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Elemental Unrest
The subject of this article or section was part of the Elemental Unrest, a world event that heralded the beginning of the earth-shattering Cataclysm.
AllianceInfiltrating the Cult
Start Captain Anton [75.9, 44.2]VZ-Stormwind CityBlip
End Overseer Sylandra [31.3, 65.0]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
Level 80 (Requires 1)
Category Cataclysm
Rewards 6g 63s
Previous A [80] Signs Of The Times
Next A [80] Spreading The Word
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [80] Infiltrating the Cult.


Go to Stormwind's Old Town and either speak to a Doomsayer or take a robe from the crate near a Doomsayer to join the doomsday cult, then equip the Doomsday Inv chest cloth 17 [Recruit's Robe] you receive.

  • Join Doomsday Cult


It's getting difficult to keep the cultists out of the public eye and rumors are spreading across the city. I want you to join the cult and learn as much as you can.

Approach one of the doomsayers in Old Town and tell them you wish to join their group. The doomsayer will likely give you clothing and instructions to meet with other cultists in one of the group's hideouts. It's the only way to gain their confidence.


You will receive: 6g 63s (at 80)


Welcome, friend. We are honored that you have decided to embrace the truth and join us. Come, there will be more time to talk later and you have much to learn.


Pick up The Missing before heading out. Head to Old Town and pick up a Recruit's Robe, then exit Stormwind and take a right heading southwest to reach Mirror Lake Orchard, just across Mirror Lake. Sylandra can be found at [31.3, 65.0]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip outside the house on the western shore of the lake. Make sure that "Cult Disguise" is active or Sylandra will not be all that friendly.

I don't recognize you. Are you new here?

Gossip What are those devices that everyone is building?

Ah, you are new. Those devices are part of our master's plan to bring about the transformation of the world. They will unleash the fires of judgment and allow us to ascent to immortality. This is the master's promise.

Without the robe:

You don't belong here, outsider. Leave before you get yourself in trouble.

If you use a heirloom chest put it back before turning in the quest to benefit from the experience bonus. Sylandra won't give you quests but will accept the finished ones without the robe.


Optional breadcrumbs: A [80] The Elements Cry Out, A [80] The Wildhammer

  1. A [80] Prophecies Of Doom
  2. A [80] Signs Of The Times
  3. A [80] Infiltrating the Cult
  4. A [80] Spreading The Word
  5. A [80] The Master's Plan
  6. A [80] The Doomsday Plan
  7. A [80] Thwarting Twilight's Hammer
  8. A [80] Warn King Wrynn

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2010-11-01): Activated.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Added.

External links[]
