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Main leader |
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Formerly |
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Secondary leaders |
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Formerly | See below |
Race(s) |
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Formerly |
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Capital |
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Formerly | Black Temple |
Other major settlements | Illidari Redoubt |
Formerly | Coilfang Reservoir, Hellfire Citadel, Tempest Keep |
Theater of operations | Outland, Azeroth, Mardum, Niskara, Argus, Twisting Nether |
Language(s) | Darnassian, Thalassian, Eredun, Common, Draenei, Nazja, Orcish |
Sub-group(s) | Servants of Illidan, Illidan's Naga, Ashtongue tribe, Fel Horde |
Former sub-group(s) | Sunfury |
Affiliation | Armies of Legionfall, Independent |
Status | Active |
Reputation | |
Quartermaster |
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Tabard |
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The Illidari (also known as Illidan's Forces,[3][4] or Illidan's forces,[5][6] and Illidan's army)[7][8][9] are the faction of Illidan Stormrage,[10][11] representing his servants[12][13][14] and a specific, elite faction of his army made of demon hunters.[15] Under the Slayer's leadership it changed to include Broken, naga, shivarra forces,[16] and various factions that have banded together under the Betrayer's rule.
During the Invasion of Outland, the Illidari were one of the prime enemies of the Alliance and Horde, the other being the Burning Legion. From the Black Temple, Illidan commanded vast armies throughout Outland, and even a few select groups on Azeroth, organizing his forces in their war to end the Burning Crusade. However, after Illidan's death at the Black Temple, many of the demon hunter survivors were imprisoned by Maiev Shadowsong in the Vault of the Wardens, along with the corpse of their master.
Years later, during the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the freed Illidari regathered with the forces left behind on Mardum, and seized control of the Fel Hammer, which became their order hall. Under the leadership of the Slayer, Illidan's right arm in his absence, the Illidari fought against the Burning Legion alongside the other class orders, united as the Armies of Legionfall.[17]
Please add any available information to this section.
Over the course of Illidan's career as one of Azeroth's most prominent heroes or villains, he had amassed various followers, servitors, and allies. Those that have flocked under Illidan's banner were enticed with either promises of power, vengeance, or were subjugated by Illidan himself. Most prominent of Illidan's followers were Illidan's demon hunter apprentices. Originally, Illidan trained night elf outcasts who became demon hunters to fight the Burning Legion during the Third War.
The Frozen Throne[]

Akama swearing allegiance to Illidan.
Following the Third War, Kil'jaeden confronted Illidan and made him an offer he could not refuse. Kil'jaeden was angered by Archimonde's defeat at Mount Hyjal, but he had bigger concerns than vengeance. Sensing that his creation, the Lich King, was growing too powerful to control, Kil'jaeden ordered Illidan to destroy Ner'zhul and put an end to the undead Scourge once and for all. In exchange, Illidan would receive untold power and a true place amongst the remaining lords of the Burning Legion. Illidan agreed and immediately set out to destroy the Frozen Throne, the icy crystal cask in which the Lich King's spirit resided. Illidan knew he needed allies to accomplish his tremendous task so he cast a powerful spell and called the naga to the surface, calling in some old Highborne debts.[18] A group of naga led by Lady Vashj emerged from the depths and pledged themselves to him. They did not come because of their shared history, nor did they respect his demonic power. They came because the Old Gods willed it. They noticed Illidan and his hunger for power and sent the naga to aid him in his campaign against the Lich King so that it could spark a new war. If the former night elf became troublesome, the Old Gods could simply command the naga to cut out his fel-corrupted heart.[19]
Illidan's attempts to destroy the Scourge ended in failure however, and Illidan retreated to Outland in order to escape Kil'jaeden's wrath. He then began a campaign to oust Magtheridon from power in Outland, in order to become the shattered planet's new lord. He bolstered his forces by recruiting Prince Kael'thas's Sunfury, and later trained some of them to become demon hunters, now serving him as his personal special ops army against the Burning Legion. His forces later discovered a surviving Broken village who were also fighting against the Burning Legion. The village's inhabitants, ruled by Akama, swore allegiance to Illidan in return for him liberating them from orcish and demonic oppression.[20] Ever since then, the elite Broken tribe that was Akama's Ashtongue tribe were officially aligned with Illidan, and consisted of the most vicious and bloodthirsty individuals, handpicked by Akama himself.[21][22]
The Burning Crusade[]
Despite the naga's original motivations, Vashj remained loyal to Illidan until she was slain by adventurers when they invaded her lair in Serpentshrine Cavern.[23] Even after Vashj's death, Lady S'theno — captain of the Coilskar tribe — had taken command of Illidan's Naga and have maintained their loyalty to Illidan and the Illidari.[24] Under the command of Vashj, the naga began to enslave the tribes of the Broken in an effort to bolster the naga's workforce and further their agenda in Outland. Nearly all of the Wastewalker tribe has been captured and put to work to drain the waters of Zangarmarsh. The plan was to take control of all the waters of Outland, and through them, its people.[25]
Mists of Pandaria[]
During their travel through Outland, the warlocks Kanrethad Ebonlocke and Jubeka Shadowbreaker of the Council of the Black Harvest sought the secret of how Illidan was able to control demons while not being a servant of the Burning Legion. They later discovered that the Betrayer used the Shrine of Lost Souls in the Black Temple, which feed his army of Illidari unbound demons in exchange for their service, freeing them from the addiction of fel magic.[26]

The modern leadership of the Illidari.
