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MobHigh Priest Ikzan
Image of High Priest Ikzan
Title <Shadow Council>
Gender Male
Race Arakkoa (Humanoid)
Level 40 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shadow Council
Occupation High priest
Location Tanaan Jungle
Status Killable

High Priest Ikzan is a rare mob in Tanaan Jungle.


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  • Felstorm Gale: Channels fel magic, flinging globs of felfire and inflicting Fire damage to enemies.
  • Tides of Shadow: Summons waves of shadow behind the caster, which travel towards the target and inflict Shadow damage.


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  • High Priest Ikzan yells: Kaww! You dare to harm my worshipers? You will know the vengeance of the Sethekk!
  • High Priest Ikzan says: Feel my wrath!


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In addition to dropping 20 - 72 Inv apexis draenor [Apexis Crystal],

High Priest Ikzan drops the following notable loot:
6bf explosive shard [Primal Spirit] Inv misc ancientarrakoafeather [Cursed Feather of Ikzan]
Spell arcane arcaneresilience [Empowered Apexis Fragment] Inv sword 1h short a 01 hd [Baleful Armament]
Inv bracer mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Bracers] Inv 60dungeon neck2b [Baleful Choker]
Inv buckle mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Cloak] Inv glove mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Gauntlets]
Inv belt mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Girdle] Inv helm mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Hood]
Inv pant mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Leggings] Inv ringwod 2b [Baleful Ring]
Inv shoulder mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Spaulders] Inv boot mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Treads]
Inv jewelry trinket 22 [Baleful Trinket] Inv chest mail draenorhonor c 01 [Baleful Tunic]

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  • A player may use the following console script to determine whether they have killed or have yet to kill this rare: /run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(38028) and "Completed!" or "Incomplete.")

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