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HordeHuman Infestation
Start Captain Keyton
End Captain Keyton
Level 7-30
Category Hillsbrad Foothills
Experience 1,500
Reputation +250 Undercity
Rewards Inv belt 23 [Binding Plates]
or Inv pants leather 14 [Slaver's Leggings]
or Inv bracer 12 [Officer's Armbands]
or Inv pants leather 14 [Web Coated Leggings]
Previous H [7-30] Trouble at Azurelode
H [7-30] Glorious Harvest
H [7-30] Past Their Prime
Next H [7-30] Trouble at the Sludge Fields


Capture 8 Hillsbrad Humans.


This mine was once the heart of Alliance mining operations in Hillsbrad. It now serves as a breeding ground for our loyal spiders, though, the humans still occupy it - in a way.

<Keyton grins.>

But onto business! Warden Stillwater has called for more workers at the Sludge Fields. I want you to enter the mine with these shackles and capture Hillsbrad humans for labor in the fields.

Break them out of their web paralysis and beat them into submission before you use the shackles.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv belt 23 [Binding Plates] Inv pants leather 14 [Slaver's Leggings]
Inv bracer 12 [Officer's Armbands] Inv pants leather 14 [Web Coated Leggings]

You will also receive:


We mustn't keep the warden waiting!


These will do nicely. I do wonder what the warden has planned for them. Last I heard the Sludge Fields were overrun by some very bad things.


Introduction and Azurelode Mine[]

Optional breadcrumbs: H [7-30] Empire of Dirt or H [7-30] Warchief's Command: Hillsbrad Foothills!

  1. H [7-30] Welcome to the Machine
  2. H [7-30] Trouble at Azurelode & H [7-30] Glorious Harvest & H [7-30] Past Their Prime
  3. H [7-30] Human Infestation & H [7-30] Thieving Little Monsters! & H [7-30] Coastal Delicacies!
  4. H [7-30] Deep Mine Rescue

Sludge Fields[]

  1. H [7-30] Trouble at the Sludge Fields
  2. H [7-30] No One Here Gets Out Alive
  3. H [7-30] Discretion is Key & H [7-30] For Science!
    Side quest: H [7-30] The Battle for Hillsbrad, H [7-30] Do the Right Thing
  4. H [7-30] A Lost Lad
  5. H [7-30] Freedom for Lydon
  6. H [7-30] Protocol & H [7-30] Do it for Twinkles
  7. H [7-30] Burnside Must Fall
  8. H [7-30] A Blight Upon the Land

Ruins of Southshore[]

  1. H [7-30] Trouble at Southshore
  2. H [7-30] Studies in Lethality & H [7-30] Green Living & H [7-30] Helcular's Rod Giveth... & H [7-30] Helcular's Command
    Side quest: H [7-30] Angry Scrubbing Bubbles, H [7-30G2] Trail of Filth

Purgation Isle[]

  1. H [7-30] Can You Smell What the Lok'tar is Cooking? (optional breadcrumb)
  2. H [7-30] *Gurgle* HELP! *Gurgle*
  3. H [7-30] Stormpike Rendezvous
  4. H [7-30] Kasha Will Fly Again
    Side quest: H [7-30] Terrible Little Creatures
  5. H [7-30] The Road to Purgation
  6. H [7-30] They Will Never Expect This...
  7. H [7-30] Heroes of the Horde!

Tarren Mill[]

Alterac Mountains[]

  1. H [7-30] Aid of the Frostwolf (breadcrumb in Tarren Mill)
  2. H [7-30] Matters of Loyalty
  3. H [7-30] March of the Stormpike
  4. H [7-30] Breaking the Hand
    1. H [7-30] Cry of the Banshee
    2. H [7-30] Decimation
    3. H [7-30] Infiltration & H [7-30] Deception and Trickery
    4. H [7-30] Domination
  5. H [7-30] Stormpike Apocalypse

Patch changes[]

External links[]
