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HordeIn Defense of Krom'gar Fortress
Start Chief Blastgineer Bombgutz
End Overlord Krom'gar
Level 10-30
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 4,400
Reputation +500 Orgrimmar
Rewards Zone buff: Achievement pvp h 08 [Krom'gar Legionnaire]
Previous H [10-30] Spare Parts Up In Here!
Next H [10-30] Eyes and Ears: Malaka'jin


Destroy 15 Gnomish Flying Machines or Bombers and 25 Gnome Wing Commanders.

  • Gnomish Flying Machine slain (15)
  • Gnome Wing Commander slain (25)


There's no time left. Here they come! Take control of a heavy gun and shoot the gnomes out of the sky! If that bomb takes too many hits it will blow, taking us all with it!

Defend the base, <name>! You're our only hope!

If we somehow make it out of this in one piece, report to Overlord Krom'gar.


The following spell will be cast on you:

Achievement pvp h 08 Achievement pvp h 08 [Krom'gar Legionnaire]

You will also receive: 65s


Our enemies surround us!


I have never seen such an act of bravery. You saved the base, sergeant - or should I say legionnaire! Lok'tar!


While using a Goblin Heavy Gun, shoot the planes to destroy them. Every time a plane is slain Gnome Wing Commanders will appear and slowly parachute down.


  1. H [10-30] Krom'gar Fortress
  2. H [10-30] Ashes to Ashes
  3. H [10-30] Report to Bombgutz
  4. H [10-30] Where Are the Parts?
  5. H [10-30] I Got Your Parts Right Here... / H [10-30] Between a Rock and a Hard Place / H [10-30] And That's Why They Call Them Peons...
  6. H [10-30] Spare Parts Up In Here!
  7. H [10-30] In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress
  8. H [10-30] Eyes and Ears: Malaka'jin (To Malaka'jin)

Daily Quest: H [10-30 Daily] Seek and Destroy

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