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NeutralHimia, the Blessed
Start Himia, The Blessed[49.35, 49.4]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
End Elder Nazuun[41.64, 56.75]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
Level 62-65
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Reputation +200 Maruuk Centaur
Previous N [62-65] Signs of the Wind
Next N [62-70D] The Nokhud Offensive: The Final Ancestor


Primal Fire Elemental (Ohn'ahran Plains)

Primal Fire Elemental

Water Fury

Water Fury

Defeat the elements.


The Elements lay claim to this land and do not welcome our intrusion.

O, Elements, have you forgotten our protector--Air! Invisible, yet omnipresent and vital for all existence! Forgotten, as easy as you breathe it. After facing me, you will never forget again.


You will receive:


Blessed by the wind, Himia ensured the centaur's acceptance by the rest of the plains' elementals.


So you have witnessed Himia, the Blessed.


Speak to Himia again:

Are you ready to face the elements?
Gossip I am ready.
Himia starts channeling.
Himia, The Blessed says: Fire, burning bright and indiscriminate, your hunger never satisfied!

Three Primal Fire Elementals spawn. Kill them:

Himia, The Blessed says: Water, jealously watching over all that you've given life to!

A Water Fury and six Elementary Drops spawn. Kill them:

Himia, The Blessed says: Earth, the plains itself, you will not yield your land freely.

An Earth Elemental spawns. Kill it to complete the objective, then return to Elder Nazuun. Before leaving, Himia has new gossip text:

O' Elements of the Plains, you shall accept the centaur. We are blessed by Wind, your kin.
Young one, return to the Elder who gave you the knowledge to witness me, Himia, the Blessed.


  1. Complete all of:
  2. N [62-70D] The Nokhud Offensive: The Final Ancestor

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