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Archive of Hotfixes from 2022


Hotfixes: December 1-22 | 2022-12-22 by Blizzard Entertainment

December 22[]

  • Death Knight
    • Unholy
      • Fixed an issue with Ability deathknight decomposingaura [Unholy Aura] not applying consistently to enemies with larger hitboxes.
  • Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where Ability hunter mendpet [Mend Pet] would not target and heal Dragonkin pets.
    • Marksmanship
Dungeons and Raids
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Kurog Grimtotem
      • Fixed an issue where Vantus Runes were not giving stats when used for the encounter.
    • Raszageth
      • Fixed an issue that could prevent Volatile Sparks from spawning.
  • Temple of the Jade Serpent
    • Wise Mari
      • Fixed an issue where Wise Mari would occasionally freeze while casting Wash Away.
Items and Rewards
  • Profession gear and Cobalt Assembly rings are now eligible for socket upgrades. This fix is retroactive and requires relogging.

December 21[]

  • Evoker
    • Preservation
      • Fixed an issue that could cause N [45] Rewind and Inv belt armor waistoftime d 01 [Golden Hour] to heal for unintended values when multiple Preservation Evokers are in a group or raid.
  • Rogue
    • Assassination
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Inv knife 1h artifactgarona d 01 [Kingsbane] from being modified by certain effect types. This notably included: The Rogue's recent all ability damage reduction, Inv misc map08 [Elaborate Planning]'s damage modifier, and Ability criticalstrike [Master Assassin]'s critical strike chance modifier.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Fixed an issue where Vantus Runes were not logging in advanced combat logs.
    • Kalecgos now summons a portal allowing players to travel from Achievement raidprimalist windelemental [The Primal Bulwark] to The Outer Seal after Eranog has been defeated.
    • Unstable Earth's Earth Detonation damage reduced by 40% on all difficulties.
    • Unstable Frost's Frost Detonation damage reduced by 40% on all difficulties.
    • Unstable Flame's Flame Detonation damage reduced by 36% on all difficulties.
    • Unstable Storm's Storm Detonation damage reduced by 36% on all difficulties.
    • Removed Ability evoker livingflame [Living Flame] and Primal Stormsentry from the first group of enemies on the way to Kurog Grimtotem after defeating Sennarth on all difficulties.
    • Fixed an issue with the Primalist Flamecaller on the way to Kurog Grimtotem where it did not regenerate health after leaving combat on all difficulties.
    • Awakened Juggernaut's Colossal Smash damage reduced by 20% on all difficulties.
    • Awakened Juggernaut health reduced by 17% on all difficulties.
    • Primal Stormsentry's Electric Surge damage reduced by 20% and the time between casts increased on all difficulties.
    • Fixed an issue where lava from the Djaradin did not project on stairs properly on all difficulties.
    • Reduced the start/end size and growth rate of the lava from the Djaradin on all difficulties.
    • Raszageth
      • Thunderous Blast can no longer damage pets.
      • Raszageth's health has been reduced by 5% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Stormsurge's Shield has been reduced by 50% on Mythic difficulty.
Player versus Player
  • Mage
    • Ability mage scorchedearth [Ring of Fire] will now more consistently apply to enemies who are standing still.
  • Solo Shuffle
  • War Mode
    • The following changes have been made to Inv misc questionmark [Qalashi Wingshredder]:
      • Cooldown reduced to 1 minute (was 2 minutes).
      • Cast time reduced to 1 second (was 2 seconds).
      • Range increased to 300 yards (was 200 yards).
      • Time for the ability to reach the target changed to 1 second (was based on distance travel time).
  • Fixed an issue where items in the player's bank were not considered valid targets for salvaging.
  • Valdrakken
    • The weekly "Relic Recovery" and "Preserving the Past" dungeon quests will now appear on the map for Valdrakken.
  • Iskaara Tuskarr
    • Community Feast bosses should now reliably reward the correct amount of reputation when killed.

December 20[]

  • Achievement bg getxflags no die [I'm Playing All Sides] was erroneously awarding credit for turning keys into Bazentus at the Obsidian Forge. The has been corrected and may require turning in another key to gain that credit.
  • For Honor Our Ancestors, Dihar the Unyielding asks for 5 tier 2 Inv misc questionmark [Writhebark]. The text will be updated to specify this next patch.
  • Evoker
    • Devastation
      • Fixed an issue where Ability evoker pyre [Pyre] could occasionally not be cast despite having enough essence.
Dungeons and Raids
  • The Azure Vaults
    • Adjusted the Shrieking Whelps so that while they are out of combat, they are not considered targets for area of effect or chain abilities, unless they are directly targeted by them.
    • Umbrelskul
      • Oppressive Miasma no longer breaks stealth on Mythic difficulty.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Primal Thunderbeast's Chain Lightning damage reduced by 30% on Mythic+ difficulty.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Dathea, Ascended
      • Reduced the melee damage of Volatile Infusers by 50% on Normal difficulty.
      • Reduced the number of Unstable Gusts on Normal difficulty.
      • Conductive Mark now targets 4 players regardless of raid group size.
      • Conductive Mark periodic damage now scales with raid group size.
    • Kurog Grimtotem
      • Abilities like Soul Healing and Spell deathknight butcher2 [Death Strike] should now properly account for the damage of Kurog's Sundering Strike.
    • Raszageth
      • The health of the following enemies has been reduced by 50%:
        • Surging Ruiner Oathsworn
        • Vanguard Stormseeker
        • Acolyte Frostforged
        • Zealot Flamesworn Herald
  • Fixed and issue where players could wear more than 2 Embellished pieces of gear under certain conditions.
  • We have increased the amount of Inv 10 gearcraft primalchaos color1 [Primal Chaos] gained in much of M+, particularly in the mid levels (5-15) to reduce the total runs needed to earn enough Inv 10 gearcraft primalchaos color1 [Primal Chaos] to craft equivalent levels of profession gear.
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
  • Thaldraszus
    • Increased the spawn rate of water elementals for the world quest "Depth Charge."
  • Valdrakken
    • The weekly "Relic Recovery" and "Preserving the Past" dungeon quests will now appear on the map for Valdrakken.
  • Fixed an issue where Tuskarr fishing nets occasionally yielded no fish.

December 19[]

