The subject of this article was removed in patch 4.0.3a but remains in World of Warcraft: Classic.
Hunt for Yenniku | |
Start | Nimboya |
End | Nimboya |
Level | 34 (Requires 30) |
Category | Stranglethorn Vale |
Experience | 2000 |
Reputation | +100 Darkspear Trolls |
Next | [37] Headhunting |
In Hunt for Yenniku, you must hunt Bloodscalp Trolls in northern Stranglethorn Vale to prove to Nimboya that you are strong enough to help him save his chief's youngest son, Yenniku. This is the first quest in a long chain for this area.
Bring 9 Bloodscalp Tusks to Nimboya at the Grom'gol Base Camp.
A doom, there is. A doom on my chief's youngest son, Yenniku. As is a custom with our people, he was given to the Gurubashi Trolls of Zul'Gurub, but after my tribe, the Darkspear tribe, left with the orc Thrall, poor Yenniku was lost to us. I was sent from distant Orgrimmar, back to Stranglethorn, to search for my chief's son.
And I believe the Bloodscalp tribe has him.
If you would help me, then hunt the Bloodscalps. You may find them to the north. Gather their tusks and return to me.
<class>. Show me you have made prey of the Bloodscalp tribe.
Show me your trophies.
These are good tusks, <name>. You prove that you have the strength to hunt the Bloodscalps.
And that is good, because you are not done hunting them.
- [34] Hunt for Yenniku
- [37] Headhunting
- [41] Bloodscalp Clan Heads
- [40] Speaking with Nezzliok & [46] Speaking with Gan'zulah
- [45] The Fate of Yenniku
- [45] The Singing Crystals
- [46] The Mind's Eye
- [46] Saving Yenniku
Patch changes[]
- Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed.