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For other versions, see Horde Demolisher (disambiguation).
HordeHorde Demolisher
Image of Horde Demolisher
Race Demolisher (Mechanical)
Level 110 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Northern Barrens; Ashenvale; Darkshore
Action This Day

During A [110] Action This Day.

War of the Thorns
The subject of this article or section took place during the War of the Thorns, the Battle for Azeroth pre-launch event.

Horde Demolishers are demolishers that participated in the War of the Thorns. They first appeared with the Horde army led by Varok Saurfang in the Northern Barrens. Then they arrived to the secured Astranaar in Ashenvale with Varok and Warchief Sylvanas as well as to the Zoram'gar Outpost. Sylvanas later led the demolishers into Darkshore[1] and are seen at the Master's Glaive, the Twilight Shore and the Blackwood Den where some of them were sabotaged by Captain Delaryn Summermoon while other fire at night elven forces. Another group of demolishers remained behind the wisp wall in Twilight Vale.

During the Wildbend River stalemate, they were seen firing at the night elves at the Remtravel's Excavation. During the final phase, they attacked the night elven units stationed at Mist's Edge next to Lor'danel. Ultimately, demolishers were used to destroy the World Tree Teldrassil.


  • Cannon Fire

Objective of[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Patch changes[]



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