  • Death Knight
  • Demon Hunter
  • Druid
    • Balance
    • Restoration
      • [With weekly restarts] All healing increased by 5%. This change does not apply to PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability druid healinginstincts [Embrace of the Dream] healing increased by 25%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Achievement dungeon everbloom [Luxuriant Soil] now has a 1.5/3% (was 1/2%) chance to spread Spell nature rejuvenation [Rejuvenation].
        • The tooltip will not reflect this change, but it will be corrected in a future update.
  • Evoker
    • Several animations have been improved when casting while Hovering.
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability evoker disintegrate [Disintegrate] damage increased by 15%.
    • Preservation
      • Fixed an issue that could cause N [45] Rewind to fail to heal damage dealt to allies in large encounters such as Raszageth.
  • Hunter
    • Marksmanship
      • [With weekly restarts] All damage dealt reduced by 3%.
  • Mage
    • Fire
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire fireball02 [Pyroblast] damage increased by 12%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ignite damage increased by 5%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire fireball [Fire Blast] damage increased by 12%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire flamebolt [Fireball] damage increased by 12%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire soulburn [Scorch] damage increased by 12%.
    • Frost
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell frost frostblast [Ice Lance] damage increased by 12%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability warlock burningembersblue [Flurry] damage increased by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell frost frostbolt02 [Frostbolt] damage increased by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability mage glacialspike [Glacial Spike] damage increased 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell frost ice shards [Splitting Ice], Icicles, and Spell frost frostblast [Ice Lance] hit another nearby target for 80%, (was 65%).
        • The tooltip will not be updated to reflect this change but will be updated in the future.
  • Monk
    • Windwalker
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage reduced by 3%.
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability bastion rogue [Resounding Clarity] now causes Ability bastion rogue [Echoing Reprimand] to Animacharge 2 additional combo points (was 3).
    • Assassination
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage reduced by 3%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability creature poison 06 [Fatal Concoction]'s damage bonus for weapon poisons reduced to 10% (was 15%).
    • Outlaw
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage reduced by 3%.
    • Subtlety
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage reduced by 3%.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • [With weekly restarts] All damage dealt reduced by 3%.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
    • Demonology
      • [with weekly restarts] The cooldown of Spell shadow mindrot [Call Felhunter] is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Destruction
  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by 3%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior savageblow [Mortal Strike] damage increased by 5%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Inv sword 48 [Execute] damage increased by 10%.
    • Fury
      • [With weekly restarts] (2) Set Bonus: Inv sword 48 [Execute] critical hit chance bonus increased to 25% (was 10%).
  • Inv companionwyvern [Cliffside Wylderdrake]
    • White Hair manuscript is now available for purchase from Valdrakken Accord renown vendors at Valdrakken Accord rank 15.
  • Inv companionprotodragon [Renewed Proto-Drake]:
    • Meiz no longer offers to sell the Thick Spined Jaw manuscript if you have unlocked the customization option already.
    • Green Scales manuscript is now available for purchase from renown vendors at Maruuk Centaur renown rank 19.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Kurog Grimtotem
      • Increased the enrage timer to 10 minutes on Mythic difficulty (was 9 minutes).
      • Decreased the following enemies health by 15% on Mythic difficulty:
        • Frostwrought Dominator
        • Earthwrough Smasher
        • Flamewrought Eradicator
        • Stormwrought Despoiler
        • Tectonic Crusher
        • Frozen Destroyer
        • Blazing Fiend
        • Thundering Ravager
      • Fixed an issue where Kurog Grimtotem's Earth, Flame, Frost, and Storm Dominance were not interacting correctly with Evoker's ability Rewind (all difficulties).
    • Broodkeeper Diurna
      • Fixed an issue which could affect the responsiveness of Primalist Forces on when they become active on all difficulties.
      • Fixed an issue which could cause Empowered Greatstaff's Wrath to target a tank-specialization player over other valid targets.
    • Raszageth
      • Flamesworn Herald's Flame Shield now absorbs 55% of its health (was 70%).
      • The initial cooldown time of Frostforged Zealot's Shattering Shroud has been increased.
      • Players that are immune to the effects of Hurricane Wing are also immune to the effects of Hurricane Winds.
      • Fixed an issue where Discipline Priest Atonement was incorrectly being affected by both the damage increase and healing increase from the Focused Charge buff.
Items and Rewards
  • Developers' note: Season 1 is off to a roaring start, and we've been playing lots of dungeons and gotten lots of great feedback from players during this first week of Mythic+ in Dragonflight. While we want to be careful not to change too much as players are still figuring out the new dungeons, we've identified some areas where we'd like to act on feedback sooner than later.
  • Alegeth'ar Academy
    • Aggravated Skitterfly Darting Sting damage reduced by 25% and should now try to sting different targets.
    • [With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue that caused Spectral Invoker's Arcane Missiles to not scale properly with key levels.
    • Overgrown Ancient
      • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the health of Ancient Branch by 40%.
  • The Azure Vaults
    • [With weekly restarts] Conjured Lasher health reduced by 20%.
    • Arcane Tender's Infused Ground damage reduced by 33%.
    • Azureblade
      • [With weekly restarts] Overwhelming Energy damage reduced by 25%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Overwhelming Energy cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
      • [With weekly restarts] There is an additional delay before Overwhelming Energy that inflicts damage and expels Ancient Orb Fragments.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ancient Orb damage reduced by 25%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue that caused the broadcast for Overwhelming Energy to not display.
      • [With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue that caused the cast time of Overwhelming Energy to display incorrectly.
  • Court of Stars
    • [With weekly restarts] Legion Hound's Felblaze Puddle now properly has a screen effect of the firey puddle left on the ground.
  • Halls of Valor
    • Ebonclaw Worg's Leap for the Throat damage reduced by 20%.
    • Resolved an issue that caused Ebonclaw Worg's Leap for the Throat to target the primary threat player.
    • Fenyr
      • Claw Frenzy's cast time increased to 1 seconds (was instant) and now has a visual to indicate that the damage it inflicts is split by targets in the area effect.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • [With weekly restarts] Soulharvesters' Death Bolt Volley cast time increased to 3 sec (was 1.5 sec).
    • [With weekly restarts] Soulharvesters' Death Bolt Volley and Shatter Soul are now cast less frequently.
    • [With weekly restarts] Ukhel Corruptor's Death Bolt cast time increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5).
    • [With weekly restarts] Ukhel Corruptor's Necrotic Eruption is now cast less frequently.
    • [With weekly restarts] Ukhel Deathspeaker's Chant of the Dead cast time is increased to 8 seconds and is now cast less frequently.
    • [With weekly restarts] Risen Mystic's Swift Wind cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 2).
    • [With weekly restarts] Risen Warrior's Mortal Strike duration reduced to 4 seconds (was 10), and it is now cast less frequently.
    • [With weekly restarts] Desecrated Ohuna's Rotting Wind range reduced to 25yd (was 40), and it is now cast less frequently.
    • The Raging Tempest
      • [With weekly restarts] Electrical Storm damage reduced by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Energy Surge duration reduced to 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • [With weekly restarts] Scorchling no longer casts Burning Touch.
    • [With weekly restarts] Thunderhead and Flamegullet are now visible from much further away, making their flight path easier to keep track of.
    • [With weekly restarts] The cast time of Thunderhead's Storm Breath and Flamegullet's Flame Breath increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • [With weekly restarts] Primalist Flamedancer's Flame Dance channel duration increased to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
    • [With weekly restarts] Blazebound Destroyer's Living Bomb periodic damage reduced by 40%.
    • [With weekly restarts] Tempest Channeler's Lightning Storm periodic damage and duration have both been reduced by 20%.
    • Kokia Blazehoof
      • [With weekly restarts] Health reduced by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Blazebound Firestorm health reduced by 20%.
    • Kyrakka and Erkheart Stormvein
      • [With weekly restarts] Erkheart Stormvein health reduced by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Kyrakka health reduced by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] While Kyrakka is grounded, Flamespit will now target a maximum of 3 players (was 5).
  • Temple of the Jade Serpent
    • [With weekly restarts] Depraved Mistweaver's Defiling Mist damage reduced by 20%.
    • [With weekly restarts] Depraved Mistweaver's Touch of Ruin's initial aura is now a curse effect.
    • Wise Mari
      • Fixed an issue that could cause display issues during the ability Wash Away.
      • [With weekly restarts] Improved the visibility on Corrupted Geyser's warning effects.
    • Sha of Doubt
      • [With weekly restarts] Touch of Nothingness damage reduced by 20%.
      • Bounds of Reality reduces damage taken by 99% instead of granting immunity to all damage.
Ohn'ahran Plains
Pet Battles
  • Jingles should now have a chance to show up with his wreath and candy cane on summon, instead of being locked into an appearance.
  • The first three Centaur Hunts each week now have a chance to award a Bakar or Ohuna battle pet.
Player versus Player
  • Classes
    • Demon Hunter
    • Druid
      • Balance
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell arcane arcane03 [Starsurge], Spell nature wrathv2 [Wrath], and Spell arcane starfire [Starfire] damage increased by 20% in PvP.
          • Developers' note: Balance Druid's potential burst has gone down significantly compared to Shadowlands, while at the same time their consistent spread damage has increased. Overall this is a healthier place, but we also want Starsurge to be a viable option for spending Astral Power in PvP. Additionally, we'd like to reward Balance Druids for casting Wrath and Starfire since these spells are more difficult to cast in PvP.
      • Feral
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell holy blessingofstamina [Leader of the Pack] now heals for 3% of maximum health (was 5%).
          • Developers' note: As a follow-up to one of our goals in last week's tuning of DPS specializations having higher self-healing than we were comfortable with, we are making an adjustment with Leader of the Pack to be more in line with other DPS specializations' self-healing.
      • Restoration
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell nature riptide [Riptide] healing increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv misc herb felblossom [Lifebloom] healing reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
        • Inv misc herb felblossom [Lifebloom]'s bloom healing reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
          • Developers' note: Lifebloom continued to constitute a significant portion of a Restoration Druid's healing in PvP, so we're lowering it. We feel that Restoration Druid's throughput with this adjustment will remain strong.
    • Monk
      • [with weekly restarts] Ability monk roundhousekick [Blackout Kick] damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • [with weekly restarts] Ability monk tigerpalm [Tiger Palm] damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Mistweaver
        • [with weekly restarts] Mana regeneration now reduced by an additional 15% (was 5%) in PvP combat.
      • Windwalker
        • Inv hand 1h artifactskywall d 01 [Strike of the Windlord] damage reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
          • Developers' note: Strike of the Windlord and Thunderfist are dealing more burst than we are comfortable with, so we are adjusting them and increasing additional sustained damage.
    • Paladin
      • Holy
        • [with weekly restarts] Mana regeneration now reduced by an additional 35% (was 40%) in PvP combat.
    • Priest
      • Discipline
        • [with weekly restarts] Mana regeneration now reduced by an additional 5% (was 15%) in PvP combat.
      • Shadow
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Shadow Word: Death] damage reduced by 20% for Shadow only in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the absorption value of Spell holy powerwordshield [Power Word: Shield] by 20% in PvP Combat for Shadow only.
        • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the healing transfer of Spell shadow unsummonbuilding [Vampiric Embrace] by 20% in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the duration of Void Volley: Horrify by 2 sec (was 3 sec).
        • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the damage of Inv datacrystal02 [Void Volley] by 30%.
          • Developers' note: Shadow Priest self-sustain is too high in PvP so we are making targeted adjustments to their healing. Additionally, we are targeting Void Volley and Idol of Y'Shaarj as we've seen it could lead to frustrating situations with minimal counterplay when paired with other instant cast damage dealing abilities.
    • Rogue
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell nature nullifydisease [Numbing Poison] attack and cast speed debuff effectiveness reduced by 33% in PvP combat.
      • Assassination
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability rogue deathmark [Deathmark] damage dealt by duplicated poisons and bleeds reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
          • The tooltip will not reflect this change, but it will be corrected in a future update.
      • Subtlety
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability rogue sinistercalling [Secret Technique] damage reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
          • Developers' note: Assassination bleed damage is higher than we are comfortable with and Secret Technique has potential to lead to burst windows with minimal counterplay, so we are toning them down. Additionally, we are most comfortable with baseline cast speed reduction being 10% in PvP currently, so we're reducing Numbing Poison to be in line with similar abilities.
    • Shaman
      • [With weekly restarts] Inv spear 04 [Healing Stream Totem] healing increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
      • Elemental
        • Reduced the damage of Shaman talent elementalblast [Elemental Blast] by 15% in PvP combat.
          • Developers' note: We've continued to see Elemental Blast be too bursty in PvP, for both Enhancement and Elemental. Additionally, Lightning Bolt burst with Primordial Wave for Enhancement was dealing more burst than desired, so we're bringing down the value of Primordial Wave so that Lightning Bolt on its own can continue to shine. For Restoration, we're targeting buffs to instant cast spells for improved survivability.
        • Enhancement
          • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the damage of Shaman talent elementalblast [Elemental Blast] by 15% in PvP Combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] Ability maldraxxus shaman [Primordial Wave] causes your next Spell nature lightning [Lightning Bolt] to hit all targets with Flame Shock for 75% of normal damage for Enhancement only in PvP Combat (down from 150%).
    • Warlock
      • Affliction
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell warlock soulburn [Soulburn] Port duration reduced to 6 seconds in PvP.
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell warlock soulburn [Soulburn] Drain Life no longer grants an absorb when healing at full health in PvP.
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell warlock soulburn [Soulburn] Healthstone healing is reduced to 20% (was 30%) in PvP combat.
      • Demonology
        • [With weekly restarts] The cooldown of Spell shadow mindrot [Call Felhunter] is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
          • Developers' note: Demonology Warlocks have an abundance of control in their toolkit that can be used frequently so we are targeting the cooldown of Call Felhunter.
      • Destruction
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability warlock chaosbolt [Chaos Bolt] damage increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow scourgebuild [Shadowburn] damage increased by 30% in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire burnout [Incinerate] damage increased by 30% in PvP Combat.
          • Developers' note: Destruction Warlocks traditionally shine in PvP through setting up big burst windows, and we feel like they have been lacking in that regard.
    • Warrior
      • Fury
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability rogue preparation [Warpaint] now reduces damage taken by 5% (was 10%) while enraged in PvP combat.
          • Developers' note: We feel that Fury Warriors are too durable, even after last week's adjustments to their self-healing from Bloodthirst.
      • Protection
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv shield 05 [Shield Slam] - Damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability gouge [Rend] damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat (Protection Warrior only).
          • Developers' note: Protection Warriors are continuing to deal more damage than we would like even after recent adjustments. In some cases, we've observed them competing with damage-dealing specializations, so we're making additional targeted adjustments on Shield Slam and Rend.
  • Solo Shuffle
  • [With weekly restarts] You can now only earn Artisan's Consortium reputation via weekly quests from two professions a week. All professions provide the same amount total (500).
  • [with weekly restarts] Azure Loom and Chrono Loom can now be used to fulfill Crafting Orders.
  • Added S.A.V.I.O.R. to the Crafting Order system. It remains Bind on Pickup and Requires Dragon Isles Engineering to use.
  • Added all intermediate reagents, finishing reagents, and optional reagents to the Crafting Order system (except for Illustrious Insight).
    • Developers' note: The desire to fulfill orders is sometimes much greater than the supply of orders that actively need filled despite the high volume of orders going through the system. Additionally, there is a disconnect between being able to use one's own raw gathered reagents to create a final desired product. By adding these crafted reagents to the Crafting Order system, we hope to offer more opportunities for crafters to locate and fill orders and customers to directly utilize their own materials to feel a stronger sense of ownership in the final product. Currently, multiple orders will need to be placed if you need a higher quantity than the recipe provides. We recognize that this flow isn't ideal and will be looking into how to improve it. Thank you for your patience and continued feedback as we iterate on all things professions!
  • Alchemy
    • Transmutation crafts have been temporarily disabled in order to address an exploit. It is our top priority to resolve the underlying issue and re-enable Transmutations as soon as possible.
  • Enchanting
    • The Enchanting formulas Inv inscription weaponscroll03 [Illusion: Primal Frost], Air, Fire, and Earth were inadvertently bind on pickup. They have been changed to unbound so they may freely be traded and sold on the auction house.
  • Engineering
    • Arclight Energy Surge caused by catastrophic tinker malfunctions will now continue to tick down while offline.
    • Pieces of Scrap sometimes found by specialized Engineers now have a significantly higher chance of dropping when you use your bombs or tinkers.
    • The chance to receive Junk items from Inv misc wartornscrap plate [Rummage Through Scrap] has been reduced for specialized Engineers.
    • Inv misc wartornscrap plate [Rummage Through Scrap]'s chance to yield a special treasure has been slightly increased for specialized Engineers.
      • Developers' note: While the main benefit of investing points into the Scrapper specialization is the significant increase to your resourcefulness, Rummage Through Scrap is proving to be far less rewarding than intended. The goal for this effect is not to incentivize using your devices at every opportunity, but instead to reward your dedication to your craft by sometimes uncovering something useful... or unique!
  • Herbalism
    • Windswept perk 0 now correctly reduces the distance you are knocked back by Building Breeze.
  • Inscription
    • The Inv misc rune 07 [Curious Djaradin Rune], an item that gives specialization in Inscription, should now drop from creatures for Scribes capable of specializing.
    • Fixed an issue where some embellishments where not showing on Held in Off-hand weapons.
  • Jewelcrafting
    • Fixed an issue where the Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Elemental Lariat] was not properly dropping off all boss storm creatures. It should now properly drop off them.
      • Developers' note: Players only have a chance to get this recipe on your first kill of each per day, matching with the behavior of other loot that drops from these creatures.
  • Mining
    • Fixed an issue with Titan-Touched specialization that had the effect descriptions of the 0 point and 40 point perks swapped. Functionality is unchanged.
    • Fixed an issue that made the Surveying 30 knowledge perk drop Illimited Diamonds significantly less often than intended.
    • Molten perk 0 now correctly reduces the damage dealt by Smoldering Ore.
  • Skinning
    • Reduced the cooldown of Inv misc food legion goocaramel bottle [Bottled Pheromones] to 5 minutes (was 30 minutes).
    • Significantly increased the bonus cooldown reduction specializations provide toward Inv misc food meat goatchops [Elusive Creature Bait]. When players are maxed out in all perks related to Inv misc food meat goatchops [Elusive Creature Bait], the cooldown is now reduced by 20 minutes (was 13 minutes).
    • Increased the reward for skinning normal, rare, and elite 'elusive' enemies. The normal enemies are now only skinnable by a single skinner.
      • Developers' note: The rewards for skinning elusive creatures have been equally elusive, so we are improving what they drop. Along with this change, normal elusive creatures are only skinnable by a single skinner. Elite and Rare elusive creatures will remain skinnable by everyone who participates in defeating them.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the rare Inv holiday christmas present 01 [Stolen Present] box to show up on the quest "B [30-70G Daily] You're a Mean One...".
  • Spell frost frostshock [PX-238 Winter Wondervolt] now persists through death.
  • [With weekly restarts] Requirement to complete Sparks of Life weekly quests reduced to 100 Sparks of Life (was 200).
  • Azure Span
    • Fixed an issue where unique creatures in "Delights to Delve for" were clipping into the geography, blocking players from completing the objective.
  • The Forbidden Reach
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
    • Gurgthock the Fight Promoter should no longer become permanently uninteractible if players restart "The Field of Ferocity Redux: Master of the Hunt" immediately after it resets.
  • Thaldraszus
    • Fixed an issue where credit was incorrectly sharing between party members during "N [68-70] Time-Locked Timewalkers."
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue where Wrathion could drop players while flying during "N [60-62] The Obsidian Citadel."
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Fixed an issue where some talents could have multiple ranks of bonuses active at the same time.

