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MobIk-Ik the Nimble
Image of Ik-Ik the Nimble
Gender Male
Race Hozen (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dread Wastes [55.2, 63.8]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
Status Killable

Ik-Ik the Nimble is a level 90 rare hozen found in a burrow in the Dread Wastes. He is a Pandarian champion.


Ik-Ik the Nimble shares abilities with all other hozen champions.

  • Inv misc food 23 Bananarang — Inflicts Physical damage to enemies near the giant banana. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Ability hunter aspectofthemonkey Going Bananas — The Hozen goes bananas, jumping around and inflicting physical damage on landing. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Inv food christmasfruitcake 01 Toss Filth — Coats the target in filth, increasing damage taken by (level - 80)% for 30 sec. Stacks. 0.5 sec cast.

As with most creatures in the Dread Wastes, Ik-Ik is also capable of using the following ability:
Spell frost stun Unstable Serum — Stuns nearby enemies for 5 sec.


Ik-Ik the Nimble always drops one of the following:

And has a chance to drop one or both of the following:


Ha ha, you no touch Ik-Ik!


As a Pandarian champion, defeating Ik-Ik the Nimble is part of the following achievements:

Patch changes[]

  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2012-12-10): Various Hozen rare spawn creatures are now less likely to evade and despawn.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added

External links[]
