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NeutralIllidari, We Are Leaving
Start Archmage Khadgar
End Archmage Khadgar
Level 8-45
Category Demon Hunter
Experience 150
Previous N Demon hunter [8-45] Between Us and Freedom
Next Alliance A Demon hunter [10-45] The Call of War
Horde H Demon hunter [10-45] Audience with the Warchief


Speak to Archmage Khadgar.


The Legion has begun its invasion of our world. Across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, brave defenders are answering the call to arms.

However, they will ultimately fail without your aid. You Illidari were uniquely trained as weapons against the Legion.

I only ask that you come with me. Further instructions await you on the other side.


You will receive:


If you are ready, I will take you to our destination.

Are you prepared to leave?


After picking up the quest, simply talk to Khadgar again to turn it in. Upon completion, you permanently leave the starting experience version of the Vault of the Wardens and are instantly teleported to your faction's capital: the entrance to Stormwind Keep in Stormwind City or the entrance to the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar. Khadgar continues the questline at your new location by offering A Demon hunter [10-45] The Call of War or H Demon hunter [10-45] Audience with the Warchief.


  1. N Demon hunter [8-45] Breaking Out
  2. Complete both:
  3. N Demon hunter [8-45] Stop Gul'dan!
  4. N Demon hunter [8-45] Grand Theft Felbat
  5. Complete all of:
  6. N Demon hunter [8-45] All The Way Up
  7. N Demon hunter [8-45] A New Direction
  8. N Demon hunter [8-45] Between Us and Freedom
  9. N Demon hunter [8-45] Illidari, We Are Leaving

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Alliance Horde