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Image of Ichoron
Gender Female
Race Water revenant (Elemental)
Level 15-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Violet Hold
Status Killable
Violet Hold
First 2 Random Bosses

Zuramat the Obliterator


Final Boss



Ichoron is a water revenant boss located in Violet Hold. If released, she is one of the first two bosses in the instance. The releases are random, so it is possible that you will not fight her.

Adventure Guide[]


Ichoron in World of Warcraft.

A foolish apprentice summoned this revenant from the Elemental Plane, only to discover that disgruntled soldiers of the Old Gods make poor pets. Ichoron slew her would-be master and has rotted in the Violet Hold ever since, eager to wreak vengeance on her jailors.


  • Spell nature crystalball Protective Bubble — Ichoron is shielded in a protective bubble, reducing all damage taken by 99%. Each attack or spell hit against Ichoron will remove one charge. This effect lasts until 35 charges are removed from the shield. When the shield expires, Ichoron bursts.
  • Spell yorsahj bloodboil yellow Burst — Ichoron bursts into 10 Ichor Globules, stunning her for 15 sec. For each Ichor Globule created, Ichoron loses 3% of her maximum health.
  • Inv elemental primal water Splash — When Ichoron bursts, she inflicts Frost damage to all players within 0 yards, knocking them back.
Ichor Globule
  • Spell nature acid 01 Merge — Ichor Globules move towards Ichoron and attempt to merge with her, healing her for 3% of her maximum health and destroying itself.
  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental Water Blast — Ichoron shoots a blast of water at a player, inflicting Frost damage and knocking them back.
  • Spell frost frostbolt Water Bolt Volley — Ichoron hurls watery bolts at all players within 45 yards, inflicting Frost damage.


Ichoron initially comes out with a "Protective Shield" buff with 35 charges that reduces any damage by 99%. Any attack or spell hit made on Ichoron will remove one charge. When all of the charges are gone, her shield will erupt, costing her 30% (170K on heroic) of her total health. The eruption will also knock nearby players back, causing damage. She will become untargetable and about ten low-health Ichor Globules will spawn around the room and move directly toward her. When a Globule reaches her or when there are no Globules left alive, she will become targetable again. This cycle will repeat: 35 Charges, Shield Eruption, Globules summoned.

Each Globule that reaches her once she is up will restore a small percentage of HP. Killing the Globules causes them to erupt, dealing damage and knocking back nearby players.

When she goes below 25% health (which is usually after three cycles) she will no longer have a shield or summon Globules, but will enrage, hitting hard. This final phase is a simple DPS race.

Tanking spots[]

A good spot to tank Ichoron is up the stairs to the back of the platform by the entrance. This bottlenecks incoming Globules, making them much easier to AoE down and giving them farther to run. Another suitable spot is in the pool which Ichoron emerges from, as no Globules spawn there. These locations also work in combination with the Defense Control Crystals.

Shield phase[]

During the shield phase Ichoron is practically immune from damage. Tanks will want to focus on abilities that directly give aggro, and not depend on abilities that require damage done to gain aggro. DPS should use quick-hitting attacks, rather than slow attacks with high damage, as what counts in this phase is the number of attacks, not the damage done.

Globules phase[]

When the Globules spawn, they should be stopped from reaching Ichoron. Because they explode when they die, players should avoid being close to them. The Globules die easily, and can either be killed with the Defense Control Crystals or with DPS.

Using the crystals requires some coordination: one player should be assigned to activate a crystal at the right moment, and the other players should be aware that the crystals will be used. Activating a Defense Control Crystal after Ichoron's bubble pops will kill all Globules and, if timed right, can stop any from reaching her. The crystals are the key to the Heroic achievement Spell frost summonwaterelemental 2 [Dehydration]. Note that using a crystal will cause all of the Globules to explode at the same time and can kill players if they are close to a group of Globules.

Using DPS requires a good tanking spot and well aimed, preferably ranged, AoE and other quick damage. The advantage is that it does not require any coordination, though players should still keep their distance from the Globules.

When Ichoron resurfaces (because a Globule reached her or all Globules were killed), the tank should pick her up again as quickly as possible.

Final phase[]

The final phase is a straightforward tank and spank. Because there is no more shield, tanks can use their normal methods of holding aggro again.


Ichoron's Protective Bubble severely reduces tank and DPS aggro, but does not reduce healer aggro.

Frost Resistance helps reducing the damage from the attacks by Ichoron.

Using a Defense Control Crystal will block the Achievement dungeon theviolethold 25man [Defenseless] achievement in Heroic. This is no a great drawback, as players will have plenty of opportunities to get this achievement in runs that do not involve Ichoron.


Normal mode
Heroic mode



I... am fury... unrestrained!
I will not be contained! Ngyah!!
Water can hold any form, take any shape... overcome any obstacle.
Killing a player
  • I am a force of nature!
  • I shall pass!
  • You can not stop the tide!
I shall consume, decimate, devastate, and destroy! Yield now to the wrath of the pounding sea!
I... recede.
Unused quotes
Stand aside, mortals!

In Hearthstone[]

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Ichoron appears as one of the bosses that can be encountered in the Dalaran Heist single-player experience in the Rise of Shadows expansion for Hearthstone.

Notes and trivia[]


Patch changes[]

External links[]
