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Herbalism Icon WoW Icon update Herbalism (Profession)
List of herbs  •  Mob herbalism  •  Herbalism quests  •  Techniques  •  Trainers  •  Equipment

An herbalism trainer is an NPC that offers herbalists the opportunity to train.

Landmass Trainer Location Coordinates Additional Information
The Maelstrom Cataclysm Neutral IconSmall TrainingMachine KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe Town-In-A-Box
Sky Falls
Gallywix Docks
The Lost Isles
The Lost Isles
The Lost Isles
Teaches only up to Journeyman level.

Available only to starting Goblins.

The Wandering Isle Mists of Pandaria Neutral IconSmall Pandaren Male Whittler Dewei The Singing Pools The Wandering Isle [63.0, 41.6]VZ-Wandering IsleBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.

Available only to starting Pandaren.

Neutral IconSmall Pandaren Male Elder Oakpaw Mandori Village The Wandering Isle [50.6, 58.6]VZ-Wandering IsleBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.

Available only to starting Pandaren.

Eastern Kingdoms Alliance IconSmall Gnome Male Wembil Taskwidget Kharanos Dun Morogh [53.7, 52]VZ-Dun MoroghBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Alliance IconSmall Worgen Male Jack "All-Trades" Derrington Cataclysm Duskhaven
Stormglen Village
Keel Harbor
Gilneas Teaches only Apprentice level.

Available only to starting Worgen.

