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AllianceI'm a Druid, Not a Priest
Start Birch Tomlin
End Birch Tomlin
Level 10-60
Category Tiragarde Sound
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Proudmoore Admiralty
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous A [10-60] Chasing the Leader & A [10-60] The Ruins Fought Back & A [10-60] A Marine Out of Water


Free 5 cursed raiders.


The remains of previous trespassers also arose when we set off the main trap.

Cranklefuse here has been demanding that I help them, and while I can't say I'm too familiar with turning the undead, I believe I have found a solution.

I've modified my staff to remove their curse. Take it and see if you can't help them.


You will receive:


Have you tried out that staff yet?


Another victory for druid magic! This staff is much more effective than any of Cranklefuse's gadgets.


Shortly after entering the cave of Gol Thovas proper while on A [10-60] Chasing the Leader and A [10-60] The Ruins Fought Back and A [10-60] A Marine Out of Water, find some rather displeased members of the Explorers' League in the middle of an argument:

Pendi Cranklefuse says: -to fix your mess!
Birch Tomlin says: My mess? MY MESS? I believe YOU were the one to set it off, you insufferable pip-
Pendi Cranklefuse says: Hyah!
Birch Tomlin says: Ow! That was my shin!
Pendi Cranklefuse says: You're lucky I can't kick any higher! Don't deny it! You set off the trap!

Get within 20 yards of a Cursed Raider and use the quest item's ability to aggro it and make it a temporary pet.

On complete of both:

Pendi Cranklefuse says: An opening! I'll race you out, Birch! Bet you can't catch me, even if you are part dog!
Birch Tomlin says: Wait! I am not a dog! And I'm surprised you can even run with those stubby legs of yours. I was certain you would just roll down any general incline.
Pendi Cranklefuse says: Oooh! When I catch my breath I'm soo going to kick you in the shins for that!


Optional breadcrumbs: A [10-60] Drust in Time, A [10-60] A Letter to the League

  1. Complete all of:


The name of this quest is a reference to the original Star Trek series where the USS Enterprise's surgeon, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Jackson DeForest Kelley), occasionally says in protest "I'm a doctor, not a [relevant profession]", where the relevant profession was replaced with whatever the crew was dealing with at the time.

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