High Priest Ikzan | |
Title | <Shadow Council> |
Gender | Male |
Race | Arakkoa (Humanoid) |
Level | 40 Rare |
Resource | Mana |
Reaction | Alliance Horde |
Affiliation(s) | Shadow Council |
Occupation | High priest |
Location | Tanaan Jungle |
Status | Killable |
High Priest Ikzan is a rare mob in Tanaan Jungle.
Please add any available information to this section.
- Felstorm Gale: Channels fel magic, flinging globs of felfire and inflicting Fire damage to enemies.
- Tides of Shadow: Summons waves of shadow behind the caster, which travel towards the target and inflict Shadow damage.
Provide a list of strategies here, if there are multiple submitted strats, then you can section them off.
- High Priest Ikzan yells: Kaww! You dare to harm my worshipers? You will know the vengeance of the Sethekk!
- High Priest Ikzan says: Feel my wrath!
Please add reputation gained per kill.
In addition to dropping 20 - 72 [Apexis Crystal],
Objective of[]
- Drops [Fel-Corrupted Apexis Fragment] for the quest [40G] Unknowable Power and [40 Daily] Unseen Influence.
- Drops [Shadow Council Missive] for the quest [40 Daily] Secrets of the Shadow Council.
- Killing him counts towards the quest [40 Daily] Assault on the Ruins of Kra'nak.
- A player may use the following console script to determine whether they have killed or have yet to kill this rare: /run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(38028) and "Completed!" or "Incomplete.")
Patch changes[]
- Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): Added.