The House of Plagues is one of the five houses that rule Maldraxxus, the crafters of toxins and potions.[1] Its seat was destroyed at some point before the events of Shadowlands, after the anima draught began,[2] after they were approached by a lich of the House of Rituals (who may have been responsible for the explosion that caused their fall),[3] and before Margrave Stradama was to send a letter to someone discussing what had happened to the Primus.[4] The House is currently struggling to survive. Of those who survived the fall of the house, many ended up being taken by the plagues released.[5] Many survivors continue to help rebuild the house, keeping experiments going while they recover.[6][7] The living slimes are the dearest of friends to the house and extremely useful,[8] such as being used in many of the poisons of the House of Eyes.[9]Fungrets can be seen guarding the entrance of the house.[10] The House of Eyes believed they fell due to conspiracy, rather than a simple accident as others believed.[11]
Every House of Maldraxxus has two Barons.[12] It is not clear who are the Barons of the House of Plagues, but Plague Deviser Marileth researched directly under the Margrave, was her confidant, considered himself responsible for the house as a whole,[2] and was her soulbind.[13] Similarly, Foul-Tongue Cyrlix is the "Master of Mixing" and directing many of the survivors and their experimentation at Plague Watch.[14]
Unlike the other houses, their banner's symbol is the same as that of the Necrolord Covenant as a whole.