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AllianceHenry Garrick
Image of Henry Garrick
Title <Alliance Escort>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-10
Class Priest
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind Army, Church of the Holy Light, Dragonscale Expedition
Occupation Private
Location Exile's Reach; Wingrest Embassy, Waking Shores
Status Alive
Relative(s) Captain Garrick (mother)
Henry Garrick beta

During beta

Henry Garrick is a human priest located in Exile's Reach.

He was part of an expedition that got lost. The second expedition led by his mother traveled to the island to rescue Henry and his team, arriving just in time to save him from the Darkmaul ogres performing a ritual by killing Torgok at the Ogre Ruins. He would then ask the adventurers to assist him at Harpy's Roost against the local harpies by destroying their totems, as well as rescue Meredy Huntswell there. Afterward, he accompanied the Alliance force to the Darkmaul Citadel and had the soldiers quell the ogre numbers. With the ogre threat thwarted, both expeditions returned to Stormwind City to report to Anduin Wrynn. Henry then found the adventurer in Old Town and sent him to the King for their next mission.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

He and his mother joins up with the Dragonscale Expedition and are found at Wingrest Embassy in the Waking Shores.


  • Ability priest atonement Atonement — Power Word: Shield, Shadow Mend, and Power Word: Radiance apply Atonement to your target for 15 sec. Your spell damage heals all targets affected by Atonement for 55% of the damage done.
  • Spell holy greaterheal Heal — A slow casting spell that heals a single target for up to 10 hit points.
  • Spell holy holysmite Holy Smite — Smites an enemy, inflicting Holy damage.
  • Spell holy powerwordshield Power Word: Shield — Shields an ally for 15 sec, absorbing 8 damage. You cannot shield the target again for 7.5 sec.
  • Spell shadow shadowwordpain Shadow Word: Pain — A word of darkness that causes 1 Shadow damage instantly, and an additional 9 Shadow damage over 16 sec.



Stub Please add any available information to this section.

Main article: Ride of the Scientifically Enhanced Boar#Notes
Main article: An Urgent Meeting (Alliance)#Notes


Patch changes[]


  1. ^ H [60-62] Give Peace a Chance

External links[]
