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NeutralInconvenience Fee
Start Zackett Skullsmash [35, 23]VZ-Naxxramas-s1Blip
End Zackett Skullsmash [35, 23]VZ-Naxxramas-s1Blip
Level 1-70
Category Naxxramas
Rewards Inv trinket naxxramas03 [Mutually Beneficial Transactions] and one of: Inv misc desecrated clothbracer [Desecrated Cloth Bracers]
or Inv misc desecrated leatherbracer [Desecrated Leather Bracers]
or Inv misc desecrated mailbracer [Desecrated Mail Bracers]
or Inv misc desecrated platebracer [Desecrated Plate Bracers]
Zackett Skullsmash

Zackett Skullsmash

Inconvenience Fee is started by Zackett Skullsmash in the rafters above the Halls of Reanimation in the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas. He can be found after completing Inv jewelry talisman 12 [Wards of the Dread Citadel], which unlocks secrets in Naxxramas, and crafting the Ability rogue grapplinghook [Makeshift Grappling Hook].

Starting from Stalagg's platform, grapple to [23, 25]VZ-Naxxramas-s1Blip[25, 22]VZ-Naxxramas-s1Blip[27, 25]VZ-Naxxramas-s1Blip[24, 24]VZ-Naxxramas-s1Blip on the next layer up → [29, 24]VZ-Naxxramas-s1Blip[34, 21]VZ-Naxxramas-s1Blip

Once in range of him, toss a Inv potion 75 [Stratholme Holy Water] to wake him from a decade of "sleep".


Zackett Skullsmash in the rafters of Naxxramas has offered to overlook your transgression in exchange for a variety of items.


I have no idea how you managed to find me or what possessed you to douse a dead guy with holy water, but we can both agree that you owe me. That stuff hurts!

Fortunately for you, I like bribes more than my naps. I will happily overlook this horrible first impression you gave so you and I can be best pals; scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

What do you say?


The following will be cast on you:

Inv trinket naxxramas03 Mutually Beneficial Transactions — Unlocks the ability to exchange Scourgestones with Zackett Skullsmash for all characters on your account.

You will also be able to choose one of these rewards:


Hey, that was quick! What did you forget?


Whoa, look at this haul! You even remembered my coffee. Nobody remembers the coffee...

I like you. We're going to accomplish great things together. By that, I mean you are going to bring me Scourgestones, and I am going to trade you all of the spoils that dungeon delvers of old left behind when they ate dirt. Should have stood back up when they had the chance, like me!

I'll pack my things and meet you in the center ring.


Dowse him with Inv potion 75 [Stratholme Holy Water]:

Zackett Skullsmash yells: YEEEEOOWCH!
Zackett Skullsmash says: I have been napping for over a decade, what could I have possibly done to you to deserve that?!

Inv jewelry talisman 13 [Invader's Scourgestone] drops from bosses in original Scholomance and modern Stratholme.

Inv jewelry talisman 12 [Corruptor's Scourgestone] drops from bosses in Naxxramas.

Spell shadow sealofkings [Dark Rune] drops from mobs in old Scholomance and in Corin's Crossing and can also be found on the Auction House

Inv drink 15 [Black Coffee] is sold by vendors Kevin Browning in Shattrath, Travis Nichols in Stormwind, and Yuyan in Dazar'alor.

After completing the quest, Zackett will relocate to the center ring near the Portal to Eastern Plaguelands.


  1. N [1-70] Darkmaster's Scourgestone
    • Corruptor's Scourgestones (repeatable)
    • Many Corruptor's Scourgestones (repeatable)
    • N [1-70] Invader's Scourgestones (repeatable)
    • Many Invader's Scourgestones (repeatable)
  2. One of:
  3. Quests inside Naxxramas:

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