- Herb Pouch
- Binds when equipped
- 12 Slot Herb Bag
- Sell Price: 2
The Herb Pouch is a herb bag that will only hold herbs and nothing else in it.
Unlike the other, larger herb bags, this bag is not crafted and can instead be bought from vendors:
Chardryn in Darnassus
Eldraeith in Stormwind
Gwina Stonebranch in Ironforge
Uma Bartulm in Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh
Botanist Tyniarrel in Saltheril's Haven, Eversong Woods
Katrina Alliestar in Undercity
Selina Weston in Brill, Tirisfal Glades
Zeal'aya in Orgrimmar
Patch changes[]
Patch 1.10.0 (2006-03-28): Added.