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NeutralHelp From Beyond
Start Kleia[33.82, 48.37]VZ-Zereth MortisBlip
End Pelagos[56.69, 31.15]VZ-Zereth MortisBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Secrets of the First Ones
Experience 8,150
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Restoration Project
Next N [60] Keys To Victory, N [60] A Matter Of Motivation, N [60] Cleaving A Path


Help From Beyond - Firim and Kbato

Firim and Kbato

Speak with representatives from the Enlightened, Venthyr, Necrolord[sic], and Night Fae.


If we stand any chance of breaking through the Mawsworn forces, we will need the help of all of the covenants.

I will speak with the Kyrian. You and Pelagos can speak with the others. But before you go, ask Firim if there is any way we can gain the support of the Enlightened as well.


You will receive:


Between the strength of the covenant forces and the help of the automa, we should be able to reach the Crypts!


On accept, Pelagos starts following the player.

Kleia says: I will rally the Kyrian. You and Pelagos speak to the other covenants. And see if Firim can enlist the Enlightened.
She flies out of the cave.

Talk to Firim:

We are to have a hand in the very threads of creation... astonishing!
Gossip Can we get additional aid from the Enlightened?
Firim says: I doubt my compatriots in Haven would dare tread on such hallowed ground. But, fear not! I, as always, have an idea.
He walks over to Kbato, a dormant automa in the back of the cave.
Firim says: Kbato! We have need of your assistance! Kbato?
Firim says: Hmm. Perhaps you can awaken it, mortal.

Interact with Kbato to wake it up and cause it to lumber out of the cave.

Firim says: Ah, there you are! Meet us near the Eternal Crypts, Kbato. It is time to fight back against the Mawsworn!

Upon exiting the hollow:

Pelagos says: A new Arbiter... a chance to restore balance to the Shadowlands...
Pelagos says: Could there be any greater act of service?

Next it's time to recruit the venthyr in the Catalyst Gardens. While heading through the Genesis Fields with Pelagos:

Pelagos says: With a new Arbiter in place, I hope every soul finds the afterlife they truly deserve.
Help From Beyond - Venthyr

Nadjia and the Venthyr

At the entrance to the Gardens, talk to Nadjia.[47.71, 80.68]VZ-Zereth MortisBlip

Whatever the task, Maw Walker, you know you have my blade.
Gossip I need your assistance.
Nadjia the Mistblade says: Revendreth stands beside you, Maw Walker. To battle!
Nadjia, Tactician Sakaa, the Sinfall Guarantors, and Stoneborn Legionnaires move out and head north.
Nadjia the Mistblade says: Let us hope your plan works. Revendreth needs anima--and for that, we need souls that deserve redemption.

Next up, the night fae at the Forge of Afterlives. En route:

Pelagos says: Nadjia has a point. But if you ask me... well, I think every soul deserves redemption.
Help From Beyond - Night Fae

Aliothe and the Night Fae

Talk to Droman Aliothe just south of the Forge.[47.8, 58.34]VZ-Zereth MortisBlip

We are far from Ardenweald--but I will defend this land as I have long defended the forests and the wild.
Gossip Will you bring your forces to fight with us?
Droman Aliothe says: The might of Ardenweald is yours, Maw Walker.
Aliothe, Hunt-Captain Korayn, the Vorkai Guardians, and Sylvari Protectors move out.
Droman Aliothe says: We have always watched over the great cycle. I hope that this new Arbiter will do the same.

Finally, head northeast to the necrolord forces at Provis Esper.

Pelagos says: To watch over the great cycle... the Arbiter's decisions affect more than just souls, but the Shadowlands entire.
Help From Beyond - Necrolords

Mevix and the Necrolords

Talk to Secutor Mevix.[53.93, 48.39]VZ-Zereth MortisBlip

Maw Walker! Have you come with news of victory?
Gossip Will you bring your forces to fight with us?
Secutor Mevix says: Soldiers! You heard the Maw Walker--we march on the Endless Sands!
Mevix, Emeni, the Prime Gatecrasher, the Boneplated Sharpshooters, and the Peerless Eyes move out to the east.
Secutor Mevix says: Let's see if this new Arbiter proves strong enough for the task ahead.

Follow their path northeast to the Deserted Overlook. Along the way:

Pelagos says: Mevix is right. The Arbiter must have the strength and resolve to do what must be done.
Help From Beyond - Leaders

The whole gang is here

At the Deserted Overlook, the whole gang is gathered. On the overlook platform itself: Saezurah, two Saezurah's Protectors, Emeni, a Boneplated Sharpshooter, Hunt-Captain Korayn, Kleia, Nadjia the Mistblade, Secutor Mevix, and Tactician Sakaa. In addition, Firim is instructing a Motivated Servitor on how to tend to Kbato:

  • Firim says: Do not remove the foliage, it enhances his abilities!
  • Firim says: Search the area, there is much here we can make use of!

He has new gossip text as well:

The Mawsworn will prove no match for the Automa we have assembled!

Kleia has new gossip text too:

The winds of change have arrived.
Help From Beyond - Troops

Assembled covenant troops

Meanwhile, Kyrian Avengers patrol the skies above and Droman Aliothe overlooks the Endless Sands from a lower outcropping. Beside the road, a large band of generic covenant troops is stationed: Sinfall Guarantors, Stoneborn Legionnaires, Sylvari Protectors, Peerless Eyes, Prime Bladeguards, Vorkai Guardians, a single Grove Guardian and a lone Prime Gatecrasher.

Upon arrival, Pelagos leaves the player's side to stand with Kleia. After turning in the quest, he gets new gossip text:

When we stand together, none may stand against us.


  1. N [60] A Monumental Discovery (optional)
  2. N [60] Restoration Project
  3. N [60] Help From Beyond
  4. N [60] Keys To Victory, N [60] A Matter Of Motivation, and N [60] Cleaving A Path
  5. N [60] Knocking On Death's Door
  6. N [60] The Infinite Circle
  7. N [60] The Order Of Things and N [60] Unforgivable Intrusion
  8. N [60] As Foretold
  9. N [60] Acquaintances Forgotten
  10. N [60] The Turning Point
  11. N [60] For Every Soul
  12. N [60] Lifetimes To Consider
  13. N [60] Souls Entwined
  14. N [60] Safe Haven (optional)

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