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HordeHunt the Hunter
Start Witch Doctor Zentimo
End Krag'wa the Huge
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 20,560
Reputation +150 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards Inv cape mail zandalarquest b 01 [Bloody Warmother's Greatcloak]
or Inv bracer cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Loa Speaker's Bands]
or Inv bracer plate zandalarquest b 01 [Nazmani Warplate Armguards]
or Inv bracer mail zandalarquest b 01 [Death-Pledged Bindings]
or Inv bracer leather zandalarquest b 01 [Ritual Flayer's Armbands]
46g 80s
Previous H [20-60] Staying Hidden
Next H [20-60] The Last Witch Doctor of Krag'wa


Slay Warmother Boatema near the Frogmarsh.


Please, help us. De Frogmarsh is under siege! My master, de great loa, Krag'wa, is not willing to bend to de will of de blood trolls and their dark god. So now, dey are taking his power by force! Dey are slaying his children and taking his totems of power. Dey will even take Krag'wa and sacrifice him if we are not able to end dis madness!

Stop dem! Slay their leader. Perhaps dat will slow dem down for a while. It will give me time to find a more permanent solution.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv cape mail zandalarquest b 01 [Bloody Warmother's Greatcloak] Inv bracer cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Loa Speaker's Bands]
Inv bracer plate zandalarquest b 01 [Nazmani Warplate Armguards] Inv bracer mail zandalarquest b 01 [Death-Pledged Bindings]
Inv bracer leather zandalarquest b 01 [Ritual Flayer's Armbands]

You will also receive:




Your deeds do not go unnoticed. Zentimo spoke of you, before his passing.

When I did not bend to the blood trolls' corruption, they attacked. Now they seek to sacrifice me to their god.

I have no more followers to work through, but perhaps you will help more.




  1. H [20-60] To Gloom Hollow
  2. H [20-60] Staying Hidden
  3. H [20-60] Hunt the Hunter & H [20-60] Fallen Idols
  4. H [20-60] The Last Witch Doctor of Krag'wa
  5. H [20-60] A True Loa Feast & H [20-60] A Magical Glow
  6. H [20-60] Totemic Restoration
  7. H [20-60] Krag'wa the Terrible
  8. H [20-60] Krag'wa's Aid

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
