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KyrianI Dreamed A Dream
Start Pelagos [45.2, 65.4]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
End Pelagos [45.2, 65.4]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 4,750
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] Seeds Away!
Next N [60] A Bittersweet Prize


Witness the ceremony.


This is quite a ceremony, everyone is here. This ritual is essential to the recreation of the Crest of Ascension and the preservation of Bastion.

We owe the Winter Queen and Willowblossom a great debt. Someday, I hope we can repay them.


You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 4,750 XP


Do you have the vessel?


She's... she's gone.


Speak with Pelagos again:

<Name>, everything is ready. With everything we've collected, we can finally receive the vessel.
Are you ready?
Gossip I am ready.

A cutscene plays:

Willowblossom says: Grubby, I'm so glad I got to see you before I go. Goodbye, my sweet little friend.
Pelagos says: Before you go? What do you mean?
Winter Queen says: Only a vessel of Ardenweald can contain the power of the grove.
Pelagos says: Willow, you... YOU are the vessel?!
Pelagos says: No! There must be another way!
Willowblossom says: Don't be sad for me, Pelagos. I've spent my whole life serving the forest. This is my chance to help all of the Shadowlands!
Willowblossom says: My final night was wonderful. I'm so happy you were here to share it with me.
Willowblossom says: I am ready, my queen.
Pelagos says: Willow... thank you. Bastion will never forget what you have given us. I will make certain of it.
The present fae and the Winter Queen all channel a spell into Willowblossom, as she is transformed into the vessel.

On the other side, interact with the Vessel of Ardenweald.


  1. N [60] Meet the Queen
  2. N [60] Who Are You Fooling?, N [60] Trinkle Trinkle Little Twerp
  3. N [60] Getting Backstage
  4. N [60] Picking Up Pelagos
  5. N [60] Evil Grubbies, N [60] Gorm Ruin Everything
  6. N [60] The Blue Seed
  7. N [60] Seeds Away!
  8. N [60] I Dreamed A Dream
  9. N [60] A Bittersweet Prize
  10. N [60] Heart of the Crest
  11. N [60] A New Age

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