After numerous campaigns against the Burning Legion in Legion-controlled worlds, their last successful mission was to retrieve the [Sargerite Keystone] during the invasion of Mardum. When they returned, however, they found Illidan had fallen during the Sha'tar's assault on the Black Temple. The Illidari demon hunters were imprisoned by Maiev Shadowsong and her wardens who were waiting for them when they returned to Outland. However, during the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Maiev freed the demon hunters so that they would contribute to Azeroth's defense. The freed demon hunters had then reformed the Illidari as their demon hunter class order and have taken command of Illidan's remnant forces in order to continue their crusade against the Burning Legion.
Despite Akama's conspiracy to overthrow Illidan during the invasion of Outland, the Ashtongue tribe appear to have maintained their allegiance to the Illidari and have fought for them during the third invasion of the Burning Legion under the leadership of Battlelord Gaardoun.[27]
After the disastrous Battle for the Broken Shore, the Alliance and Horde mourned the deaths of High King Varian Wrynn and Warchief Vol'jin. During the funerals of the Alliance and Horde's deceased leaders, Illidari envoys discovered a plot by demons masquerading as guards to ambush the gathered faction leaders during their time of mourning. The Illidari revealed these demon assassins and aided the Alliance and Horde in repelling the ambush. For their service, the Alliance and Horde welcomed the Illidari as allies in the war against the Burning Legion.
During the Argus Campaign, members of the Illidari traveled to Argus and to the invasion points.
Battle for Azeroth[]
While it is unknown what became of the Illidari after the Legion's fall, at the time of the Fourth War, the demon hunter Marius Felbane and his associate Tehd Shoemaker tracked down a demon named Syrawon the Dominus in Zuldazar,[28] hinting at the possibility that the Illidari continue to pursue the remaining demons on Azeroth.

The Illidari's former leadership, including Illidan Stormrage, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lady Vashj, and Akama.
Master of the Illidari[]
The Slayer - Placed in command by Illidan in his absence.
Illidan Stormrage - Lord of Outland, master of the Illidari. Now the jailor of Sargeras.
Leaders of the Illidari[]
Altruis the Sufferer - Betrayed the Illidari when he saw Illidan becoming the very thing he opposed, but rejoined during the third invasion of the Burning Legion.
Kayn Sunfury - Loyal soldier and one of Illidan Stormrage's most trusted lieutenants.
Akama - Leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn, defected but later rejoined or was submitted during the third invasion of the Burning Legion.[1]
Lady S'theno - Leader of the Coilskar forces that are summoned during the course of the Illidari invasion of Mardum.
Battlelord Gaardoun - Leader of the Ashtongue forces that are summoned during the course of the Illidari invasion of Mardum.
Matron Mother Malevolence - Leader of the Shivarra forces that are summoned during the course of the Illidari invasion of Mardum.
- Formerly
Lady Vashj † - Leader of Illidan's naga, former Handmaiden to Queen Azshara.
Kael'thas Sunstrider † - Prince of the blood elves, defected to the Burning Legion.
Kargath Bladefist † - Warchief of the Fel Horde
Gruul the Dragonkiller † - Overlord of the ogres of Outland
The Illidari Council † - Talented blood elves serving Illidan as advisors.
High Warlord Naj'entus † - Entrusted with the protection of the Black Temple.
The demon hunters[]

Illidan Stormrage and his demon hunters.
The most elite of Illidan's armies are his demon hunter servitors, night elves and blood elves trained to be the Betrayer's mightiest enforcers, the bane of demonkind. Zealously loyal to their master, the Illidari demon hunters have a strong identity and a close bond, although their heavy fel corruption and demonic techniques have inspired dread in their fellow elves. Prominent demon hunters took control of Illidan's depleted armies after their master's defeat at the Black Temple, and lead the remaining Illidari as they seek out their leader and battle the Burning Legion.
According to the Slayer's choice, their foremost lieutenant is either Altruis the Sufferer or Kayn Sunfury. The Illidari's motive for seeking out their master will change depending on whom the adventurer chooses as their right-hand-man: Altruis, no longer loyal to Illidan, desires new leadership for the Illidari; Kayn, loyal to Illidan's cause, wishes to rescue him from his predicament.
Night elf - Illidan brought some night elf demon hunters from Azeroth with him, and others sought him out at the Black Temple for training.
Blood elf - Some blood elves Kael'thas brought with him from Azeroth also train under Illidan.
Illidari demon hunters[]
The Illidari Demon Hunters were the top demon hunters serving Illidan as part of the forces under his command. The four (three night elves and one blood elf) trained initiates and supplicants at the Ruins of Karabor. They were named Varedis Felsoul, Alandien, Netharel, and Theras.
A fifth demon hunter at Illidan's service, Leotheras the Blind, does not hold the title of "Illidari Demon Hunter", apparently because he went insane during the training that killed three of his fellow trainees.
Illidan's Forces[]

Illidan's forces before attacking Magtheridon.
The main group of Illidari that are explicitly labeled as such seem to serve as an elite group within the overall faction. This group is composed mostly by demons of many species, particularly nathrezim, sayaad, terrorguards, felguard, and satyr, former minions of the Burning Legion who switched their allegiance after the defeat of Magtheridon.
They dwell primarily in Shadowmoon Valley and the Black Temple though a few Illidari Taskmasters can be found in Hellfire Peninsula.
The Illidari Taskmasters who dwell in the Ruins of Sha'naar in Hellfire Peninsula lord over the Dreghood Broken as they search for one of the seven Ata'mal crystals. In Shadowmoon Valley, Illidari appear to serve as front-line foot soldiers against the Sha'tar as they bring the war against Illidan to the steps of the Black Temple.
Illidan's Naga[]
Naga - Calling in some old Highborne debts from ten millennia earlier, Illidan raised the naga from their undersea lairs in order to aid him in obtaining the Eye of Sargeras, as well as preventing Maiev from following him. Under the direction of Lady Vashj - The naga followed Illidan into Outland where they were instrumental in both obtaining the aid of the blood elves and laying siege to Magtheridon's fortress. They now control the watery areas of Outland, including much of Zangarmarsh.
- Bloodscale - The Bloodscale naga control the area around Serpent and Marshlight Lakes in northern Zangarmarsh. They were led by Rajis Fyashe.
- Darkcrest - The Darkcrests control the area around Umbrafen Lake and the Lagoon in southeastern Zangarmarsh. They were led by Rajah Haghazed.
- Wrathfin - These naga are located within the Underbog. They were led by Overseer Tidewrath.
- Coilfang - These naga are located within Coilfang Reservoir, a gigantic drain in the middle of Serpent Lake in Zangarmarsh. They were led by Vashj.
- Coilskar - The only confirmed naga tribe outside of Zangarmarsh, this tribe controls the only sources of pure water in Shadowmoon Valley and are based at Coilskar Point — directly in the shadow of the fel-volcano known as Hand of Gul'dan. They are led by High Warlord Naj'entus who resides within the Black Temple; following its fall, they are now commanded by Lady S'theno.
Mur'gul - The naga enslaved many mur'gul to act as both warriors and slaves.
Illidari blood elves[]
Though Kael betrayed Illidan and now serves Kil'jaeden, some blood elves are still loyal to the Betrayer, such as the demon hunter initiates under Varedis, the elite demon hunters under Kayn Sunfury, and the Eclipsion - Blood elves under Grand Commander Ruusk.
Illidari Council - The Illidari Council were among the most talented and powerful blood elves Kael'thas Sunstrider led to Outland. The prince left them in Shadowmoon Valley to advise and assist his master, Illidan Stormrage, while he left for Netherstorm. The council vied for Illidan's favor and frequently schemed against one another, naming themselves the Illidari Council in a mostly ostentatious display, but Illidan acknowledged that they were exceptionally gifted in their respective fields: Gathios the Shatterer in matters of war and logistics,Veras Darkshadow in the realms of espionage and shadowing, Lady Malande's talent for upholding relations with Illidan's other servitors, and High Nethermancer Zerevor's arcane mastery. The council remained some of Illidan's most steadfast followers even after their own prince's defection to the Burning Legion.
- Eclipsion - A group of powerful Blood elves, loyal to Illidan, who are located in southern Shadowmoon Valley, led by Grand Commander Ruusk. Their champion is Ruul the Darkener. They also employ Eclipsion Dragonhawks and Eclipsion Hawkstriders.
- The Crimson Sigil is the most trusted legion of blood elf troops loyal to Illidan Stormrage, and the most elite blood elf forces outside of the Black Temple. Their headquarters is Crimson Watch, along the Path of Conquest in Shadowmoon Valley. Their most powerful member is Torloth the Magnificent.
Illidari demons[]

Illidari Eredar on the Fel Hammer.[2]
Demons - Magtheridon, as a servitor of the Burning Legion, took control of Outland and brought legions of demonic forces with him. When Illidan toppled Magtheridon, many of these demons swore allegiance to the new lord of Outland. Illidan's demons are free of their natural magic addiction, and the usual fel taint seen alongside the Burning Legion is not present with them.[29] Illidan's shivarra, under Mother Shahraz in the Black Temple, now follow Matron Mother Malevolence in continued service to the Illidari. The types of demons that are seen in the Illidari are:
Illidan's Servitors[]
Satyr - A group of satyrs under Illidan, apparently brought by Illidan to Outland when he left Azeroth. The bulk of them were killed by Maiev Shadowsong on Kalimdor. Notable members are Zandras and Ambassador Jerrikar.
Illidari Broken[]
Broken -The Betrayer obtained the aid of Akama and his Broken draenei sometime before the siege of the Black Temple. The Broken proved to be proficient assassins and scouts, and were able to allow Illidan and his army to reach Magtheridon. Though only the Broken of Akama's tribe serve Illidan willingly (though the same cannot be said of Akama himself), Illidan's forces in Hellfire Peninsula and Zangarmarsh have enslaved Broken for menial labor. Tribes working for Illidan:
- Ashtongue tribe - A tribe of Broken in the service of Illidan Stormrage, they joined him to defeat Magtheridon and retained the alliance. They are the most evil Broken tribe, and are used by Akama just to hide his true intentions. Following the fall of the Black Temple, Battlelord Gaardoun now commands the remaining Ashtongue loyal to the Illidari.
- Murkblood - A group of this Broken tribe that resides in Nagrand serves the faction in Underbog,[30] the faction in Underbog is allied or enslaved by Lady Vashj, and the last faction is enslaved by the Dragonmaw clan. They are led by Swamplord Musel'ek.
- Dreghood - Almost all of the tribe is enslaved by the Illidari.
- Wrekt - A part of this Broken tribe was enslaved by Illidan's Naga, the other part joined with the Lost Ones of Tuurem and have allied with Prince Kael'thas' blood elves.
- Greyheart - A tribe of Broken draenei loyal to Illidan Stormrage. They inhabit Serpentshrine Cavern in Coilfang Reservoir and fight alongside the Coilfang Naga.
- Wastewalker - A tribe of broken who are enslaved within the Slave Pens of Coilfang Reservoir in Zangarmarsh.
Fel Horde[]

Banner of the Fel Horde.
Fel orcs - When Illidan invaded Outland, Magtheridon's primary non-demonic forces were fel orcs, corrupted by his own blood. Led by Kargath Bladefist, the fel orcs are now in the Betrayer's service and primarily man the battlements of Hellfire Citadel. In addition, members of the Shadowmoon clan could be found on the Ata'mal Terrace of Illidan's Black Temple, and the survivors of the Dragonmaw clan — under their aged chieftain, Zuluhed the Whacked — captured and took control of nether drakes for service in Illidan's armies.
