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HordeHollow, Empty Eyes
Start Crumbling Statue
End Crumbling Statue
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 16,450 (at level 110)
Reputation +150 Voldunai
Rewards 19g 40s (at level 110)
Previous H [30-60] The Secrets of Zul'Ahjin
Next H [30-60] Sulthis' Stone


Find the statue's missing gems.


<Carved into the ancient statue are two eye sockets that look like they once held gems.

Perhaps the missing gems can be found within the ruins?>


You will receive:


<Carved into the ancient statue are two eye sockets that look like they once held gems.>


<The gems slot perfectly into place.>


The Glittering Sapphires are looted from two objects, one located at [49.8, 73]VZ-Vol'dunBlip, the other at [51, 72.2]VZ-Vol'dunBlip.

On completion, the sapphires appear in the statue's eye sockets, which shoot out a pair of laser beams that converge at a single point, conjuring a projection of Sulthis.

Sulthis says: Vorrik, if you are receiving this message, then I fear I was too late. Korthek has betrayed our people, and plans to break the barrier we placed on the tomb long ago.

An Ancient Reliquary appears in front of Sulthis.

Sulthis says: I can only hope I've hidden my key well enough so that you are the only one to find it.

The image of Sulthis disappears.


  1. H [30-60] Knowledge of the Past
  2. H [30-60] Searching the Ruins
  3. H [30-60] Creeping Death & H [30-60] Nature's Remedy
  4. H [30-60] Effective Antivenom
    1. Side chain: H [30-60] Magic Decoder Device
    2. H [30-60] Expedite the Excavation & H [30-60] Exterminate the Vermin (optional) & H [30-60] Rescue the Relics
    3. H [30-60] Power of the Overseer
  5. H [30-60] The Secrets of Zul'Ahjin
  6. H [30-60] Hollow, Empty Eyes
  7. H [30-60] Sulthis' Stone

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