December 16[]

  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • Fixed an issue with Spell mage nethertempest [Nether Tempest] not always applying to your currently selected target.
  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Inv drink milk 05 [Thistle Tea] charges from refreshing after encounters.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Eranog
      • Resolved an issue causing Incinerate to sometimes hit players if Eranog was defeated during intermission.
  • Affixes
    • Shaman pvp leaderclan [Thundering]
      • Mark of Lightning and Mark of Wind no longer display an overhead visual once only one marked player remains.
      • The visual warning when Mark of Lightning and Mark of Wind near expiration has been increased in size.
  • Halls of Valor
    • Hyrja
      • Fixed an issue that caused Hyrja's and Olmyr's Sanctify ability to inflict more damage than intended.
  • Temple of the Jade Serpent
    • Wise Mari
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Wise Mari's facing to change during Wash Away.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • The number of Dormant Infusers increased to 5 on Mythic difficulty (was 4).
    • Dathea, Ascended's health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
Pet Battles
  • The Gray Marmoni andBlack Skitterbug battle pets are now bind-on-pickup.
Player versus Player
  • Characters
    • Pandaren
  • Griftah has taken note of all the wonderous and amazing items that the adventurers of Azeroth have been crafting and has decided to branch out his business to include a new Optional Reagent: Inv misc powder mithril [Griftah's All-Purpose Embellishing Powder].Inv misc powder mithril [Griftah's All-Purpose Embellishing Powder] is guaranteed to give your gear +1 Sparkle when applied through crafting or recrafting! This will remove any embellishments you have added to that gear, as well as the Unique-Equipped: Embellished (2) requirement on it.
  • Alchemy
    • Fixed several issues that caused Phial durations to scale unpredictably when consuming multiple. Phial duration specialization perks should now also function correctly as part of this fix.
    • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage will now correctly restore Corrupting Rage if you die while Racial orc berserkerstrength [Overwhelming Rage] is active.
  • Jewelcrafting
    • Fixed a scaling issue that caused Idol of the Aspects trinkets to be far weaker than intended.
    • Idol of the Aspects trinkets now stack up to 18 times before transforming (was 15).
  • Dragonscale Expedition
    • The Inv misc 1h blacksmithshovel a 01 [Small Expedition Shovel] is now bind-on-pickup.
    • Fixed an issue where some of the early Dragonscale Expedition cosmetics were set to Bind on Account instead of Bind on Pickup. Players can purchase items on alts to unlock them once at least one character has reached the correct Renown Rank.
  • Maruuk Centaur
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Fixed an issue where holidays on the calendar could be off by one day.
  • Classes
    • Death Knight
      • Frost
        • Fixed an issue where it was possible to have multiple ranks of Spell deathknight icytalons [Icy Talons] active at once.
      • Unholy
        • Fixed an issue where multiple ranks of Spell shadow unholyfrenzy [Desolation] can be stacked at once.

December 15[]

Dungeons and Raids
  • Algeth'ar Academy
    • Echo of Doragosa
      • Adjusted the number of Overwhelming Power applications required to create an Arcane Rift to 3 (was 4).
        • Developers' note: This ability is taking longer than expected to come into play during the encounter, making the encounter less engaging than desired.
  • Halls of Infusion
      • Proto-Dragons now have more consistent movement when positioning themselves around a player.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Fixed an issue where items with a profession skill requirement could be rolled on by anyone when using Group Loot.
    • Eranog
      • Fixed an issue causing Primal Flames to sometimes turn in unexpected ways during Stage Two.
    • Terros
      • Fixed an issue that could prevent Druid's Ability ardenweald druid [Convoke the Spirits] from striking Terros at the appropriate range.
    • Dathea, Ascended
    • Broodkeeper Diurna
      • Added a personal notification when a player is targeted by Empowered Greatstaff's Wrath.
      • Fixed an issue where Primalist Reinforcements' spawn location indicator may be overlapped with another.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where Rumbling Ruby would not trigger from certain melee attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where Inv 10 dungeonjewelry primalist trinket 5 air [Desperate Invoker's Codex] did not have its current cooldown reduced when gaining stacks of Hatred. Now, if Inv 10 dungeonjewelry primalist trinket 5 air [Desperate Invoker's Codex] is on cooldown, gaining a stack of Hatred will reduce it by one second.
  • Fixed an issue with the Shaman pvp leaderclan [Thundering] affix that caused Primal Overload to trigger after a keystone dungeon has been completed.
  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to loot a Mythic+ Keystone.
  • Fixed an issue where players' saved Inv relics hourglass 02 [Mythic Keystone] level was not properly upgraded when running a Mythic+ dungeon that originated in a previous expansion.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
    • Fixed an issue where a Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Mythic+ group could default to Challenge difficulty when listed in the Group Finder.
    • Shadowmoon Dominator's Domination can now be interrupted by stun and knockback effects.
Player versus Player
Primal Storms
  • Elite enemies that are spawned during Primal Storms will no longer despawn if their corresponding storm ends and they are in combat.
  • The map marker for the Elemental Storm in the Cobalt Assembly has been moved to be more visible.
  • Engineering
    • Fixed an issue that caused Primal Deconstruction Charge to cost 1 Inv 10 elementalcombinedfoozles fire [Awakened Fire] instead of 1 Inv 10 elementalshardfoozles fire [Rousing Fire].
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Inv 10 engineering explosives 1 color3 [Grease Grenade] from being craftable.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented EZ-Thro bombs from being discoverable when specialized into EZ-Thro.
    • Increased the chance of discovering new epic bracer recipes when crafting rare goggles and the Inv misc questionmark [P.E.W. x2] for specialized Engineers.
    • Significantly increased the chance of discovering Safety Components when a Tinker malfunctions for specialized Engineers.
    • Slightly lowered the chance to experience a catastrophic malfunction when using Tinkers.
  • Valdrakken
    • Alexstrasza will now always be available in Valdrakken for players to turn in "N [15-35] Moving On."
    • "N [68-70] To Valdrakken" will now point you to Alexstrasza's location if she has left Valdrakken.
    • Added paragon reputation tracking to "N [70W] Aiding the Accord" quests early. We didn't anticipate the commitment some players have to digging holes for reputation.

December 14[]

  • Paladin
  • Shaman
    • Fixed several issues with Ability shaman multitotemactivation [Totemic Recall]:
      • Fixed an issue when using the Inv artifact xp03 [Creation Core] choice node talent where if you had used the same totem twice in a row after using a different totem, the talent would only reset the cooldown of the totem you most recently used twice in a row.
      • Fixed an issue where Mana Spring Totem was improperly being counted as a valid totem to have its cooldown reset.
      • Fixed an issue where pressing Totemic Recall when you had not used any valid totem spells at all would put the Totemic Recall ability on cooldown.
    • Elemental
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Spell shadow burningspirit [Soul Tap] now sacrifices 5% of your Soul Leech (was 8%).
Creatures and NPCs
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue where some of Lorena Belle's dialogue options would sometimes disappear.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Brackenhide Hollow
    • Fixed an issue where abilities that remove roots may not remove Teeth Traps.
    • Fixed an issue where players would not get the Inv misc questionmark [Subscribed to Hyena Facts] achievement if they were dead when the final fact is learned, because sometimes the most important hyena facts are learned through death. Such as that Spotted Hyenas successfully hunt and kill over 90% of the prey they eat and rarely scavenge.
    • Fixed an issue where some gnolls before Hackclaw's War-Band would continue their non-combat animations while in combat.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Fixed an issue where Flame Marshall's Bulwark and Inv misc questionmark [Quake-Detecting Seismostaff] had a significantly higher-than-average drop rate.
    • Delayed the spawn of the lava fish school until after the enemies before the Primal Council are cleared so players no longer prematurely lure out the Lurking Lunker living in lava for a less-than-lovely lead-in to the Primal Council.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where Lindormi would not always grant a Inv relics hourglass 02 [Mythic Keystone] to eligible players.
    • Developers' note: We are separately investigating an issue where players may occasionally not receive a Mythic Keystone when completing a Mythic or Mythic+ Dungeon, but if you are unable to acquire a keystone and have completed at least 1 Mythic+ dungeon since the launch of Dragonflight, Lindormi can assist you with a replacement.
  • Fixed an issue where several weekly dungeon specific quest items were missing from Mythic+ Challenger Chests.
  • Alegeth'ar Acadmey
    • Echo of Doragosa
      • Players pulled by Echo of Doragosa's Power Vacuum are no longer affected by Spell nature earthquake [Quaking].
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • The Spell nature earthquake [Quaking] affix no longer affects players or their ride along passengers while on a Dragonriding mount.
Player versus Player
  • The Spell nature focusedmind [Precognition] PvP talent will no longer occasionally grant its buff even if the player was interrupted.
  • The Inv misc horn 03 [Taivan's Trumpet] toy can no longer be used in arena.
  • Gear item level 312 or higher will be scaled up to 359 in instanced PvP.
  • Classes
    • Demon Hunter
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Extended Sigil's tooltip from displaying correct decimal values in PvP combat.
    • Priest
      • Shadow
        • Fixed an issue causing Psyfiend to be immune to magic removal effects.
        • Fixed an issue causing Psyfiend to not be healable.
        • Psyflay from Psyfiend is now more responsive when players line of sight or run out of range of the spell.
        • The duration of Psyflay now updates based on the remaining duration of Psyfiend for situations where the target runs out of range and back in range of the spell.
    • Warrior
      • Fury
        • Fixed an issue that allowed Slaughterhouse (PvP Talent) to be refreshed by other Warriors.
  • Solo Shuffle
    • Fixed an issue that could cause players to earn less Conquest than intended when matches were played on Maldraxxus Coliseum.
  • Alternates that reach level 70 should now be able to speak with Alexstrasza in the Seat of the Aspects and accept "N [70] To Tyrhold."
  • Fixed an issue where quest marker for starting "N [68-70] Second Challenge of Tyr: Might" would not appear correctly, which caused confusion when players abandoned it and went back to Valdrakken in order to pick it up.
  • Thaldrazsus
    • Fixed an issue where Patient Vaargo wasn't always able to properly trigger the Great Shellkhan rare in Thaldraszus.
    • Fixed an error on the tool tip for the Direct Apprentice extra action during the world quest "N [60-70WQ] Salamanther's Embrace."
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue where was Basrikron not appropriately granting kill credit.
  • Cobalt Assembly
    • The power "Arcane Bravery" can now be dispelled and spellstolen. In addition, it now correctly makes the player immune to all damage, rather than to all effects.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Classes
    • Hunter
      • Fixed an issue where it was possible to have multiple ranks of Ability hunter rapidkilling [Volley] active at the same time. This is a second version of the hotfix that deals with new reports of alternate ways to do this.