- Shattered Hand clan - Led by Kargath Bladefist
- Shadowmoon clan - Led by Teron Gorefiend
- Bonechewer clan - Led by Tagar Spinebreaker
- Bleeding Hollow clan - Led by Grillok "Darkeye"
- Dragonmaw clan - Led by Zuluhed
- Laughing Skull clan - Chieftain unknown
Former allies[]
Kael'thas' forces[]
Kael'thas's Blood elves - Illidan was briefly captured by his long-time jailor and nemesis, Maiev Shadowsong, shortly after arriving in Outland. It was primarily due to the intervention of Kael'thas Sunstrider and his blood elves that allowed the naga under Lady Vashj to free him. The blood elves under Kael's command, having been scorned by the Alliance, swore allegiance to Illidan and aided him in toppling Magtheridon. The Betrayer's most trusted legion of blood elf warriors is known as the Crimson Sigil; they are the highest commanders of the Illidari outside of the Black Temple itself.
- Crimson Hand - The closest cadre of blood elves to Kael'thas Sunstrider and among his elite guards in the Eye of Tempest Keep.
- Bloodwarder - Elite fighting force of blood elves loyal to Prince Kael'thas (with one major exception). Their greatest numbers are within Kael's seat of power within Tempest Keep.
- Firewing - Firewing blood elves work for Kael'thas and Illidan, they are using the Broken draenei of Tuurem, the Wrekt, as smuggling go-betweens for the creation of the mana bombs.
- Sunfury - High-ranking blood elves once loyal to Kael'thas Sunstrider. The bulk of their army had been established both in Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley, while several of their members left the main contingent to follow other pursuits; mainly, the Scryers and the blood elven forces loyal to Illidan Stormrage.
- Sunhawk - A group of blood elves loyal to Kael'thas Sunstrider. A small group of them was led by Sironas in Bloodmyst Isle.
- Sunseekers - A group of blood elves fiercely loyal to Kael'thas Sunstrider. They are established in Tempest Keep.
Gruul the Dragonkiller and his seven sons allied with the Illidari, though to what extent is unclear.[31]
Lost One[]
Lost Ones - A few corrupted tribes of Lost Ones can be found serving Illidan and his allies. Other tribes seem to have been enslaved.
- Tuurem - This Lost One tribe has allied with Kael'thas' blood elves.
- Umbrafen - This Lost One tribe is allied with Illidan's naga. They are led by Kataru.
Notable members[]
- Main article: Illidari members
- Formerly
Cyana Nightglaive † - Traitor who followed Cordana Felsong.
Keli'dan the Breaker † - Jailor of Magtheridon.
Val'zareq the Conqueror † - Head of the Crimson Sigil.
Grand Commander Ruusk † - Leader of Eclipse Point.
Torloth the Magnificent † - Champion of the Crimson Sigil.
Shadowlord Deathwail † - Leader of Ata'mal Terrace and held the Heart of Fury.
Vagath - Jailor of Maiev Shadowsong.
Lothros - Lieutenant of Illidan at Illidari Point.
Arzeth the Merciless - Leader of the Illidari forces at the Ruins of Sha'naar.
Painmistress Gabrissa - Leader of Illidari Point.
Illidari Lord Balthas of Netherwing Ledge.
Lady Shav'rar † - Leader of Coilskar Point.
Oronu the Elder † - Leader of the Ruins of Baa'ri.
Chancellor Bloodleaf † - Ambassador to the giants.
Envoy Icarius † - Illidari messenger, guarded by Blood Lord Zarath.
Voren'thal the Seer - Leader of the Scryers, defected to the Sha'tar.
Grand Magister Rommath - Brief member of the Illidari; returned to Azeroth and helped form an alliance between Quel'Thalas and the Horde using his contacts on Outland.[32]
Overlord Mor'ghor † - Defected to the black dragonflight, he returned to Azeroth and become the leader of the Dragonmaw clan at Twilight Highlands.
[Illidari Rations]
[Illidari Service Papers]
[Illidari Tabard]
[Mark of the Illidari]
[Stolen Illidari Blindfold]
In the RPG[]
After the failed assault on the Frozen Throne, the blood elves remained in Illidan's army. They befriended the naga, whom they saw as brothers. Once the Scourge is taken out, they are planning to take over Kalimdor and driving out all the hated races.[33] The naga notably attacked Tol Barad to free the emprisoned blood elf evoker Zae'Rathis the Mad.[34]
Illidan wanted to create another Well of Eternity on Outland to fuel his blood elves' magical addiction.[35]
Illidan continues to plot with his generals, working out a new plan of attack. His list of enemies is long: the night elves, the Alliance, and the Lich King himself. He crosses into Azeroth rarely, and only when he is sure his enemies will not spot him. It is not time to attack yet, but the time is coming.[36]
- Under the guidance of uncooperative mo'arg engineers, demon hunters were able to create several portals to Mardum.[37]
- Loramus Thalipedes is an original member of the Illidari,[38] but pre-dates the others by being a demon hunter on Azeroth since vanilla.