Alliance IconSmall Human Male Lien Farner Goldshire Elwynn Forest [42, 67]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Herbalist Pomeroy East of Stormwind gates Elwynn Forest [39.9, 48.5]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Alma Jainrose Lakeshire Redridge Mountains [22.0, 42.2]VZ-Redridge MountainsBlip
Alliance IconSmall Dwarf Female Kali Healtouch Thelsamar Loch Modan [36.5, 48.5]VZ-Loch ModanBlip
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Male Telurinon Moonshadow Menethil Harbor Wetlands [11.3, 52.2]VZ-WetlandsBlip
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Female Tannysa Mage Quarter Stormwind [54.5, 84.0]VZ-Stormwind CityBlip
Alliance IconSmall Dwarf Female Reyna Stonebranch The Great Forge Ironforge [55.7, 58.8]VZ-IronforgeBlip
Neutral IconSmall Human Female Flora Silverwind Booty Bay Cape of Stranglethorn [42.0, 74.7]VZ-Cape of StranglethornBlip
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Therisa Sallow Calston Estate Tirisfal Glades [44.5, 53]VZ-Tirisfal GladesBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Nedric Sallow Brill Tirisfal Glades [61, 51]VZ-Tirisfal GladesBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Faruza Brill Tirisfal Glades [59.8, 52.1]VZ-Tirisfal GladesBlip
Horde IconSmall Undead Male William Saldean Brill Tirisfal Glades [60.5, 53.2]VZ-Tirisfal GladesBlip
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male Saren Bc icon Falconwing Square Eversong Woods [49, 47]VZ-Eversong WoodsBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female Botanist Tyniarrel Bc icon Saltheril's Haven Eversong Woods [37.3, 72.0]VZ-Eversong WoodsBlip
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Aranae Venomblood Tarren Mill Hillsbrad Foothills [57.2, 47.6]VZ-Hillsbrad FoothillsBlip
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Angrun Grom'gol Base Camp Northern Stranglethorn [38.6, 48.4]VZ-Northern StranglethornBlip
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Martha Alliestar The Apothecarium Undercity [54.2, 49.8]VZ-UndercityBlip
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female Botanist Nathera Bc icon Court of the Sun Silvermoon [67.5, 15.5]VZ-Silvermoon CityBlip
Kalimdor Alliance IconSmall NightElf Male Iranis Shadebloom Dolanaar Teldrassil [56, 52.2]VZ-TeldrassilBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Male Malorne Bladeleaf Dolanaar Teldrassil [57.7, 60.6]VZ-TeldrassilBlip
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Male Valn Bc icon Azure Watch Azuremyst Isle [48.5, 52.2]VZ-Azuremyst IsleBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Male Heur Bc icon Azure Watch Azuremyst Isle [48.2, 51.4]VZ-Azuremyst IsleBlip
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Female Morae Bc icon Blood Watch Bloodmyst Isle [53.3, 57.7]VZ-Bloodmyst IsleBlip
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Brant Jasperbloom Theramore Isle Dustwallow Marsh [64.0, 47.5]VZ-Dustwallow MarshBlip
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Male Firodren Mooncaller The Temple of the Moon Darnassus [48.0, 68.4]VZ-DarnassusBlip
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Male Cemmorhan Bc icon The Vault of Lights the Exodar [27.4, 62.5]VZ-ExodarBlip
Neutral IconSmall TrainingMachine KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe Bilgewater Harbor Azshara [57, 50.5]VZ-AzsharaBlip Teaches only up to Journeyman level.
Neutral IconSmall NightElf Male Malvor Nighthaven Moonglade [45.5, 47.0]VZ-MoongladeBlip
Horde IconSmall Troll Female Mishiki Sen'jin Village Durotar [55.5, 75.0]VZ-DurotarBlip
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Runda Razor Hill Durotar [53, 42]VZ-DurotarBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Horde IconSmall Tauren Female Lalum Darkmane Bloodhoof Village Mulgore [46.5, 57.5]VZ-MulgoreBlip Teaches only Apprentice level.
Horde IconSmall Tauren Male Ruw Camp Mojache Feralas [76.0, 43.4]VZ-FeralasBlip
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Muraga The Arboretum, the Drag Orgrimmar [54.9, 50.5]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip
Horde IconSmall Troll Female Jandi Valley of Spirits Orgrimmar [34.7, 63.1]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip
Horde IconSmall Nightborne Male Grove Cultivator Kados Legion Orgrimmar Embassy Orgrimmar [40.6, 80.2]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip
Horde IconSmall Tauren Male Komin Winterhoof Middle rise Thunder Bluff [49.9, 39.9]VZ-Thunder BluffBlip
Outland Bc icon Alliance IconSmall NightElf Female Rorelien Honor Hold Hellfire Peninsula [53.6, 65.8]VZ-Hellfire PeninsulaBlip
Horde IconSmall Tauren Male Ruak Stronghorn Thrallmar Hellfire Peninsula [52, 36]VZ-Hellfire PeninsulaBlip
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female Botanist Alaenra Scryer's Tier Shattrath City [38.4, 71.3]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip Not available to members of the Aldor.
Neutral IconSmall Draenei Female Jijia Aldor Rise Shattrath City [38.1, 30.0]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip Not available to members of the Scryers.
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small Alliance IconSmall NightElf Female Kirea Moondancer Valiance Keep Borean Tundra [57.8, 71.8]VZ-Borean TundraBlip
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Male Fayin Whisperleaf Valgarde Howling Fjord [58.8, 63]VZ-Howling FjordBlip
Horde IconSmall Tauren Female Tansy Wildmane Warsong Hold Borean Tundra [42.1, 53.6]VZ-Borean TundraBlip
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Marjory Kains Vengeance Landing Howling Fjord [78.5, 28.4]VZ-Howling FjordBlip
Neutral IconSmall Human Female Dorothy Egan Magus Commerce Exchange Dalaran [43.7, 34.8]VZ-DalaranBlip
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria Alliance IconSmall Pandaren Female Orchard Keeper Li Mei Paw'don Village Jade Forest [45.6, 86.0]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
Horde IconSmall Pandaren Female Grower Miao Honeydew Village Jade Forest [27.8, 15.5]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Shokia Jade Forest Location in Jade Forest
depends on quest progress.
Neutral IconSmall Pandaren Male Han Flowerbloom The Halfhill Market Valley of the Four Winds [53.7, 51.3]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Master Marshall Peak of Serenity Kun-Lai Summit [50.6, 42.3]VZ-Kun-Lai SummitBlip
Draenor Warlords of Draenor Alliance IconSmall Pandaren Female Jie Wildblossom Stormshield Ashran [37.6, 70.0]VZ-StormshieldBlip
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Anthony Allain Warspear Ashran [62.2, 30.6]VZ-WarspearBlip
Broken Isles Legion Neutral IconSmall Tauren Female Kuhuine Tenderstride Magus Commerce Exchange Dalaran [42.8, 33.8]VZ-DalaranBlip
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Female Lianna Tai Magus Commerce Exchange Dalaran [42.6, 34.2]VZ-DalaranBlip
Neutral IconSmall NightElf Male Wildcrafter Osme Lorlathil Val'sharah [54.8, 71.8]VZ-Val'sharahBlip
Kul Tiras Battle for Azeroth Alliance IconSmall Human Male Declan Senal Tradewinds Market Boralus [71.5, 4.9]VZ-BoralusBlip
Zandalar Battle for Azeroth Horde IconSmall Zandalari Male Jahden Fla Terrace of Crafters Dazar'alor [42.2, 35.6]VZ-Dazar'alorBlip
Nazjatar Battle for Azeroth Alliance IconSmall Ankoan Instructor Ulooaka Mezzamere Nazjatar [38.0, 53.0]VZ-NazjatarBlip
Horde IconSmall Gilgoblin Male Rolm Newhome Nazjatar [49.2, 61.8]VZ-NazjatarBlip
Shadowlands Shadowlands Neutral IconSmall Broker Selector Au'mar Hall of Shapes Oribos [39.8, 38.6]VZ-OribosBlip

Patch Changes[]
