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AllianceIngrid Blackingot
Image of Ingrid Blackingot
Title <Primal Conquest Quartermaster>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Location Stormshield, Ashran
Status Alive

Ingrid Blackingot is a dwarf vendor located at the Stormshield in Ashran. She looks identical to Holly McTilla; amusingly, she wants to know where Holly gets her hair done.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.
Item Cost
Arsenal: Primal Gladiator's Weapons
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Chain Armor
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Dragonhide Armor
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Dreadplate Armor
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Felweave Armor
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Ironskin Armor
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Leather Armor
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01helm [Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Plate Armor]
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Satin Armor
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Scaled Armor
Ensemble: Primal Gladiator's Silk Armor
Inv misc cookednoodles [Pre-Mixed Pot of Noodles] 2g 50s
Inv shoulder cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Amice of Prowess]
Inv bracer mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Armbands of Cruelty]
Inv bracer mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Armbands of Prowess]
Inv bracer mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Armbands of Victory]
Inv chest mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Armor]
Inv bracer plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Armplates of Cruelty]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01bracer [Primal Gladiator's Armplates of Prowess]
Inv bracer plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Armplates of Victory]
Inv shield pvpdraenors1 d 02 [Primal Gladiator's Barrier]
Inv wand 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Baton of Light]
Inv staff 2h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Battle Staff]
Inv belt leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Belt of Cruelty]
Inv belt leather pvpmonk o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Belt of Prowess]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01buckle [Primal Gladiator's Belt of Victory]
Inv bracer leather pvpmonk o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Bindings of Cruelty]
Inv bracer leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Bindings of Prowess]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01bracer [Primal Gladiator's Bindings of Victory]
Inv mace 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Bonecracker]
Inv mace 2h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Bonegrinder]
Inv boot leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Boots of Cruelty]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01boot [Primal Gladiator's Boots of Prowess]
Inv boot leather pvpmonk o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Boots of Victory]
Inv cape draenorpvp d 02 leather blue [Primal Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty]
Inv cape draenorpvp d 02 leather blue [Primal Gladiator's Cape of Prowess]
Inv chest mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Chain Armor]
Inv glove mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets]
Inv helm mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Chain Helm]
Inv pant mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Chain Leggings]
Inv shoulder mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Chain Spaulders]
Primal Gladiator's Chestguard
Primal Gladiator's Chestguard
Inv axe 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Cleaver]
Inv cape draenorpvp d 03 mail purple [Primal Gladiator's Cloak of Cruelty]
Inv cape draenorpvp d 03 mail purple [Primal Gladiator's Cloak of Endurance]
Inv cape draenorpvp d 03 mail purple [Primal Gladiator's Cloak of Prowess]
Inv helm mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Coif]
Inv belt cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty]
Inv belt cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Cord of Prowess]
Inv belt cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Cord of Victory]
Inv helm cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Cowl of Cruelty]
Inv bracer cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Cuffs of Cruelty]
Inv bracer cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Cuffs of Prowess]
Inv bracer cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Cuffs of Victory]
Inv axe 2h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Decapitator]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01glove [Primal Gladiator's Dragonhide Gloves]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01helm [Primal Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01pant [Primal Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01robe [Primal Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01shoulder [Primal Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders]
Inv cape draenorpvp d 02caster blue [Primal Gladiator's Drape of Contemplation]
Inv draenorpvp d 01plate blue [Primal Gladiator's Drape of Cruelty]
Inv cape draenorpvp d 02caster blue [Primal Gladiator's Drape of Meditation]
Inv draenorpvp d 01plate blue [Primal Gladiator's Drape of Prowess]
Inv chest plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece]
Inv glove plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets]
Inv helm plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm]
Inv pant plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards]
Inv shoulder plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders]
Inv offhand 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Endgame]
Inv staff 2h pvpdraenors1 d 02 [Primal Gladiator's Energy Staff]
Inv shoulder cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Felweave Amice]
Inv helm cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Felweave Cowl]
Inv glove cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Felweave Handguards]
Inv chest cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Felweave Raiment]
Inv pant cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Felweave Trousers]
Inv boot mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Footguards of Cruelty]
Inv boot mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Footguards of Prowess]
Inv boot mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Footguards of Victory]
Inv glove mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Gauntlets]
Inv mace 1h pvpdraenors1 d 02 [Primal Gladiator's Gavel]
Inv belt plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01belt [Primal Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess]
Inv belt plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Girdle of Victory]
Primal Gladiator's Gloves
Primal Gladiator's Gloves
Inv glove cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Gloves of Prowess]