December 13[]

  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue that caused Ability stealth [Nightstalker] to provide a damage bonus larger than intended for some skills under certain conditions.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Brakenhide Hollow
    • Fixed an issue in Brackenhide Hollow where after a soft reset, enemies would respawn and gates would be closed even if bosses linked to them were defeated.
    • Fixed an issue where Rotbow Stalker's Bone Bolt Volley was targeting pets.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • The wave gauntlet before Primal Tsunami received multiple adjustments so that it is less punishing.
    • Primal Tsunami
      • Using Shadowstep or Ability rogue shadowstrike [Shadowstrike] no longer places the Rogue so close to the Primal Tsunami causing them to get them knocked back.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Inv sword 01 [Stormcaller]'s Fury now affects a smaller space around Nokhudon Hold.
    • Players can no longer use dragonriding abilities inside Nokhudon Hold while the Nokhudon Stormcallers are active.
    • Fixed an issue causing players to sometimes be hit by Stormcaller's Fury when double jumping or gliding.
    • Fixed an issue where Rally the Clan from Nokhud Hornsounder could incorrectly be interrupted.
    • Teera and Maruuk
      • Fixed an issue where pulling enemies to Teera and Maruuk during their roleplay sequence will cause them to reset.
    • Balakar Khan
      • Balakar Khan now moves more quickly.
      • Slightly increased the time between casts of Rending Strike, Savage Strike, Conductive Strike, and Thunder Strike.
      • Static Spear's damage to targets in targeted area reduced by 30% and the damage dealt to all players reduced by 25%.
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Infernocore to function after Kyrakka is defeated.
    • Fixed an issue where Thunderhead's Rolling Thunder could target distant players who are not in combat which could make running back after dying difficult.
    • The shield from Primalist Flamedancer's Blaze of Glory is now a Magic effect and can be dispelled.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Eranog
      • Increased the delay before Lava Flow inflicts damage to players.
Items and Rewards
Player versus Player
  • War Mode
    • Sparks of Life from honorable kills are no longer awarded while in a raid.
  • Reduced the chance of receiving a skill-up from recrafting by 60%.
  • Increased the number of skill points gained from crafting recipes involving Sparks of Ingenuity to 3 (was 1) to better reward you when doing so, and to make it easier to gain crafting skill beyond 50.
  • Lowered the amount of crafting orders needed for "[Profession] Services Requested."
    • Blacksmithing, Tailoring, and Leatherworking reduced to 3 orders (was 5).
    • Engineering, Inscription, and Jewelcrafting reduced to 2 orders (was 5).
      • Developers' note: To make it easier to satisfy the weekly crafting order quests, we have reduced the number of crafting orders that need to be fulfilled. The major armor professions have more recipes with orders, so for Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, and Tailoring, requirements have been reduced from 5 to 3. For Jewelcrafting, Inscription, and Engineering the requirements have been reduced from 5 to 2.
  • Alchemy
    • Alchemical Experimentation has received the following changes:
      • The success chance for all Experimentations has been slightly increased.
      • The failure rate for Basic Experimentation has been slightly reduced.
      • Failure now correctly grants loot, skill-ups, and consumes reagents.
      • You can no longer experience a failure twice in a row.
        • Developers' note: One of the goals with alchemical experimentation was to present a unique and flavorful way of introducing recipes outside of usual reward outlets. We knew there would be players on either extreme (or both!) of the luck spectrum but hoped we could offer enough recipes early that players could feel able to carve out their own niche, while steadily progressing toward a broader array of products long-term. We feel that we were successful in capturing a fun fantasy, but agree with the sentiment that the gameplay needed some improvement. We will keep an eye on this topic going forward and may make additional changes in the future. Thank you for your continued feedback.
  • Engineering
      • Fixed an issue where recrafting Inv misc questionmark [P.E.W. x2] would not accept optional reagents.
  • Inscription
  • Jewelcrafting
    • Fixed an issue where recrafting Torc of Passed Time would not accept optional reagents.
  • Kryrian Covenant
    • Fixed some issues causing enemies in some Kyrian Covenant Campaign scenarios to not deal enough damage to level 70 players to complete the quest for a long time.
  • Obsidian Citadel
  • Thaldraszus
    • Fixed an issue on the "Screechflight Scramble" quest line where Harleen Chirpsnide would phase out and block player progress.
    • Fixed an issue was fixed where changing water shoes on "N [60-70WQ] Hydro Tuskarr" wasn't working properly.
    • World Quests
      • Moved Glisteneing Salamanthers away from Eclipse Lake during "N [60-70WQ] Hydro Tuskarr" to prevent them from attacking players while on Iskaara Watergliders.
      • Fixed an issue with Iskaara Waterwalkers during "N [60-70WQ] Hydro Tuskarr" where the extra action button for the Net quest item would not appear while using them.
  • Valdrakken
    • Fixed an issue with The Ruby Feast questline that was blocking players from advancing past the first day's quests.
  • World Bosses
    • Basrikron
      • Fixed an issue with some players failing to receive credit for the world boss quest.
  • World Quests
    • The following reputation rewards have been increased:
      • Normal faction world quests increased to 150 reputation (was 100).
      • The larger elite world quests located at the major elite areas increased to 250 reputation (was 200).
      • The Tuskarr Fishing Frenzy world quests increased to 200 reputation (was 150).
      • The Dragonscale Expedition weekly "Wanted Poster" quests increased to 250 reputation for the non-dungeon quests (was 200).
        • Developers' note: While we are not increasing the cadence on many of the Dragonflight World Quests, we are adjusting the reputation on some of the World Quests to help some of our players to better progress the weekly "Aiding the Accord" quests.
  • Cobalt Assembly
    • The Cobalt Catch-Up power now appears less frequently after accumulating a certain number of powers, including stacked powers (was 100%).
      • Developers' note: Cobalt Catch-Up (the power that refreshes duration on all powers) will never go away completely, but it will no longer be trivial to maintain insaneamounts of power by simply killing one creature every 5 minutes.
  • Iskaara Tuskar
    • Tavio in Iskaara is granting players who are 13+ renown 250 Iskaara Tuskarr reputation for each type of fishing upgrade reagent they bring him each week. He will continue to give 25 reputation for subsequent extra reagents as well.
    • Made some additional backend changes to "Community Feast" to reduce lag and improve performance.
    • Fixed an issue where the map marker for Iskaara was incorrectly showing that players can earn bonus rewards from the Community Feast after they have earned their Achievement cooking masterofthepot [Supply-Laden Soup Pot] for the week.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Hunters to sometimes not see a reward on the quest "N [60-70] Cooking Utensils" offered by Lil Ki at Renown Rank 2.
    • The Tuskarr net clearing dailies now give 100 reputation (was 15).
    • Fixed an issue where "Community Feast" was not awarding credit while in a raid group.
    • Big Kinook's recipe for soup has slightly changed, particularly when very large groups of players are helping out. As a side effect, it should be a little bit more difficult to get legendary quality soup.
    • Big Kinook is rewarding his assistant chefs more for a couple of his tasks during the Community Feast:
      • Fishing and Fetching Ingredient tasks increased to 40 reputation (was 25).
      • Protecting the soup from beasts will now give up to 60 reputation when you help defeat the beasts.
      • Luumak the Insatiable will reward 80 reputation when killed after reaching Legendary status on the soup.
      • Bisquis will now drop an additional 50 reputation each time he is killed on top of the 50 you get for killing him once each day.
      • Bisquis will give an additional 10 reputation each time you fill the legendary soup bar up to an additional 50. 150 reputation max.
  • Valdrakken Accord
    • The amount of renown required for the quest "N [70W] Aiding the Accord" has been reduced to 3000 (was 4000).

December 12[]

  • Death Knight
    • Blood
  • Demon Hunter
    • [With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue that unintentionally permitted Ability maldraxxus demonhunter [Fodder to the Flame]'s heal effect to crit.
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability ardenweald demonhunter [The Hunt] now heals for 10%/20% (as Havoc/Vengeance) of damage dealt to the marked target for 20 seconds (was 25%/50% for 30 seconds).
    • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire incinerate [Charred Warblades] now heals for 3% of Fire damage dealt (was 5%).
    • Havoc
    • Vengeance
      • [With weekly restarts] Inv belt leather demonhunter a 01 [Demonic Wards] Rank 1 and Rank 2 passives have been removed, reducing Inv belt leather demonhunter a 01 [Demonic Wards] total damage reduction to 10% (was 20% damage reduction).
  • Druid
    • Guardian
      • [With weekly restarts] Talentspec druid feral bear [Ursine Adept] no longer reduces damage taken (was 10% damage reduction).
  • Mage
  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell holy greaterblessingoflight [Aegis of Light] no longer reduces damage taken (was 10% damage reduction).
  • Priest
    • Shadow
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell holy stoicism [Vampiric Touch] healing reduced to 30% of damage dealt (was 50%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow devouringplague [Devouring Plague] healing reduced to 30% of damage dealt (was 50%).
  • Rogue
  • Warlock
    • [With weekly restarts] Inv sword 1h felfireraid d 01 [Fel Synergy] now causes Warlock siphonlife [Soul Leech] to heal you for 15% of the absorption it grants (was 25%).
    • [With weekly restarts] Warlock siphonlife [Soul Leech] now grants shields up to 5% of maximum health (was 10%).
    • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow ragingscream [Demon Skin] now increases Warlock siphonlife [Soul Leech]'s absorption up to 10% of maximum health (was 15%).
  • Warrior
    • Fury
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability rogue bloodsplatter [Gushing Wound] damage and healing reduced by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell nature bloodlust [Bloodthirst] damage increased by 1%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior bloodbath [Bloodbath] damage increased by 1%.
        • Developers' note: Bloodthirst and Bloodbath damage has been increased to compensate for the Gushing Wound damage reduction.
    • Protection
      • [With weekly restarts] Vanguard no longer reduces damage taken (was 5% damage reduction).
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior defensivestance [Defensive Stance] reduced to 15% damage reduction (was 20%). Damage reduction remains unchanged at 10% effectiveness in PvP.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior warcry [Demoralizing Shout] now reduces damage taken by 20% (was 25%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior renewedvigor [Ignore Pain] now ignores 50% of damage taken (was 55%).
Dungeons and Raids
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Fixed an issue causing the dragonriding tutorial message to appear in Maruukai after Balakar Khan had been defeated.
    • Nokhud Longbow's Multi-Shot's damage reduced by 71%.
    • Nokhud Hornsounder health reduced by 12%.
    • Nokhud Hornsounder's Rally the Clan frequency slightly reduced and its cast time slightly increased.
    • Unstable Squall no longer casts Violent Dispersion on death.
    • Nokhud Defender no longer casts Bloodcurdling Shout in Normal and Heroic difficulty.
    • Nokhud Defender's Bloodcurdling Shout frequency slightly reduced.
    • Nokhud Thunderfist's Deadly Thunder frequency slightly reduced.
    • Batak's Bloodcurdling Shout frequency reduced.
    • Soulharvesters' Shatter Soul will now spawn souls closer to the players targeted with the ability.
    • Granyth
      • Reduced the spawn rate of Nokhud Saboteur on Mythic difficulty.
    • The Raging Tempest
Player versus Player
  • [With weekly restarts] Medals of Honor can no longer be used if the honor it grants would put you over the honor cap.
  • [With weekly restarts] Inv misc chamferchest02 [Victorious Contender's Strongbox] is now available to Level 70 players from Seltherex in Valdrakken for 5,000 Honor.
  • Classes
    • Death Knight
      • Blood
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability ironmaidens bloodritual [Blood for Blood] increases the damage of Heart Strike by 30% (was 60%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability deathknight shatteringbone [Shattering Bone] damage reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
    • Demon Hunter
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability demonhunter sigilofmisery [Sigil of Misery] PvP duration reduced to 4 seconds (was 5 seconds).
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability bossfelorcs necromancer red [Concentrated Sigils] duration increase value reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability bossfelorcs necromancer orange [Precise Sigils] duration increase value reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability demonhunter sigilofinquisition [Extended Sigils] duration increase value reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability maldraxxus demonhunter [Fodder to the Flame] heal effect reduced by 40% in PvP combat.
      • Havoc
        • [With weekly restarts] Consume Soul heal effect when consuming a Demon Soul reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow ritualofsacrifice [Essence Break] damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
    • Druid
      • Guardian
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell nature starfall [Moonfire] damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Thrash damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv misc thornnecklace [Brambles] damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01 [Rage of the Sleeper] reflect damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell nature naturetouchgrow [After the Wildfire] healing reduced by 40% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell druid thrash [Sharpened Claws] increases the damage of Thrash and Swipe by 10% in PvP combat (was 25%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv misc monsterfang 01 [Tooth and Claw] increases the damage of Maul by 20% in PvP combat (was 40%).
    • Mage
      • Fire
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire sealoffire [Combustion] can no longer be dispelled.
          • Developers' note: We feel that the counterplay to Combustion, a major self-cast offensive cooldown, did not feel appropriate as it was easily dispelled. We are hoping with this change that it will prompt more creative solutions to counterplay the ability. We didn't want to make this change previously, due to balance concerns, but now feel it is an appropriate time to bring it in line with other major cooldowns.
    • Paladin
    • Priest
    • Rogue
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow twilight [Soothing Darkness] heal effect reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Assassination
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv misc herb bloodcup [Hemotoxin] (PvP Talent) healing reduction effect reduced to 35% (was 40%).
      • Subtlety
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow nightofthedead [The Rotten] damage bonus for Ability backstab [Backstab] and Ability rogue shadowstrike [Shadowstrike] reduced to 30% in PvP combat (was 50%).
          • Developers' note: Shadowstrike was hitting too hard, leaving minimum room for counterplay for opponents and taking too much damage in a single stun.
    • Warrior
      • Fury
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell nature bloodlust [Bloodthirst] now restores 2% of your health in PvP combat (was 3%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Slaughterhouse now decreases healing taken by 3% per stack (was 5% per stack).
        • [With weekly restarts] Slaughterhouse now stacks up to 12 times (was 8 times).
        • [With weekly restarts] Slaughterhouse duration increased to 9 seconds (was 6 seconds).
        • [With weekly restarts] Slaughterhouse duration is no longer refreshed when adding stacks.
      • Protection
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior shieldcharge [Shield Charge] damage reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior commandingshout [Booming Voice] now increases the damage you deal by 10% in PvP combat (was 20%).
  • Solo Shuffle
    • [With weekly restarts] With Season 1's start, the minimum PvP item level to queue for Rated Solo Shuffle is 408.
  • Jewelcrafting
    • [With weekly restarts] Stats granted by theInv 10 jewelcrafting necklace necklace1 color3 [Elemental Lariat]'s equip effect reduced by 5% and it can no longer have multiple bonuses up simultaneously. This change does not negatively impact proc rates or buff uptime.
      • Developers' note: Many players have their sights set on the Elemental Lariat as one of their first Spark of Ingenuity crafts as it becomes available tomorrow. Upon further investigation, this turned out to be slightly stronger than intended and we have adjusted it to better match our expectations. We wanted to ensure these changes were in before players invested their valuable resources into acquiring it so everyone can make an informed decision about whether to create this item.
User Interface and Accessibility
  • Fixed an issue where hidden spells in Azmerloth were being printed in the combat log.
WoW Classic Era
  • Corrected an issue that caused PvP Rank to fail to be calculated for the week ending December 6.
    • Developers' notes: The December 6 calculations were recorded incorrectly, so we've reversed any decay incurred on December 6, and replaced it with rank points calculated using your best weekly ranking from the last 30 days. Additionally, players who began doing PvP the week ending December 6 (and therefore have no history to look at in the previous 30 days) have been granted 5000 rank points as compensation.
    • Sorcerer's note: The long-lost Eldritch incantation required to update PvP Rank was not meant for mortals to invoke.

