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MobHu'seng the Gatekeeper
Image of Hu'seng the Gatekeeper
Gender Male
Race Terracotta warrior (Humanoid)
Level 32-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stormsea Landing, Isle of Thunder[59.2, 44.6]VZ-Isle of ThunderBlip
Status Killable

Hu'seng the Gatekeeper is a terracotta warrior found at the Stormsea Landing on the Isle of Thunder.


  • Empower Axe — Increases damage dealt by 150% and decreases movement speed by 50% for 10 sec. 2.76 sec cast. Telegraphed with...
    Hu'seng the Gatekeeper casts [Empowerer Axe]! Run away!
    Hu'seng the Gatekeeper says: You are finished!
    • Fixate — Flee for your life! While Fleeing, movement speed increased by 70%. Instant. 9 sec "debuff". Cast by Hu'seng on the champion after casting Empower Axe.
    • Hook 20-60 yd range — Inflicts 150 Physical damage and pulls the target to the caster. 0.92 sec cast. Hits for ~40K Physical on cloth.
  • Cease — Slams the ground, causing an earthquake. 1.84 sec cast. Summons Chains that root the champion in place. Followed up with...
    Hu'seng the Gatekeeper says: Trespassers will be executed!
    Hu'seng the Gatekeeper begins to cast [Desist]! Kill the Chains to free yourself!
    • Desist 40 yd range — Inflicts 146,250 to 153,750 Physical damage to all enemies within 15 yards. 9.2 sec cast. Large area of effect marked on the ground.
  • Lightning Storm — Lei Shen has been angered and calls down a Lightning Storm, leaving a Lightning Strike at the locaiton. Instant. Cast at ~40%. Telegraphed with...
    Hu'seng the Gatekeeper says: To strike me is to strike his Majesty! He will not suffer this insult!
    Lei Shen has become angered and calls down a [Lightning Storm]!
    • Lightning Storm — Inflicts 15,900 Nature damage every 1 sec. Instant. Triggered while standing in the pools.


Hu'seng will likely start off with an Empower Axe cast. Start running away from him with help via the Fixate speed increase, but don't get too far that he starts casting Hook.

At 50% of total health remaining, Hu'seng will cast Cease, summoning chains that will root the champion in place. The chains only have ~100K health, so quickly destroy them before he gets his Desist cast off, which will hit all units in the marked area of effect for ~150K Physical damage.

At 20% total health remaining, Lei Shen will get upset and unleash a Lightning Storm upon the area. Standing in the pools will inflict 15K Nature damage a second, so move quickly.

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