Icecrown Glacier in World of Warcraft.

The glacier's entrance.
Icecrown Glacier is a large glacier located in Icecrown and can be found within the ground itself in an area between Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate and Corp'rethar: The Horror Gate, though it may extend beyond that. Most of the glacier has been split, and Icecrown Citadel was constructed within and around the fissure.[1] There is a network of tunnels beneath the ancient Thor Modan that leads to the Glacier.[2]
During the War of the Ancients, the blue dragonflight was decimated by Deathwing and the Demon Soul; many of the dragons, including Malygos's consort Sindragosa, fell to ground that later became covered by the Icecrown Glacier.[3]
Following the Third War, Illidan Stormrage targeted a spell summoned with the Eye of Sargeras in the ruins of Dalaran at the Glacier to destroy the Frozen Throne.[4] Later at the foot of the Citadel, Illidan and Arthas Menethil clashed in the Court of Bones.[5]
At some point, the Scarlet Crusade invaded the region, and Orman of Stromgarde died in it.
During the war against the Lich King, the glacier was under the control of the Scourge, with thousands of undead proliferating its grounds. Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the glacier is still held by the Scourge.[6]
In the RPG[]
- Main article: Icecrown#In the RPG
Notes and trivia[]
- Icecrown Glacier was the whole region's name in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, and the Lands of Mystery RPG book. It is also a Warcraft III melee tileset.
Icecrown Glacier in a map of The Frozen Throne.
Art of Icecrown Glacier, with the Frozen Throne in the background.
Patch changes[]
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.
- ^ Ultimate Visual Guide pg. 170
- ^
[15-30] Softening the Blow
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 136
- ^ Illidan's Task (WC3 BloodElf)
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 135
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 139