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MobHolk the Wanderer
Image of Holk the Wanderer
Gender Male
Race Highmountain tauren (Demon)
Level 10-45
Class Doomguard
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Thunder Totem, Highmountain[40, 57]VZ-Thunder TotemBlip
Status Killable

Holk the Wanderer, at first glance, appears to be a Highmountain tauren standing on the upper level of Thunder Totem in Highmountain. If a player has a demon-tracking effect active (such as Ability demonhunter spectralsight [Spectral Sight]), they are able to reveal him for what he truly is: a hostile doomguard.

During Legion Assaults, Holk will appear as he really is, but still acts as if still disguised.


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I walk the land. I watch. I listen.
That is probably why you haven't seen me here before. Nothing suspicious.

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Tauren Demon