- For Horde version, see [Holiday Bromance].
- 10
- Holiday Bromance
- Use Mistletoe on the Alliance "Brothers" during the Feast of Winter Veil.
- Criteria:
- Brother Nimetz in Stranglethorn Vale
- Brother Kristoff in Stormwind
- Brother Crowley in Stormwind
- Brother Benjamin in Stormwind
- Brother Wilhelm in Goldshire
- Brother Karman in Theramore
- Brother Joshua in Stormwind
- Brother Cassius in Stormwind
Holiday Bromance is related to the seasonal world event, the Feast of Winter Veil. Completing this achievement is criteria for the meta achievement [Merrymaker].
The required [Mistletoe] can be obtained as a random drop by kissing Winter Revelers in inns.
Though the list of brothers is much longer than the one for the Horde, they are very easy to get to. All the brothers in Stormwind City are close together in the Cathedral of Light. Goldshire is just outside Stormwind. Brother Nimetz is next to the flight point of the Rebel Camp in Stranglethorn Vale. Brother Karman is just outside the keep in Theramore where the fighters are training.
A couple of ways to get to Theramore:
- fly to Booty Bay, take the boat to Ratchet, and fly to Theramore
- fly to Menethil Harbor and take the boat to Theramore
All brothers are in the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor, none are in Outland or Northrend. This means you can get this achievement without the Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King expansions.
If you do not yet have some of the flightpoints you should be able to travel to them even with a character as low as level 35 (using the Booty Bay path) or 25 (using the Menethil Harbor path). A determined player could even reach all targets with a death run at level 1.
Patch changes[]
- Patch 9.1.5 (2021-11-02): Renamed from Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's.
- Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Brother Anton in Nijel's Point is removed from criteria.
- Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.