- Initially, the adventurer was referred to as the Master in early demon hunter campaign quests, even before Illidan named him the leader of the Illidari. In the live version of the questline, the player is referred to as Master in the quest following Illidan's promotion.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
- It was believed by some that the Illidari is not the overall name for Illidan's forces. Illidan Stormrage's biography lists his faction as "The Illidari." It is unlikely that he would be listed under an elite subdivision of his own forces, so it is likely the overall name. Ultimate Visual Guide lists him affiliated as an adversary (unlike Arthas, who is affiliated with his major army, the Scourge).
- It has been recently confirmed that it is a specific faction of Illidan's army.[15]
- Some believe Illidari may be an adjective form for Illidan's forces. Others believe that it is perhaps a title given to specific members of Illidan's forces. As a title, this appears to be used mostly with his demonic minions. Illidari does include the naga under the command of Lady Vashj, blood elves loyal to Kael'thas Sunstrider, the Ashtongue tribe of Broken under the leadership of Akama, and possibly numerous fel orcs and demons presumably from the armies of the previous Lord of Outland, Magtheridon. However, Illidan's Naga and the blood elves under Kael'thas use their own unique banners and tabards rather than those of the Illidari, which may suggest that they are not actually part of the Illidari itself. Most appear to be found in Shadowmoon Valley and the Black Temple. This suggests that the "Illidari" may be an inner circle of forces who are closest to Illidan and certain leaders, and perhaps form an elite guard.
- The Illidari Crusade[39][40][41][42] is likely the name for their mission to end the Burning Legion and their Burning Crusade.
An Illidari banner in Mardum.
The Hunt for Illidan TCG icon, based on the Illidari tabards.
Demon hunters training in the Ruins of Karabor.
Illidari Initiate in Hearthstone.
Illidari Inquisitor in Hearthstone.
Illidari Satyr in Hearthstone.
Command the Illidari in Hearthstone.
Black Temple Coin represents the Illidari symbol in Hearthstone.
- ^ a b
[10-45] Confrontation at the Black Temple
- ^ a b
[45] To Fel and Back
- ^ The Return to Northrend (WC3 Undead)
- ^ A Symphony of Frost and Flame (WC3 Undead)
- ^
[30] A Distraction for Akama
- ^ Civil War in the Plaguelands
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Illidan Stormrage
- ^
[25-30] The Ashtongue Tribe
- ^
[25-30] The Ashtongue Broken
- ^ The Characters of Warcraft/Illidan Stormrage
- ^ Warcraft Lore/Illidan Stormrage
- ^
[25-30] Against the Illidari
- ^ March Badness
- ^ Illidan (novel), chapter 8
- ^ a b Micky Neilson on Twitter: Was the term "Illidari" an umbrella term for all forces loyal to Illidan in BC, or an actual smaller, specific faction? "Illidari is specific."
- ^
[10-45] Into Our Ranks
- ^ Being Illidari: The Way Out Is the Way Through
- ^ World of Warcraft: Game Manual
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 86
- ^ Gates of the Abyss (WC3 BloodElf)
- ^
[25-30] The Ashtongue Broken
- ^
[25-30] The Ashtongue Tribe
- ^ Lady Vashj (tactics)
- ^
[8-45] Enter the Illidari: Coilskar
- ^ World of Warcraft: Illidan, chapter 12
- ^ Pursuing the Black Harvest
- ^
[8-45] Enter the Illidari: Ashtongue
- ^
[50RWQ] Syrawon the Dominus
- ^
[35] Infiltrating the Black Temple
- ^
[15-30] Ortor My Old Friend...
- ^ World of Warcraft: Illidan, chapter 27
- ^
[Letter from Lor'themar Theron]
- ^ Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 68
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 102
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 151
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 376
- ^
[Imp Generator]
- ^
[10-45] Loramus, Is That You?
- ^
[Sabatons of the Illidari Crusade]
- ^
[Footpads of the Illidari Crusade]
- ^
[Slippers of the Illidari Crusade]
- ^
[Boots of the Illidari Crusade]
External links[]