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AllianceIn Need of Ingredients
Start Krennan Aranas[37.3, 63.4]VZ-GilneasBlip
End Crate of Mandrake Essence[32.8, 66.4]VZ-GilneasBlip
Level 1-30
Category Gilneas
Race IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female Worgen
Experience 450
Reputation +250 Gilneas
Rewards 1s
Previous A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Among Humans Again
Next A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Invasion


Find the Crate of Mandrake Essence.


Ah, yes. The effects of the Curse cannot ever be fully cured as far as we know.

With treatment, however, your mind will remain yours... and not that of a wild animal.

We are fortunate that the treatment worked on you. Normally, I can only treat recent infections.

We'll need to continue your medication if we're to have you reverse the Curse.

I will need mandrake essence to brew another batch of my serum for you. You will find a crate stashed beneath a shed southwest of town.


You will receive: 1s


The crate has been smashed and the vials inside of it appear to have been broken.


Immediately southwest of town. Not down by the water. There's a Slain Watchman near the crate. Completing the quest shows a cutscene pointing down to the ships assaulting the beach. Interact with the Slain Watchman to continue.


  1. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Last Chance at Humanity
  2. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Among Humans Again
  3. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] In Need of Ingredients
  4. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Invasion
  5. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Kill or Be Killed
  6. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Hold the Line / A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] You Can't Take 'Em Alone
  7. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Holding Steady
  8. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Allens' Storm Cellar
  9. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Unleash the Beast / A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Two By Sea / A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Save the Children!
  10. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Leader of the Pack

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