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NeutralInsect Part Analysis
Start Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser
End Alchemist Pestlezugg
Level 48 (Requires 43)
Category Tanaris
Experience 625 EXP (or 2s 70c at level 70)
Reputation +10 Gadgetzan
Previous N [48] The Scrimshank Redemption
Next N [48] Insect Part Analysis

This quest is part of the Rise of the Silithid quest chain.


Check in Gadgetzan for Alchemist Pestlezugg and his analysis of the insect parts.


I'm going to spend some time taking a look at Scrimshank's surveying gear... as well as putting his personal effects in order. I get the sneaking feeling behind my ears that this isn't the last loss we'll be facing against these bugs.

I'd like for you to check in with Alchemist Pestlezugg to see if he has had a chance to process the insect parts we sent him. If they're ready, bring them to me.


Yes, I have the results right here. They are... unsettling, to say the least

Our initial suspicion that the bugs are being controlled by an outside force, we believe, is correct. If this is the case, then we are dealing with not only a very powerful unknown force, but also a malignant one. These bugs have been changed to be pure ravagers. I've never seen anything quite like it.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. N [46] Gadgetzan Water Survey
  2. N [47] Noxious Lair Investigation
  3. N [48] The Scrimshank Redemption
  4. N [48] Insect Part Analysis
  5. N [48] Insect Part Analysis
  6. B [48] Rise of the Silithid
  7. B [53] March of the Silithid
  8. N [53] Bungle in the Jungle
  9. N [54G] Pawn Captures Queen
  10. B [54] Calm Before the Storm
  11. B [54] Calm Before the Storm

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