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MobHoundmaster Kerrax
Image of Houndmaster Kerrax
Gender Male
Race Fel lord (Demon)
Level 47 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Defiled Path, Antoran Wastes
Status Killable

Houndmaster Kerrax is a fel lord located inside a cave at the Defiled Path in the Antoran Wastes.


  • Blazing Leap - Leaps to a random enemy's location unleashing a blast of fel energy inflicting Fire damage to all players within 10 yards.
  • Chaotic Felburst - Channels the chaotic energies of the Twisting Nether forming missiles of fel energy every 0.5 sec for 10 sec. Upon impact the projectile explodes inflicting Fire damage to all enemies within 5 yards of the impact.
  • Rumbling Slam - Slams the ground in the direction of a targeted player, inflicting Physical damage to all players in a line and knocking them back.


Objective of[]


  • Feel your hearts wrench as the grasp of Sargeras tightens around your world!
  • Fragile mortals. Bow before the might of the Burning Legion!
  • The end of your world has begun!
  • You cannot escape! Our reach is endless!
  • You... will... DIE!
  • Your world crumbles around you, mortals. We cannot be stopped!
  • Weak flesh and brittle bones... You are no match for the Legion!
  • Your world trembles in our wake!

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