2.2 (2009-09-22): Level increased from 70 to 80.
  • Bc icon Patch 2.2.2 (2007-10-02): Added.


  1. ^ 2015-09-21, In Development - Lt. Morales, Artanis, skins, and mounts!. YouTube, retrieved on 2015-09-27

External links[]