Inv sword 2h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Greatsword]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01glove [Primal Gladiator's Grips]
Inv axe 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Hacker]
Inv glove cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Handguards of Cruelty]
Inv helm leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Headcover]
Primal Gladiator's Helm
Primal Gladiator's Helm
Inv helm cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Hood of Prowess]
Inv glove leather pvpmonk o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ironskin Gloves]
Inv helm leather pvpmonk o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ironskin Helm]
Inv pant leather pvpmonk o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ironskin Legguards]
Inv shoulder leather pvpmonk o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ironskin Spaulders]
Inv chest leather pvpmonk o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ironskin Tunic]
Inv glove leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Leather Gloves]
Inv helm leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Leather Helm]
Inv pant leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Leather Legguards]
Inv shoulder leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Leather Spaulders]
Inv chest leather pvprogue o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Leather Tunic]
Primal Gladiator's Leggings
Primal Gladiator's Leggings
Primal Gladiator's Leggings
Inv pant cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Leggings of Prowess]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01pant [Primal Gladiator's Legguards]
Inv pant plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Legplates]
Inv bow 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Longbow]
Inv sword 1h pvpdraenors1 d 02 [Primal Gladiator's Mageblade]
Inv shoulder cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Mantle of Cruelty]
Primal Gladiator's Pauldrons
Primal Gladiator's Pauldrons
Inv polearm 2h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Pike]
Inv chest plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Plate Breastplate]
Inv chest plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Plate Chestguard]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01chest [Primal Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01gloves [Primal Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01gloves [Primal Gladiator's Plate Gloves]
Inv glove plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Plate Grips]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01helm [Primal Gladiator's Plate Helm]
Inv helm plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Plate Helmet]
Inv pant plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Plate Leggings]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01pants [Primal Gladiator's Plate Legguards]
Inv shoulder plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Plate Pauldrons]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01shoulders [Primal Gladiator's Plate Shoulders]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01helm [Primal Gladiator's Plate Visor]
Inv mace 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Pummeler]
Inv sword 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Quickblade]
Inv robe cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Raiment of Cruelty]
Inv shield pvpdraenors1 d 02 [Primal Gladiator's Redoubt]
Inv hand 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Render]
Inv offhand 1h pvpdraenors1 d 02 [Primal Gladiator's Reprieve]
Inv firearm 2h rifle pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Rifle]
Inv chest mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ringmail Armor]
Inv glove mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets]
Inv helm mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ringmail Helm]
Inv pant mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings]
Inv shoulder mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders]
Inv hand 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Ripper]
Inv robe cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Robes of Prowess]
Inv glove cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Satin Gloves]
Inv helm cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Satin Hood]
Inv pant cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Satin Leggings]
Inv shoulder cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Satin Mantle]
Inv robe cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Satin Robe]
Inv chest plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece]
Inv glove plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets]
Inv helm plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Scaled Helm]
Inv pant plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Scaled Legguards]
Inv shoulder plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders]
Inv knife 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Shanker]
Inv shield pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Shield Wall]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01shoulders [Primal Gladiator's Shoulderplates]
Inv shoulder cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Silk Amice]
Inv helm cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Silk Cowl]
Inv glove cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Silk Handguards]
Inv robe cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Silk Robe]
Inv pant cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Silk Trousers]
Inv sword 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Slicer]
Primal Gladiator's Spaulders
Primal Gladiator's Spaulders
Inv knife 1h pvpdraenors1 d 02 [Primal Gladiator's Spellblade]
Inv wand 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 [Primal Gladiator's Touch of Defeat]
Inv boot cloth pvppriest o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Treads of Cruelty]
Inv boot cloth pvpmage o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Treads of Prowess]
Inv boot cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Treads of Victory]
Inv pant cloth pvpwarlock o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Trousers of Cruelty]
Inv leather pvpdruid o 01robe [Primal Gladiator's Tunic]
Inv belt mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Waistguard of Cruelty]
Inv belt mail pvpshaman o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Waistguard of Prowess]
Inv belt mail pvphunter o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Waistguard of Victory]
Inv plate plate pvpwarrior o 01boots [Primal Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty]
Inv boot plate pvppaladin o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Warboots of Prowess]
Inv boot plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Primal Gladiator's Warboots of Victory]


Patch 6.2.3

Y'should speak with Holly McTilla if you're lookin' to square off against the best the Horde has to offer. Also, ask her who does her hair for me would ya?

Buy I would like to buy outdated equipment from you.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
