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Inv giantvampirebatmount bronze
  • Horrid Dredwing
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Mount
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
  • Requires Level 1 to 60 (60)
  • Requires Apprentice Riding
Horrid Dredwing

Horrid Dredwing.

Horrid Dredwing is a dredbat flying mount that rarely drops from Harika the Horrid in the Banewood in Revendreth. It can also be purchased from Chachi the Artiste in Sinfall for 100 Grateful Offering 5000 Reservoir Anima.

This mount is normally only usable by Venthyr Covenant members. Reaching 80 Inv misc covenant renown [Renown] with the Venthyr will allow it to be used by any character.

Mount Journal[]

Harika the Horrid terrorized the denizens of the Forest Ward, and with her demise her broodlings can now take this horror to denizens farther afield.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
