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NeutralHunting Lesson: Spiketail Beaver
Start Snowfeather Hatchling
End Snowfeather Hatchling
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Account
Category Battle Pets
Experience 16450
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous N [45] Deadly Prey


Defeat 3 Spiketail Beavers in Highmountain with your Snowfeather Hatchling.


<Your snowfeather hatchling has been interested in following beaver tracks recently. It must have found a new species to prey upon.>


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16450 XP




<The hatchling looks more confident after besting those beavers, and settles in for a nap. It will need some time to recover from this adventure.>


  • This quest requires the Snowfeather Hatchling to be in the attacking group not just summoned out like the previous quests.
  • Spiketail Beavers that accompany other critters like the Mud Jumpers do not count toward the quest. You must engage a beaver firsthand.


Bloodgazer Hatchling
  1. N [45] Raising Your Bloodgazer
  2. A [45] The Smell of Draenei / H [45] The Smell of Blood Elves
  3. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Erudite Manafiend
  4. N [45] Allies in Azsuna
  5. N [45] Bloodgazer Team Up
  6. N [45] Dangerous Prey
  7. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Fledgling Kingfeather
  8. N [45] The Unfavorable Faction
  9. N [45] Bloodgazer Bonding
  10. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Juvenile Scuttleback
  11. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Serpentrix
  12. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Felspider
  13. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Skorpyron
  14. N [45] Bloodgazer Team Rumble
  15. N [45] Bloodgazer Reunion
Direbeak Hatchling
  1. N [45] Raising Your Direbeak
  2. A [45] The Smell of Dwarves / H [45] The Smell of Tauren
  3. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Rose Taipan
  4. N [45] Allies in Stormheim
  5. N [45] Direbeak Team Up
  6. N [45] Dire Prey
  7. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Tiny Apparition
  8. N [45] The Unkindly Faction
  9. N [45] Direbeak Bonding
  10. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Golden Eaglet
  11. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Fenryr
  12. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Stormstruck Beaver
  13. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Krosus
  14. N [45] Direbeak Team Rumble
  15. N [45] Direbeak Reunion
Sharptalon Hatchling
  1. N [45] Raising Your Sharptalon
  2. A [45] The Smell of Night Elves / H [45] The Smell of Undead
  3. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Spring Strider
  4. N [45] Allies in Val'sharah
  5. N [45] Sharptalon Team Up
  6. N [45] Destructive Prey
  7. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Terror Larva
  8. N [45] The Uncongenial Faction
  9. N [45] Sharptalon Bonding
  10. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Auburn Ringtail
  11. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Dresaron
  12. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Vale Flitter
  13. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Xavius
  14. N [45] Sharptalon Team Rumble
  15. N [45] Sharptalon Reunion
Snowfeather Hatchling
  1. N [45] Raising Your Snowfeather
  2. A [45] The Smell of Humans / H [45] The Smell of Orcs
  3. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Northern Hawk Owls
  4. N [45] Allies in Highmountain
  5. N [45] Snowfeather Team Up
  6. N [45] Deadly Prey
  7. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Spiketail Beaver
  8. N [45] The Unfriendly Faction
  9. N [45] Snowfeather Bonding
  10. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Mudshell Conch
  11. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Naraxas
  12. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Coralback Fiddler
  13. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Ursoc
  14. N [45] Snowfeather Team Rumble
  15. N [45] Snowfeather Reunion

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