December 9[]

  • Fixed an issue where Ability evoker masterygiantkiller [The Best at What I Do] would lose or reset progress. Unfortunately, current achievement progress will reset for this fix.
Creatures and NPCs
  • Fixed an issue where Brackenhide Gnolls in the Azure Span could pursue players over a much greater distance than intended.
  • Fixed the target of the parachute when using ride-along. The passenger will now correctly get the parachute, not the driver.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Brakenhide Hollow
    • Sentiu now shows up to help players out of the dungeon after they defeat Decatriarch Wratheye.
  • Hackclaw's War-Band
    • Reduced damage for Rira Hackclaw's Savage Charge on Normal and Heroic, allowing players a better chance to survive if things go wrong. The damage is not changed on Mythic.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • Gulp Swog Toxin no longer kills creatures and can only affect players.
    • Improved the visual for the Primalist Galesinger's Thunderstorm so it is easier to see when placed in the water.
  • Nokhud Offensive
    • The Raging Tempest
      • Fixed a bug where Orb of Power does not grant players Surge of Power if the Stormsurge Totem is destroyed.
  • Return to Karazhan
    • Opera Hall: Westfall Story
      • Corrected an issue where Thunder Ritual and Wash Away were doing an incorrectly high amount of damage in Mythic (but non-Keystone) difficulty.
  • Shrine of the Storm
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where Inv icon feather03d [Furious Ragefeather] was not triggering from various damaging spells.
  • Fixed an issue where Infurious Legrwraps of Possibility was providing the incorrect amount of Haste when triggered.
  • Fixed an issue where some Dragonflight toys were not getting added to the collection.
  • Fishing
    • With the increase in fishing activity in the Dragon Isles, the Tuskarr at the watering holes are now looking for 20 fish (was 10) to restock their best fishing holes. They will be granting the following rewards:
      • 200 Iskaara Tuskarr reputation for the first turn-in of Inv 10 fishing fishice color3 [Islefin Dorado].
      • 100 Iskaara Tuskarr reputation for the first turn-in of each type of common fish.
      • 5 Iskaara Tuskarr reputation for subsequent turn-ins of all fish.
    • The rare summoned lunkers are already immune to death grip, but the Elite lunkers are not which can make them trivial to defeat. The Elite lunkers (the ones summoned at fishing holes with Ominous Conchs) are now immune to Spell deathknight strangulate [Death Grip].
      • Developers' Note: Normal lunkers randomly found while Tuskarr are fishing (and those available in world quests) are still susceptible to Death Grip.
  • The maximum number of quests that a player-character may have has been increased to 35 (was 25).
    • Developers' notes: We've seen feedback about the quest log cap for a long time, and we agree. It's time to increase it. Have fun taking on (up to) 10 additional adventures!
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to see PvP world quests while in Valdrakken.
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
    • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused multiple Grand Hunts to run at the same time in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
  • Thaldraszus
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue where Djaradin in the Burning Ascent were not correctly giving credit for the quest objective in "N [70W] Make a Statement."
    • Fixed an issue where multiple instances of NPCs would remain after turning in "N [60-62] The Shadow of His Wings."
  • Cobalt Assembly
    • Arcane Health will no longer be offered beyond 5 stacks.
    • Arcane Consumption will no longer be offered when in War Mode.

December 8[]

  • Evoker
    • Inv elemental mote fire01 [Ancient Flame] now also reduces the global cooldown of Ability evoker livingflame [Living Flame] by 40%.
      • Developers' note: We added this GCD reduction to the Ancient Flame talent so Ability evoker livingflame [Living Flame] can be smoothly cast in quick succession.
    • Devastation
      • Energizing Flame now restores 70% of Ability evoker livingflame [Living Flame]'s mana cost when striking an enemy (was 50%).
      • Ability evoker livingflame [Living Flame] now heals for 30% more and costs 20% of total mana (was 10% total mana).
        • Developers' note: We want Living Flame to feel more impactful for Devastation Evokers when using it to heal themselves or an ally, but we also want to make sure it can't be used indefinitely. The Evoker's mana bar is intended to be a rate limiter on healing, similar to how Healing Surge is for Elemental Shamans for example.
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Fixed an issue where Ability hunter callofthewild [Call of the Wild] was making Mend Pet temporarily unusable each time a pet was summoned from Call of the Wild.
  • Warlock
Creatures and NPCs
  • Maldraxxus Abominations should now correctly help players above level 60 when adventuring in the Shadowlands.
  • Fixed an issue where Horace "Scalding" Stern would clutter players' combat logs with his actions.
  • Players can no longer sit on the stools that Miya and her mother Plifa are sleeping on in the Gelikyr Inn. This change will allow them to get the quality of sleep they deserve.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Brakenhide Hollow
    • Bracken Warsourge's Hideous Cackle chamges:
      • Reduced the duration to 4 seconds (was 7)
      • Increased the cast time to 3.5 seconds (was 2.5)
      • Added stronger visuals to the precast to draw more attention to the cast time so players can more readily interrupt it.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where some Inv misc net 01 [Tuskarr Fishing Net] timers were not decreasing while offline.
  • Fixed an issue where Inv 10 inscription darkmooncards earth blank [Darkmoon Deck: Watcher] was giving a lower Versatility value than expected when triggering the shield.
  • Drakonid Spear is now only useable in the Dragon Isles outdoor content.
  • Fixed issues with multiple incorrect recipe bindings:
    • Inv 10 inscription2 scroll2 color2 [Technique: Renewed Proto-Drake: Predator Pattern] is no longer Bind on Pickup.
    • Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Schematic: Tinker: Breath of Neltharion] is no longer Bind on Pickup.
    • Inv misc scrollrolled02 [Recipe: Celebratory Cake] is now Bind on Pickup.
      • Developers' Note: Our philosophy for Dragon Isles recipe acquisition is simple - we intend for as many recipes to be tradeable as possible. The main exceptions to this rule are for recipes that come from quest rewards and from renown. There should always be a moment of excitement when you find a recipe, either because it can be sold for a pretty penny or read for your own benefit. We will continue to keep an eye out for and correct recipes that do not align with these goals.
  • Dragonflight Campaign
    • Fixed an issue preventing "N [68-70] Open Orientation" from being available to some alts.
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
  • Thaldraszus
    • Fixed an issue where the beam in use during the "N [68-70] The Once and Future Team" wasn't cancelling itself if the quest was abandoned.
    • Fixed an issue on "N [68-70] The Once and Future Team" where Timewalker Wardens would sometimes not join the fight against the Colossal Causality.
    • Fixed an issue where Andantenormu was forgetting to rescue Worgen and Zandalari Trolls during "Feels like the First Time."
    • Added a waypoint for "N [68-70] Catching Up to Chromie."
    • Adjusted the tooltip for the "Temporal Destabilizing Beam" to show the correct range.
    • World Quests
      • Fixed the "N [60-70WQ] Hydro Tuskarr" so the net is not usable while swimming underwater.
  • The Waking Shores
  • Valdrakken Accord
    • Fixed an issue where the "N [60-70] Fitting In" quest could display rewards that were already owned.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Players will now only receive credit for the Ocular if they are within 100 yards of a kill during "B [25-30] It's All Fun and Games." Both factions will continue to receive credit.
    • Developers' Note: Due to the lag associated with Dalaran and its proximity to the Icecrown zone, anyone in or near the Icecrown zone would receive credit for "It's All Fun and Games" when the Ocular died. This credit being zone-wide was unintended.

