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For lore, see hippogryph rider.
Hippogryph Rider
Race Night elf and Hippogryph
Faction Night Elf Sentinels
Hit points 780
Hit point regeneration Night
Hit point regeneration rate 1.00 HP/sec.
Level 4
Food 4 Food
Produced at Archer/Hippogryph
Weapon(s) Longbow and Arrows
Normal attack 16-18 (17 avg)
Can attack Ground, Structure, Debris, Air, Item, Ward
Range 40
Attack type Piercing
Cooldown 1.10 sec.
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Light
Armor 1
Day Sight 160
Night Sight 80
Movement Speed Fast (350)
Sound Set RiddenHippoGryph
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

In the heat of battle, Night Elf Archers can call upon the mighty Hippogryphs to carry them into the air. The Archers mount the flying beasts and are capable of firing their arrows from the Hippogryphs' backs. The brave creatures respond to the female riders as if they shared an empathic bond.


These units are fairly popular among Night Elf players because of their cheap cost and access. Chimaeras take quite some time to access and train, so the Hippogryph Rider is a good alternative for those on a tight budget. A Hippogryph Rider costs 290 gold, 30 wood and 4 food (the cost of an individual Hippogryph and Archer).

They share the same attack damage as standard archers, but with three times as much health. However, their armor changes from Normal to Unarmored, meaning that they are vulnerable to more damage sources, and they lose their Elune's Grace passive making them easily dealt with in the night. Hippogryph Archers may separate at any time and the two units will have health equal to the percentage of health the pair had when together.

When the enemy attacks with other aerial units (apart from Troll Batriders), dismount the Archer. With good Heroes, they can do most of the tanking while the Hippogryphs destroy all the enemy air units in the vicinity, while the Archer fires from afar.

Spells and abilities[]


Dismounts the Archer from the Hippogryph.
Notes: After Archer mounts to Hippogryph, Dismount will take 30 seconds before it can be used.


Improved Bows
Increases the Archer's and Hippogryph Rider's attack range by 20.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
50 Gold 100 Lumber Ancient of War Tree of Ages 35 sec. Attack Range: 60
Increases damage of Archers and Hippogryph Riders by 4.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
100 Gold 175 Lumber Ancient of War Hunter's Hall, Tree of Eternity 40 sec. Normal attack: 20-22 (21 avg)
Strength of the Moon
Increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time Effect
125 Gold 75 Lumber Hunter's Hall 60 sec. Normal attack: 17-21 (19 avg)
With Marksmanship: 21-25 (23 avg)
Improved Strength of the Moon
Further increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
175 Gold 175 Lumber Hunter's Hall Tree of Ages 75 sec. Normal attack: 18-24 (21 avg)
With Marksmanship: 22-28 (25 avg)
Advanced Strength of the Moon
Further increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
225 Gold 275 Lumber Hunter's Hall Tree of Eternity 90 sec. Normal attack: 19-27 (23 avg)
With Marksmanship: 23-31 (27 avg)
Moon Armor
Increases the armor of Archers, Huntresses, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time Effect
150 Gold 75 Lumber Hunter's Hall 60 sec. Armor: 3
Improved Moon Armor
Further increases the armor of Archers, Huntresses, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
200 Gold 150 Lumber Hunter's Hall Tree of Ages 75 sec. Armor: 5
Advanced Moon Armor
Further increases the armor of Archers, Huntresses, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
250 Gold 225 Lumber Hunter's Hall Tree of Eternity 90 sec. Armor: 7
Gives Night Elves the ability to see as far at night as they do during the day.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
50 Gold 50 Lumber Hunter's Hall Tree of Ages 45 sec. Night Sight: 160



Patch changes[]

  • WC3tFT-logo Patch 1.10 (2003-07-03):
    • The Frozen Throne
      • Hippogryph Rider hit points decreased to 765 from 835 and armor increased to 1 from 0.
  • WC3tFT-logo Patch 1.30.0 (2018-08-08):
    • Hippogryph Rider Hit Points increased from 765 to 780.
  • WC3tFT-logo Patch 1.31.0 (2019-05-28):
    • Hippogryph Rider Hit Points increased from 780 to 785.

External links[]
