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AllianceHuman Commoner
Image of Human Commoner
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stormwind City

Human Commoners show up only during Holiday events inside Stormwind City and Dalaran. They usually show up in pairs.



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Dark Portal Opens

They say the elves have stirred themselves from their forest for the first time in years. But to join the Horde? It can't be true, can it?

  • The draenei... it's almost too much to believe. But if they follow the Light, they can't be that bad.
  • The Burning Legion has returned! What can we do to stop them?
  • How could the elves betray us? We were never the greatest of friends, but joining the Horde?
  • The armies of the Burning Legion are attacking all across Azeroth. We need heroes to throw them back!
  • The Dark Portal coming alive? This can't be good.
Hallow's End

When Hallow's End is over we'll smash all these pumpkins. That'll be the greatest day I've ever known!

  • Brains... braaaiiins!
  • For the Horde!
  • What do you think of the mask?
  • We should go trick or treating later.
  • Next year, I'm dressing up as either a corsair or an assassin.
  • You know... why DO we celebrate this holiday?
  • I think I've eaten too much candy...
  • Are there any more inns we can visit for treats?
Lunar Festival

The Lunar Festival celebration being held by the druids is taking place in Moonglade. If that's too far for you to travel, they are offering transportation just outside Stormwind.

Pilgrim's Bounty

Pilgrim's Bounty is a time to reflect upon one's good fortune and share with all around you.

We hope that all of our noble allies will join us in feasting and celebration.

Midsummer Festival
  • I admire the skill that torch jugglers have.
  • Have you danced at the ribbon pole yet?
  • The Midsummer Fire Festival has something for everyone to enjoy!
  • Across the lands our fires burn strong and true!
Winter Veil

Greatfather Winter leaves toys for everyone under the tree in Ironforge during the feast of Winter Veil!


Noblegarden time! I've already found a lot of eggs. Great weather for the hunt, eh?


No other holiday matches the feasting and drinking of Brewfest!

Day of the Dead

During the Day of the Dead, people gather in graveyards to celebrate with and cherish the spirits of those they have lost.

You can find the festivities in the cemeteries of any major city, where you'll be able to cook, dance, don costumes, and more


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