December 7[]

Black Market Auction House
Creatures and NPCs
  • Fixed the positions of several enemies in the Fetid Encampment so that they are no longer blocked by the environment.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein
      • Fixed an issue where Kyrakka could attack unintended targets when she lands.
      • Fixed an issue that could prevent Flaming Embers from correctly inflicting damage.
  • Shrine of the Storm
    • Tidesage Council
      • Multiple adjustments were made to Slicing Blast on Normal difficulty to require fewer interrupts from players still in the leveling process.
  • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing Death Knights from returning to the dungeon using Spell arcane teleportundercity [Death Gate].
Items and Rewards
Pet Battles
Player versus Player
  • Classes
    • Druid
      • Guardian
        • Ability druid denmother [Den Mother] (PvP Talent) now affects raid and party members.
  • Items
    • Assembly Guardian's Ring absorption reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
    • Assembly Scholar's Loop damage reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
    • Assembly Preserver's Band heal reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
  • The Azure Span
  • Dragonflight Campaign
    • Fixed an issue causing "Renown of Dragon Isles" and "N [68-70] Open Orientation" to not be available to alts who have not completed the Thaldrazus storyline, preventing them from completing the endgame campaign.
  • Jewelcrafting
  • Obsidian Citadel
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
  • Thaldraszus
    • World Quests
      • Fixed an issue where freeing Imprisoned Travelers during "N [60-70WQ] Rebel Concerns" was not correctly providing credit.
      • Fixed an issue with "N [60-70WQ] Hydro Tuskarr" where switching watershoes caused the extra action button to disappear.
      • Fixed the visual for Watergliders and Waterwalkers when they are equipped during "N [60-70WQ] Hydro Tuskarr."
      • Fixed an issue where the Sneaky Youngster could be interacted with multiple times during "N [85 Daily] Hide and Seek."
  • The Waking Shores
  • Iskaara Tuskarr
  • Valdrakken Accord
    • Players who have reached renown rank 26 or higher with Valdrakken Accord will now unlock armor for all four dragonriding drakes when they enter Thaldraszus.

December 6[]

  • Death Knight
  • Hunter
  • Priest
    • Shadow
      • Psyfiend health reduced to 4% of the Priest's maximum health (down from 10%).
      • Psyfiend is no longer immune to debuffs and channel effects.
      • The channel duration of Psyflay from Psyfiend is now 12 seconds to match the creature's duration.
Creatures and NPCs
  • Fixed an issue where Enkine the Voracious could not be summoned.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Halls of Infusion
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing Death Knights from returning to the dungeon using Spell arcane teleportundercity [Death Gate].
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where if a player dies while equipped with the Primal Ritual Shell the chosen buff resets to wind.
  • Adjusted the drop rates of Inv 10 elementalshardfoozles blood [Rousing Ire] across all forms of content. In general, gathering should be providing substantially less, while participating in instanced PvP should be more rewarding.
  • Inv 10 dungeonjewelry dragon trinket 1arcanemagical green [Dreamscape Prism] now correctly increases your Mastery.
  • Food buffs received from the Valdrakken Feast will no longer be cancelled when using your Inv misc rune 01 [Hearthstone].
  • The "Fully Ruby Feasted" debuff has been fixed to allow the players two simultaneous Ruby Feast buffs, and will no longer affect any of the cosmetics received from food here.
  • Fixed an issue where trading Inv misc questionmark [Bundle O' Cards: Dragon Isles] and Inv misc questionmark [Soggy Clump of Darkmoon Cards] could cause the client to crash.
  • The number of first-time crafts that can grant experience has been reduced to 30 (was 60).
    • Developers' note: We made this change to better support gaining XP from crafting during leveling, while minimizing the incentive to take on several throw-away professions just to level yourself faster.
  • Fishing
  • The Azure Span
    • Made some backend changes to the Community Feast to reduce lag.
      • Developers' note: Please let us know if you see unusually high lag, particularly if it happens only in the Iskaara area, or if it only happens while the Community Feast event is occurring.
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
  • Thaldraszus
    • Fixed an issue where players and NPCs were floating during the "N [68-70] Back to the Future" cinematic.
    • Fixed an issue in "N [68-70] Cracks in Time" where the extra action button was not displaying while dragonriding.
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue where Disgruntled Riverbeast Matriarch was not displaying the proper tooltip during "N [60-62] Wildlife Rescue."
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Classes
    • Hunter
      • Fixed an issue where it was possible to have multiple ranks of Ability hunter rapidkilling [Volley] active at the same time.

December 5[]

  • Tank Specializations
    • Tank-specialized characters now generate 650% additional threat (was 550%).
      • Developers' note: We've heard feedback that on-pull burst in dungeon content is causing damage dealers to pull threat more often than is desirable. This change represents roughly a 15% increase to tank threat generation, which should help alleviate these cases, while still requiring tanks to actively engage with packs to hold threat.
  • Demon Hunter
  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell nature resistnature [Regrowth] healing decreased by 6%.
  • Hunter
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability hunter steeltrap [Steel Trap] damage has been reduced by 20%.
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability hunter explosiveshot [Explosive Shot] damage has been increased by 15%.
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability hunter rapidregeneration [Barrage] damage has been increased by 15%.
    • Marksmanship
      • [With weekly restarts] All damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Inv ammo bullet 04 [Heavy Ammo] now causes Ability hunter runningshot [Trick Shot] ricochets to deal an additional 25% damage (was 10%).
    • Survival
      • [With weekly restarts] All damage increased by 5%.
  • Mage
    • Fire
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire selfdestruct [Flamestrike] damage increased by 8%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire fireball02 [Pyroblast] damage increased by 5%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire flamebolt [Fireball] damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire soulburn [Scorch] damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ignite damage increased by 5%.
  • Monk
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell holy greaterblessingoflight [Aegis of Light] now grants 50% increased Stamina (was 45%) and 30% increased Armor (was 15%).
  • Priest
  • Rogue
    • Assassination
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth [Exsanguinate] cooldown increased to 3 minutes (was 45 seconds) and bleed effect magnitude reduced to 80% (was 100%).
        • Developer's note: Recent data from Live and Beta indicates that Exsanguinate is drastically overperforming its historic and intended power level. We recognize that this is a heavy nerf for an individual talent, but it is important that Exsanguinate's power be similar to alternative available talent choices. We see this as a temporary measure as we head towards the opening of Dragonflight's first season, and we will be reconsidering Exsanguinate's position and role as an available talent for Assassination and may move, replace, or redesign it in a future patch.
  • Shaman
    • Restoration
      • [With weekly restarts] All healing spells healing increased by 5%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell nature acid 01 [Acid Rain] damage increased by 50%.
  • Warlock
    • [With weekly restarts] Warlock siphonlife [Soul Leech] now converts 3% of damage dealt to an absorb shield (was 6%).
  • Warrior
Dungeons and Raids
  • Brackenhide Hollow
    • Decatriarch Wratheye
      • Fixed an issue where she might not perform her abilities.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Fixed an issue where Teera and Maruuk encounter can sometimes reset if pulled too quickly after their roleplay has ended.
    • Fixed an issue where Ukhel Deathspeakers were using the silver dragon border instead of the gold dragon border.
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Kokia Blazehoof
      • Fixed an issue where Molten Boulder could sometimes fail to indicate the correct impact location.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where learning a toy while they were stacked would consume the entire stack.
Player versus Player
  • Classes
    • Death Knight
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow antimagicshell [Anti-Magic Shell] (Talent) absorption amount reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell deathknight butcher2 [Improved Death Strike] increase to Spell deathknight butcher2 [Death Strike]'s healing has been reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Achievement boss kelthuzad 01 [Will of the Necropolis] (Talent) damage reduction reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow antimagicshell [Anti-Magic Barrier] (Talent) increase to Spell shadow antimagicshell [Anti-Magic Shell] duration and amount absorbed has been reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability maldraxxus deathknight [Abomination Limb] (Talent) will no longer pull individual enemy players more than once over its duration (was every 4 seconds).
      • Frost
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell deathknight butcher2 [Death Strike]'s healing increased based on recent damage is reduced by 50% if the damage was dealt by players or their pets.
      • Unholy
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell deathknight butcher2 [Death Strike]'s healing increased based on recent damage is reduced by 50% if the damage was dealt by players or their pets.
          • Developers' note: Death Knight survivability has been substantially higher than we're comfortable with, so we're targeting several aspects of their defensive kit. We feel that with these adjustments, Death Knights will maintain durability with options to counterplay defensively. Additionally, the multiple grips from Abomination Limb created scenarios of unfun gameplay with minimal counterplay in PvP. We're changing this talent to be able to pull in a unique player in once per talent usage. We believe this change will allow the talent to be an attractive talent to pick while maintaining counterplay options for opponents.
    • Druid
      • Restoration
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv misc herb fellotus [Budding Leaves] is now 70% effective in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue that caused Ability druid focusedgrowth [Focused Growth]'s buff to only apply to one Inv misc herb felblossom [Lifebloom] at a time while using the Undergrowth talent.
          • Developers' note: Lifebloom has been a higher percentage of Druid healing's breakdown in PvP than we'd like, so we're reducing Budding Leaves to bring it more in line.
    • Evoker
      • [With weekly restarts] Inv bijou red [Scarlet Adaptation]'s cap is reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell fire burnout [Fire Breath]'s initial damage is reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability evoker disintegrate [Disintegrate] and Ability evoker pyre [Pyre] deal 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
        • Developers' note: The goal of this tuning change is to reduce the very high burst from fully charged Fire Breath, which we felt was unfair as it had the potential to kill enemy players without any time to react. Living Flame also had the potential to deal high burst with all its modifiers combined together, so we're reducing Scarlet Adaptation's cap in PvP. To compensate for the lost power, we're increasing the damage of Disintegrate and Pyre so that Evoker can contribute more meaningful consistent damage. Note that this will affect both Devastation and Preservation specializations.
      • Preservation
        • [With weekly restarts] Mana regeneration is reduced by an additional 10% in PvP combat.
          • Developers' notes: All healers have reduced mana regeneration in PvP, so that fights end after a reasonable period of time. Preservation receiving this reduction brings them closer in line with the other healers so that mana is relevant in PvP.
    • Mage
      • Arcane
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell arcane blast nightborne [Nether Precision] now 75% effective in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability mage studentofthemind [Prodigious Savant] now 80% effective in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability socererking arcanereplication [Arcane Bombardment] now 65% effective in PvP combat.
          • Developers' note: We're looking to address Arcane's instant burst damage through adjustments targeting Arcane Blast and Arcane Barrage modifiers. Arcane Bombardment in particular has been too powerful of an execute effect in PvP for its current availability.
        • Frost
          • [With weekly restarts] Spell frost frostbolt [Piercing Cold] is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] Spell frost frostblast [Ice Lance] damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] (PvP Talent) Spell fire blueflamestrike [Snowdrift] no longer has a cast time (was 1.5 seconds).
          • [With weekly restarts] (PvP Talent) Spell fire blueflamestrike [Snowdrift]'s cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).
            • Developers' note: Glacial Spike critical strikes are hitting harder than we would like, despite the long cast time attached to this spell. We're reducing Piercing Cold's critical strike damage modifier in PvP to help address this without impacting the base damage of the spell. We're also increasing the damage of Ice lance as the Splitting Ice talent is less valuable in PvP, given the unpredictable and constant movement of players. Additionally, Snowdrift has been requiring more ramp up than intended, so we're removing its cast time and lowering its cooldown.
    • Monk
      • Mistweaver
        • [With weekly restarts] Passive monk teachingsofmonastery [Ancient Teachings of the Monastery] now heals for 375% of damage done in PvP combat (was 240%).
          • Developers' note: We would like to see more aggressive playstyles from Mistweaver Monk to be possible in PvP, so we're targeting Ancient Teaching of the Monastery to bolster the playstyle.
    • Rogue
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability bastion rogue [Echoing Reprimand] damage reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
        • Developers' note: We've seen that the ability could have extremely high burst, more than we're comfortable with, so we are partially reverting the change made in last week's hotfixes, where Echoing Reprimand's damage was no longer reduced in PvP.
    • Shaman
      • Elemental
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability rhyolith magmaflow whole [Magma Chamber] effectiveness reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
          • Developers' note: Earth Shock and Elemental Blast from Elemental Shamans deal more damage than intended with high stacks of Magma Chamber, so we are lowering its effect in PvP.
      • Enhancement
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell shaman maelstromweapon [Improved Maelstrom Weapon] increases the damage and healing of spells by 8%/15% per stack of Spell shaman maelstromweapon [Maelstrom Weapon] in PvP combat (was 10%/20%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell shaman stormearthfire [Raging Maelstrom] increases the effectiveness of Spell shaman maelstromweapon [Maelstrom Weapon] stacks by 3% in PvP combat (was 5%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability shaman stormstrike [Stormstrike] and Ability skyreach four wind [Windstrike] damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
          • Developers' note: Damage and healing from fully stacked Maelstrom Weapon are higher than intended in PvP, so we're reducing the value of the associated talents. Separately, we'd like for Enhancement's sustained damage to be more well-rounded in PvP, so we're increasing Stormstrike's damage.
    • Warlock
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow curseoftounges [Curse of Tongues] reduces cast time by 10% in PvP combat (was 15%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow curseoftounges [Curse of Tongues] applied through Spell shadow contagion [Amplify Curse] reduces cast time by 20% in PvP combat (was 35%).
        • Developers' note: We're reducing the overall power of Curse of Tongues in PvP. We'd like for the spell to be valuable to cast, but not cause casters to have a frustrating time trying to cast spells.
    • Warrior
      • Arms
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior savageblow [Mortal Strike]'s damage is no longer reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv sword 27 [Sharpened Blades] now increases critical strike damage by 5% in PvP combat (was 10%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability warrior weaponmastery [Martial Prowess] now increases Ability warrior savageblow [Mortal Strike]'s damage by 15% per stack in PvP combat (was 30%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Inv sword 48 [Execute] damage increased by 20% in PvP combat (Arms only).
        • [With weekly restarts] Ability gouge [Rend] damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat (Arms only).
          • Developers' note: We're looking to increase Mortal Strike's consistent damage while keeping its burst potential in line through targeted adjustments to its modifiers. We're also reducing Rend's damage in PvP as Skullsplitter has been a culprit for one-shots.
  • War Mode
    • Bloody Tokens from honorable kills are no longer awarded while in a raid.
      • Developers' Note: We are happy to see awarding Bloody Tokens from player kills in the open world has had positive reception. However, we've seen some behavior going against the spirit of the game, particularly forming full raid groups to farm the currency rather than through organic PvP encounters in the open world. Bloody Tokens are still awarded for honorable kills in the open world when a player is in a party, but not in a raid group.
  • Skill ranges indicated by Mining and Herbalism gathering journals now accurately reflect the leveling experience.
  • Alchemy
    • Alchemical Experimentation has been re-enabled.
  • Blacksmithing
    • Grekka Anvilsmash (Master Blacksmith) now correctly offers Blacksmithing Knowledge instead of Mining Knowledge.
  • Engineering
    • Tinker's Workbench and Portable Tinker's Workbench are now also considered Anvils.
  • Fishing
    • Fixed an issue where full Fishing Nets in River Mouth Fishing Hole occasionally disappearing.
  • Adventure Mode
    • Fixed an issue where the campaign quest indicators were not appearing properly for quests in Ohn'ahran Plains and Thaldraszus.
  • The Azure Span
    • Fixed an issue where quest rewards could be unavailable for some players turning in "N [70REWQ] For Imbu!"
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
    • Fixed an issue where the first four quests of Thunderspine dailies were erroneously removing all items from player's inventory and bank upon completion.
  • Thaldraszus
    • Abandoning the Horde or Alliance versions of the quest "B [68-70] Deathwingurlugull!" while in the plane will now result in the player being teleported back to the quest givers.
  • Cobalt Assembly
    • Leech stacks now capped at 5.
User Interface and Accessibility

