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MobHigh Thane Jorfus
Image of High Thane Jorfus
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Undead)
Level    Retail: 25-30 Rare
Classic: 80 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Death knight
Occupation Thane
Location Icecrown
Status Killable

High Thane Jorfus is a rare elite vrykul located at either the Court of Bones, Sindragosa's Fall, or the Fleshwerks in Icecrown.


  • Spell deathknight bloodplague Blood Plague — A disease dealing Shadow damage over 12 sec. Has a 50% chance to remove one heal over time effect whenever it does damage.
  • Spell deathknight deathstrike Blood Strike — Instantly strike the enemy, causing 50% weapon damage plus 66. Each disease on the target causes an additional 33 damage.
  • Spell shadow deathanddecay Death and Decay — 2 Shadow damage inflicted every 1 sec to all targets in the affected area for 10 sec.
  • Spell shadow deathcoil Death Coil — Deals 8 Shadow damage to a nearby random target.
  • Spell deathknight empowerruneblade2 Frost Strike — Instantly strike the enemy, causing 30% weapon damage plus 100 as Frost damage.



High Thane Jorfus is a criterion of the achievements:

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