December 2[]

Creatures and NPCs
  • The Azure Span
    • Tatto the Iskaaran Stable Master will now correctly allow you to stable your pet.
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
    • Beastmaster Oken will now stable pets properly for hunters who find themselves in the Broadhoof Outpost.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Algeth'ar Academy
    • Echo of Doragosa's health has been increased by 12%.
  • Brackenhide Hollow
    • Fixed an issue where if players entered the gauntlet toward the final boss from the Den of Decay instead of through Treemouth's area, the gauntlet could become impossible to complete.
    • Fixed an issue where Bracken Warscourge could spawn inside of the environment in the area leading up to Hackclaw's War-Band.
  • Neltharus
    • Qalashi Thaumaturge's Magma Conflagration damage reduced by 40%.
    • Magmatusk's health has been increased about 15%.
Items and Rewards
  • Players can now choose to cancel certain Transporter Malfunctions caused by new and old Wormhole Generators.
  • The Trial of the Elements (Primalist Tomorrow) and Trial of the Flood (Ohn'ahran Plains) events rewards were scaling higher than expected and have had their base item level reduced.
  • Armoire of Endless cloaks is now a correctly categorized as a Toy.
  • Ability warlock backdraft [Integrated Primal Fire] trinket damage reduced by 19%.
  • Fixed an issue where items purchased from Sabellian and Wrathion quartermasters displayed incorrect reputation requirements.
Player versus Player
  • Enchanting
  • Engineering
    • Fixed an issue where Tinker: Plane Displacer was not properly going on cooldown if it malfunctioned.
    • Lilliam Sparkspindle will now offer Alliance players the option to unlearn and change their Classic Engineering Gnomish and Goblin specializations.
  • Herbalism
    • Fixed an issue where Rich Soil was spawning too quickly.
  • Fixed an issue causing players above level 60 to be unable to enter certain legacy quest scenarios.
  • A small number of characters who were able to able access a Renown Campaign early have had their access corrected. However, characters who have already started the Campaign questline will be allowed to finish it.
  • The Azure Span
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
    • Fixed an issue where characters could be unable to complete "Shady Sanctuary.""
  • Fixed an issue where Therazane could be killed in the Black Empire.
  • Players attempting to turn in "Race Through Time" could be knocked off the platform by the opposing faction preventing quest completion. The Black Empire is now flagged as a sanctuary to prevent this from occurring.
  • Fixed an issue where the starting location for "N [15-35] Moving On" was in the wrong location on the map.
  • Dragonscale Expedition
    • Fixed an issue with Ancient Waygates. Players who hit Rank 7 may begin their adventures in exploring these curious ancient stones, scattered throughout the Dragon Isles.
    • Fixed an issue where players were unable to begin the Ancient Waygate questline.
  • Maruuk Centaur
    • Fixed an issue where "Sharing the Bounty" was not appearing at different Renown levels.

December 1[]

Creatures and NPCs
  • Fixed an issue where rare enemies on the Dragon Isles did not have a daily loot lockout.
  • Fixed an issue where some baby mammoths could be unintentionally tamed.
Dungeons and Raids
  • The Azure Vault
  • Brakenhide Hollow
    • Withering damage reduced by 64% (effect applied by Decay Speaker's Withering Burst, Trickclaw Mystic's Witherbolt, etc.).
    • Fetid Rotsinger's Decaying Totem health reduced by 50%.
    • Fixed an issue where the dungeon's quests could not be completed.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • Watcher Irideus
      • Power Overload no longer targets pets.
    • Primal Tsunami
      • A friendly Titan Defense Orb now offers players a quick way out of the dungeon after defeating the Primal Tsunami.
  • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
    • Fixed an issue where the dungeon's quests could not be completed.
Items and Rewards
Player versus Player
  • Significantly increased the drop rate of recipes for Crimson Combatant equipment from Victorious Contender's Strongboxes.
  • Inv 10 inscription2 book1 color5 [Notebook of Crafting Knowledge] for Enchanting now awards knowledge for the correct profession.
  • Temporarily disabled Basic and Advanced Experimentation for Alchemy to address a bug.
  • Fixed an issue where some pieces of Engineering crafting gear were missing stats.
  • Inv 10 jewelcrafting gem3primal air cut blue [Lofty Malygite] has become slightly less lofty and is now within reach for Jewelcrafters to collect.
  • Reduced the drop rate on Inv 10 herb seed plain [Roused Seedling] when gathering herbs.
  • Adjusted Molten, Hardened, and Windswept Overload loot tables to be similar in value to Frost Overload.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadowlands campaign quests were being pushed to players outside of Shadowlands.
  • The Azure Span
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue where "N [70W] Honor Our Fallen" was available at level 68, but its reward could require level 70.
    • Fixed an issue where "N [70W] The Tools of One's Trade" was available at level 68, but its reward could require level 70.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Greater Obsidian Citadel Key" could fail to be completed.
    • Fixed an issue where various Siege on Dragonbane Keep UI elements wouldn't show until Valdrakken Accord Rank 6.
    • Quest markers for "N [70] To Dragonbane Keep!" have been modified to be clearer.
    • Fixed an issue where players wouldn't be added to the Siege on Dragonbane scenario at times, preventing rewards from being obtained.


Hotfixes: November 28-30 | 2022-11-30 by Blizzard Entertainment
Hotfixes: November 15-23 | 2022-11-23 by Blizzard Entertainment
Hotfixes: November 1-11 | 2022-11-11 by Blizzard Entertainment

November 30[]

Adventure Mode
  • Fixed an issue where players in Adventure Mode were unable to use the portal to Valdrakken until they completed the campaign in the Azure Span.
Dungeons and Raids
  • The Azure Vault
    • Conjured Lasher's Mystic Vapors periodic damage reduced by 50%.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • Primal Tsunami
      • Fixed an issue that could cause the boss to not be lootable if defeated right when the intermission begins.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where the leather Renown transmog set was available to all specializations.
  • Dragonriding mount items can now be safely destroyed as characters who have completed the quests that grant these items will learn the mount upon relogging in.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused players to not earn credit for the Dragonriding Glyph at Scalecracker Peak.
  • Fixed an issue where Expedition Scout's Pack was spawning below the terrain in the Waking Shores.
Player versus Player
  • Fixed an issue that caused NPCs in level 61-70 battlegrounds to have more health and deal more damage than intended.
  • Classes
    • Mage
      • Fixed an issue where Spell mage frostbomb [Frost Bomb] could have incorrect targeting.
  • War Mode
    • Fixed an issue where War Mode world quests were awarding players incorrect gear for their proficiency.
  • Solo Shuffle
    • Resolved an issue that prevented characters from interacting with a Warlock's Spell warlock demonicportal green [Demonic Gateway] in subsequent rounds.
  • Fixed an issue where climbing world quests were not awarding the correct amount of reputation.
  • The Priest Class Hall mount quest "The Sunken Vault" is functional again, but in a diminished state. Players can complete the quest, but the NPC will offer little commentary and the enemies no resistance. The quest will return to its original state in a future patch.
  • The Azure Span
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
    • "N [62-65] Orientation: Maruukai" now correctly shares quest credit with all group members.
    • Fixed an issue where Hypoxicron was landing mid-air during "N [62-65] Proto Problems."
    • Being in stealth will no longer cause issues during "N [62-65] Reign of the Ram."
    • Fixed an issue where the Raging Torrent boss was not scaling properly during "Trial of the Flood."
    • Fixed an issue where the bonus quest was not appearing for the rare enemy, Ronsak the Decimator.
  • Thaldraszus
    • Fixed an issue where Pandaren, Troll, and Undead characters are sometimes unable to progress in "N [68-70] Feels Like the First Time."
    • South Hold Guardians will no longer continue to give out their signets after "N [68-70] Remember the Fallen" is completed.
    • The Scythid prowling the Chittering Caverns will no longer only be encountered at level 70 for the quest "Scythid Gloomhunter."
  • Cobalt Assembly
    • Lowered the drop chance for Cobalt Assembly reputation across all enemies.
User Interface and Accessibility
  • Fixed an issue where saved Edit Mode layouts could disappear.

November 29[]

  • Fixed an issue where some players were not correctly receiving the Shadowlands Season 4 Shrouded Hero title and achievement.
  • Death Knight
  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue causing Spell shadow shadowfiend [Shadowfiend] to not grant Mana for Holy and Discipline specializations.
Creatures and NPCs
Dungeons and Raids
  • Shadowlands dungeons now properly appear in the Dungeon Finder during the Shadowlands Timewalking Campaign.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Granyth
      • Fixed an issue that could cause the Dragonkiller Lances to fire twice.
      • Fixed an issue where casting Mind Control or Dominate Mind on Nokhud Saboteurs would cause them to become unresponsive.
    • Teera and Maruuk
      • Fixed an issue causing the Ancestors' Treasure Trove awarded after the encounter ends to sometimes not be lootable.
    • Balakar Khan
      • Fixed an issue where Rending Strike was being cast during Phase 2.
Items and Rewards
  • Seltherex in Valdrakken now sells Honor gear. This gear is currently upgradable to rank 3 (item level 353) and will be able to be upgraded to rank 5 when Season 1 begins.
  • Fixed an issue where uncommon bind-on-equip items in dungeons were incorrectly appearing as rare quality.
  • Inv misc questionmark [Yellow War Ottuk] and Yellow Scouting Ottuk now correctly display in the Mount Journal.
  • Addressed several weapons that were dealing less damage than intended.
  • Shadowlands Season 4 Tokens of Merit have been reduced to poor quality and will still sell for 500 gold.
  • Fixed multiple issues that caused Spell nature earthquake [Find Minerals] and Inv misc flower 02 [Find Herbs] to behave erratically on the Dragon Isles.
  • Fixed an issue where the Frozen Writ weapon enchant effect was not correctly triggering.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sophic Writ weapon enchant effect was triggering too frequently.
  • Fixed an issue where you could skin some enemies that were not intended to be skinned.
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue where "N [60-62] Dragon Glyphs and You" could not be completed.
    • Fixed an issue where Bothersome Bees would sometimes attack players while invisible during "N [60-62] Leave Bee Alone."
    • Fixed an issue where players could not interact with Majordomo Selistra to complete "N [60-62] Proto-Fight.""
    • Fixed an issue where there were no visible points of interest map indicators for "N [60-62] Rapid Fire Plans.""
    • Fixed an issue where killing enemies while riding Osoria during "Hands Off Operation" would not provide credit for the quest.
  • Ohn'ahran Plains
  • Thaldraszus
    • Fixed an issue where the point of interest map indicators were not updating correctly for "N [68-70] Eyes and Ears" and "A [15-35] Nowhere to Hide.""
    • Fixed an issue where faction changing could send you to the incorrect starting area during "N [68-70] Feels Like the First Time."
    • Fixed an issue where "N [68-70] The Flow of Time" would not progress on clients using non-English languages.

November 28[]

Player versus Player
  • Several spells that were persisting between Solo Shuffle rounds will now be cleared properly.
  • Rogue
    • [With weekly restarts] Inv gizmo runichealthinjector [Recuperator] effectiveness is no longer reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability bastion rogue [Echoing Reprimand] damage is no longer reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • [With weekly restarts] Spell animabastion buff [Reverberation] damage is no longer reduced by 33% in PvP combat.
    • Outlaw
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability rogue murderspree [Killing Spree] damage is no longer reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability rogue pistolshot [Pistol Shot] damage is no longer reduced by 16% in PvP combat.
    • Subtlety

November 23[]

Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where Evokers were not eligible to roll on many legacy items.
  • Adjusted the sell value of some items to better reflect their values before the recent item level adjustments.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadowlands enchants could not be applied to Enchanting vellums.
  • Developers' note: This fix will temporarily prevent enchants that were available prior to Shadowlands from being applied to Enchanting vellums. This new issue will be fixed shortly after the release of Dragonflight.

November 22[]


November 21[]

  • Death Knight
  • Demon Hunter
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability demonhunter immolation [Immolation Aura] now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
    • Havoc
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability demonhunter felrush [Fel Rush] now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
  • Druid
    • [With weekly restarts] Ability druid denmother [Protector of the Pack] talent now stores 5% of damage/healing (was 10%). The maximum stored amount increased to 160% of spell power (was 140%).
      • Developers' note: Protector of the Pack was reaching its cap too quickly to be a satisfying build up. The slower build up and increased cap should result in a better pacing for this talent.
    • Feral
      • [With weekly restarts] Artifactability feraldruid ashamanesbite [Tear Open Wounds] now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell druid lunarinspiration [Lunar Inspiration]'s Spell nature starfall [Moonfire] damage cast in Ability druid catform [Cat Form] reduced by 40%.
        • Developers' note: We want to keep Lunar Inspiration's value as a ranged DPS option and cheap combo point generator, but bring its output more in line with other talents at its location in the tree.
    • Guardian
    • Restoration
  • Evoker
    • Fixed an issue where Ability racial soar [Soar] would persist after being summoned.
  • Hunter
  • Mage
    • Fire
    • Frost
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell frost frozenorb [Frozen Orb] damage reduced by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell frost icestorm [Blizzard] now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • [With weekly restarts] All damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Warlock
    • Fixed an issue where Demonic Circle: Summon and Teleport would continually get added to the action bar between Specialization swapping.
    • Affliction
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell shadow unstableaffliction 3 purple [Malefic Affliction] now causes your active Spell shadow unstableaffliction 3 [Unstable Affliction] to deal 8/13% additional damage (was 5/10%), up to 24/39% (was 15/30%), for the rest of its duration.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability priest touchofdecay [Dread Touch] now causes your target to take 30% additional damage from your damage over time effects for 6 seconds (was 20%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Ability xavius corruptingnova [Doom Blossom] damage increased by 15%.
    • Demonology
      • [With weekly restarts] Spell warlock calldreadstalkers [Dreadbite] now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
    • Destruction
  • Warrior
Dungeons and Raids
  • Enemy difficulty has been adjusted to increase relative player power in all Legion raid encounters.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where Shadowlands professions could not be trained before level 48 in Timewalking Campaigns.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to fish while seated if a fishing pole is equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where using Intruder Alert! during "A [10-50WQ] Brought to Light" would not reveal Horde saboteurs.
  • Fixed an issue where Evokers could not gain reputation with certain legacy factions.

November 18[]

  • Fixed an issue where Healers' Cleanses were going on cooldown incorrectly.
  • Evoker
    • Ability evoker hover [Hover] will no longer cancel when the Evoker is struck by crowd control effects.
    • Preservation
      • Ability evoker hoverred [Lifebind] now only shares the Evoker's healing between bonded allies, instead of sharing all healing received.
        • Developers' note: We are happy with Preservation's tuning overall but had concerns about the very high healing throughput of Lifebind when other healers were casting healing spells onto the Evoker during Lifebind.
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Corrected an issue where the Hunter's Prey talent does not properly reset the cooldown of Ability hunter assassinate2 [Kill Shot] when activated.
  • Mage
  • Shaman
Creatures and NPCs
  • The Experience Eliminators now allow players up to level 59 to disable XP gains.
  • The Escaped Wilderling's great escape has come to an end, and it can correctly be recaptured again.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't craft legacy profession recipes that required special objects to craft them.
  • The Battle for Azeroth Allied Race unlock quests are now correctly available at level 50.
  • Evokers should now be able to accept the quest "N [10-45] From Within."
  • Fixed an issue where Evokers were not able to loot some required items for the Tarecgosa's Rest legendary questline.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Classes
    • Paladin
      • Fixed an issue where Spell paladin hammerofwrath [Hammer of Wrath] was incorrectly scaling its damage from ranged Attack Power instead of melee Attack Power.
    • Warlock
      • Fixed an issue where Ability warlock soulsiphon [Soul Siphon] was increasing damage by more than its intended 18% limit in some cases.

November 17[]

Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where Evokers were unable to roll Need on certain off-hand weapons and trinkets.
  • Fixed an issue where Bone Fishing Pole and Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole incorrectly had combat stats on them.
  • Fixed an issue where legacy quests were not correctly identifying Dracthyr.
  • Fixed an issue where Evokers were not eligible to complete the Tarecgosa's Rest questline.
  • Fixed an issue where Storm Huntress Suhrakka would not appear while progressing through the Vashj'ir introduction if players had accepted the quest "Achievement bg killflagcarriers grabflag capit [Call of Duty]."
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Player versus Player
    • Updated the Pvp-arenapoints-icon [Arena Points] cap from 5,000 to 10,000 to be consistent with original Wrath of the Lich King's season 5 cap.

November 16[]

  • New Dracthyr should no longer cause multiple chat messages about achievements.
  • Evoker
    • Fixed an issue causing newly created Evokers to be unable to enter Iron Docks and Grimrail Depot dungeons.
    • Fixed an issue where spells could be cast while in Ability nightfae flicker [Soulshape].
    • Resolved an issue where Evokers were unable to purchase Eternal Aspirant or Eternal Gladiator Armor pieces.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
    • The dungeon should now show up in the Dungeon Finder under World Events during the pre-expansion Tempest Unleashed event even if the player is low item level.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue that prevented opposite faction players from being able to earn a chance at loot for defeating Fire Revenant, Lava Elemental, Earth Revenant, Air Revenant, and Water Elemental.
  • Quaking Spikes during Earth Storms will no longer hit flying players.
  • Fixed an issue where the level requirements for heritage questlines were incorrectly scaled.
  • Fixed an issue where users on lower graphics settings were having difficulty locating Talon Kethahn during the "N IconSmall Dracthyr MaleIconSmall Dracthyr Female Evoker [58-60] Awaken, Dracthyr" quest.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the Forbidden Reach.
  • Fixed an issue where the objectives of the quest "B [10-45] To Be Prepared" were phased out once the pre-expansion quests were completed.
  • Dracthyr can now accept and complete the quest, "N [51-60] The Archon's Answer."
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Classes
    • Warlock
      • Fixed an issue where pets were not properly benefiting from resilience.
  • Player versus Player
    • The PvP rating calculation has been adjusted to provide a continuous, modest increase of MMR for the rest of the season.
      • Developers' note: We've been monitoring players' rating distribution, and the percentage of players who have reached the rating requirements is much lower than we want it to be.

November 15[]

Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where optional Dragonflight reagents could drop during the Uldaman Prologue.
  • Fixed an issue where Aquabombs in Ice/Water Storms could instantly kill players.
  • Players who have reached level 60 and have completed the Shadowlands level up campaign on a different character will be able to choose the "Threads of Fate" option, allowing them to skip the level up campaign to begin the endgame of Shadowlands.
    • Developers' note: The Threads of Fate system is still no longer available for any characters who haven't already entered it prior to the recent update.

November 11[]

  • Warlock
    • Spell shadow deathpact [Dark Pact] now shields you for 200% of health sacrificed (was 250%).
    • Spell shadow deathpact [Dark Pact]'s additional shield amount has been reduced by 50%.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to complete the worgen starting zone.

November 10[]

Player versus Player
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Classes
    • Hunter
      • Fixed an interaction with Ability hunter fervor [Roar of Sacrifice] and pets that would cause the pet to take significant damage, usually killing the pet.
  • User Interface and Accessibility

November 9[]

  • Fixed an issue where several quest NPCs were not able to be interacted with after a cutscene.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • User Interface and Accessibility
    • The commentator UI will no longer display the number players remaining.

November 8[]

Player versus Player
  • Korrak's Revenge Anniversary event is now available. Head to the Player vs. Player Quick Match menu to join the battle.
  • Fixed an issue where Korrak's Revenge couldn't be queued for below level 60.
User Interface and Accessibility
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Achievements
    • Players on Classic Era realms who earned the "Immortal" achievement during Season of Mastery and have lost their Inv shirt 13 [Tabard of Mastery] can now purchase a replacement from the Tabard Vendor at any Capital City Embassy.
  • Dungeons and Raids
    • The Fungal Creep debuff from the Loatheb encounter will now fall off if players are not in active combat with Loatheb.
  • User Interface and Accessibility
    • Directing your pet to attack now makes you immune to Ability sap [Sap].

November 7[]

Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Priest
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Fixed an issue where Rank 1 of Spell shaman elementaloath [Elemental Oath] could stack with other effects that grant a party or raid increased Spell Critical Hit Chance.

November 4[]

User Interface and Accessibility
  • Fixed an issue where action bars could get cleared when switching loadouts.
  • Fixed an issue where some characters may be unable to change their talents.

November 3[]

User Interface and Accessibility
  • Fixed an issue where the Void Storage NPC could not be interacted with if the UI was close with the 'Esc' key.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Friendly Players" option appeared twice in the Interface options menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused gamepad bindings to disappear for ranged characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the cast bar would disappear when casting a spell while in edit mode.
  • Fixed an issue where max background FPS was uncapped if max foreground FPS toggle was unchecked.
  • Fixed an issue where users were getting an error when updating their UI through edit mode.
  • Fixed an issue where some non-PvP items were displaying PvP tooltips while browsing in the Auction House
  • Fixed an issue that was causing memory leaks for some Mac users when Alt-Tabbing.
  • Fixed an issue where some transmogs were not displaying correctly on Worgen when changing forms.
  • Fixed an issue where several objects in the Legion Mage Class Order Hall appeared unlit.

November 2[]

Player versus Player
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Achievements
    • The Battlemaster achievement should now correctly grant the Battlemaster title.

November 1[]
